A Chinese Fantasia:The Song of Lite&Tao Hungching,et al. 1
咏怅集·集古&陶弘景等 8
Letter Severing Friendship&Chi Kang 14
与山巨源绝交书&嵇康 20
The Past and Future&Wang Shichih 30
兰亭集序&王羲之 33
To a Beauty&Tao Yuanming 38
闲情赋&陶渊明 41
Ah,Homeward Bound I Go!&Tao Yuanming 46
归去来辞&陶渊明 50
The Peach Colony&Tao Yuanming 54
桃花源记&陶渊明 59
The Emperor's Friend&Fan Hua 62
严光列传&范晔 68
An Invitation from a Mountain Resident&Wang Wei 72
山中与裴秀才迪书&王维 75
The Universe a Lodging House&Li Po 76
春夜宴桃李园序&李白 77
The Bailiff of Shihhao&Tu Fu 78
石壕吏&杜甫 80
The Sound of the Pipa on the Water&Po Chuyi 82
琵琶行&白居易 88
The North Peak of Lushan&Po Chuyi 94
庐山草堂记&白居易 102
The Beggar's Philosophy&Yuan Chieh 108
丐论&元结 111
Failing to Meet a Hermit&Chia Tao 114
寻隐者不遇&贾岛 115
The Origin and Preparation of Tea&Lu Yu 116
茶经(节录)&陆羽 124
The River of Folly&Liu Tsungyuan 130
愚溪诗序&柳宗元 134
A Great Love Letter&Tsui Inging 138
会真记(节录)&元稹 141
Country Palace&Yuan Chen 144
行宫&元稹 145
What the Donkey Said&Li Fuyen 146
驴言&李复言 151
Communion with Nature&Lu Kueimeng 154
书李贺小传后&陆龟蒙 161
A Painting of Five Hundred Lohans&Tsin 164
五百罗汉图记&秦观 174
Forlorn&Li Yi-an 180
声声慢寻寻觅觅&李清照 182
The Story of a Collection of Antiques&Li Yi-an 184
《金石录》后序&李清照 191
"In My Young Days"&Hsin Ch'ichi 202
丑奴儿少年不识愁滋味&辛弃疾 203
Inscription on the Hall of Idleness&Po Yüchien 204
慵庵铭&白玉蟾 206
编后记 209