第一部分(Part One)口译概述(An Overview of Interpretation) 1
一、口译简史(Development of Interpretation) 2
二、口译理论(Major Theories of Interpretation) 2
三、口译过程(Process of Interpretation) 3
四、口译类型(Types of Interpretation) 4
五、口译标准(Criteria of Interpretation) 5
六、译员素质(Qualification Requirements for Interpreters) 5
第二部分(Part Two)口译实践(Interpretation Practice) 7
第一单元Unit One政治生活Political Life 8
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 8
口译点评Notes and Tips 10
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 11
口译点评Notes and Tips 14
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 15
参考译文Reference Texts 23
补充材料Supplementary Materials 26
第二单元Unit Two经济活动Economic Activity 29
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 29
口译点评Notes and Tips 31
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 33
口译点评Notes and Tips 35
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 37
参考译文Reference Texts 44
补充材料Supplementary Materials 47
第三单元Unit Three文化交流Cultural Exchange 52
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 52
口译点评Notes and Tips 55
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 56
口译点评Notes and Tips 58
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 60
参考译文Reference Texts 63
补充材料Supplementary Materials 67
第四单元Unit Four商贸往来Business and Trade 70
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 70
口译点评Notes and Tips 72
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 74
口译点评Notes and Tips 76
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 78
参考译文Reference Texts 83
补充材料Supplementary Materials 87
第五单元Unit Five科技发现Scientific Discovery 94
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 94
口译点评Notes and Tips 96
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 97
口译点评Notes and Tips 99
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 99
参考译文Reference Texts 104
补充材料Supplementary Materials 107
第六单元Unit Six教育事业Educational Undertaking 110
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 110
口译点评Notes and Tips 112
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 114
口译点评Notes and Tips 116
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 116
参考译文Reference Texts 122
补充材料Supplementary Materials 125
第七单元Unit Seven医疗卫生Public Health and Medicare 128
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 128
口译点评Notes and Tips 130
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 132
口译点评Notes and Tips 133
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 135
参考译文Reference Texts 139
补充材料Supplementary Materials 142
第八单元Unit Eight体育事业Sports 145
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 145
口译点评Notes and Tips 147
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 148
口译点评Notes and Tips 150
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 152
参考译文Reference Texts 157
补充材料Supplementary Materials 161
第九单元Unit Nine环境保护Environmental Protection 165
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 165
口译点评Notes and Tips 167
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 168
口译点评Notes and Tips 170
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 171
参考译文Reference Texts 174
补充材料Supplementary Materials 177
第十单元Unit Ten社会现象Social Phenomenon 182
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 182
口译点评Notes and Tips 184
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 185
口译点评Notes and Tips 187
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 189
参考译文Reference Texts 193
补充材料Supplementary Materials 196
第十一单元Unit Eleven时尚娱乐Fashion and Entertainment 201
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 201
口译点评Notes and Tips 203
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 204
口译点评Notes and Tips 206
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 207
参考译文Reference Texts 210
补充材料Supplementary Materials 213
第十二单元Unit Twelve旅游观光Tourist Industry 215
英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation 215
口译点评Notes and Tips 218
汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation 219
口译点评Notes and Tips 221
词汇扩展Vocabulary Development 223
参考译文Reference Texts 227
补充材料Supplementary Materials 231
第三部分(Part Three)口译技能(Interpreting Skills) 234
数字口译Interpreting Numbers 245
称谓口译Interpreting Terms of Address and Titles 248
谚语口译Interpreting Proverbs 249
引语口译Interpreting Quotations 253
菜单口译Interpreting Chinese Menus 260
第四部分(Part Four)口译资料(Reference Materials) 265
会议口译员职业道德守则(AIIC Code of Professional Ethics) 266
主要国名、地区名及缩写(Names and Abbreviations of Countries and Regions) 270
主要国际机构名称(International Organizations) 272
联合国系统主要机构名称(The United Nations System) 278
中国国家机构、人民团体名称(China’s State Structure and People’s Organizations) 291
世界主要通讯社名称(International News Agencies) 297
英美主要报刊名称(Newspapers and Journals in UK and US) 299
世界主要航空公司名称(International Airlines) 303
度量衡换算表名称(Metric Conversions) 305
主要参考书目(Bibliography) 308