《唐宋词一百五十首 中英对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:许渊冲译
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1990
  • ISBN:7301012004
  • 页数:403 页

Anonymous〔无名氏〕 2

1.A Thousand Vows〔枕前发尽〕Tune:“Buddhist Dancers”〔菩萨蛮〕 2

Li Bo(701-762)〔李白〕 4

2.Sorrow of Separation〔平林漠漠〕Tune:“Buddhist Dancers”〔菩萨蛮〕 4

3.Autumn Thoughts〔箫声咽〕Tune:“Dream of a Palace Maid”〔忆秦娥〕 6

Zhang Zhihe(730?-782?)〔张志和〕 8

4.A Fisherman′s Song〔西塞山前〕Tune:“A Fisherman′s Song”〔渔歌子〕 8

Wei Yingwu(737-789?)〔韦应物〕 10

5.The Hunnish Steed〔胡马〕Tune:“Song of Flirtation”〔调笑令〕 10

Wang Jian(768?-833?)〔王建〕 12

6.A Languid Palace Maid〔团扇〕Tune:“Song of Flirtation”〔调笑令〕 12

7.A Merchant′s Young Wife〔杨柳〕Tune:“Song of Flirtation”〔调笑令〕 14

Liu Yuxi(772-842) 〔刘禹锡〕 16

8.Sorrow of a Maiden〔山桃红花〕Tune:“Bamboo Branch Song”〔竹枝词〕 16

9.My Gallant′s Love〔杨柳青青〕Tune:“Bamboo Branch Song”〔竹枝词〕 18

Bo Juyi(772-846)〔白居易〕 20

10.Everlasting Longing〔汴水流〕Tune:“Everlasting Longing”〔长相思〕 20

Wen Tingyun(812-870?)〔温庭筠〕 22

11.A Lady′s Make-up〔小山重迭〕Tune:“Buddhist Dancers”〔菩萨蛮〕 22

12.A Dreaming Lady〔水精帘里〕Tune:“Buddhist Dancers”〔菩萨蛮〕 24

13.A Sleepless Night〔柳丝长〕Tune:“Song of Water Clock at Night”〔更漏子〕 26

14.A Rainy Night〔玉妒香〕Tune:“Song of Water Clock at Night”〔更漏子〕 28

15.Waiting in Vain〔梳洗罢〕Tune:“Dreaming of the South”〔望江南〕 30

16.Longing ofa Maiden〔春日游〕Tune:“Thinking of Imperial Land”〔思帝乡〕 32

Wei Zhuang(836-910)〔韦庄〕 32

17.The Seventeenth of the Fourth Moon〔四月十七〕Tune:“Song of a Lady′s Crown”〔女冠子〕 34

18.A Dream〔昨夜夜半〕Tune:“Song of a Lady′s Crown”〔女冠子〕 36

19.Longing〔夜夜相思〕Tune:“Silk-Washing Stream”〔浣溪沙〕 38

20.Golden Halcyon〔金翡翠〕Tune:“Returning to Far-off Land”〔归国遥〕 40

21.In Front of the Wine Jar〔劝君今夜〕Tune:“Buddhist Dancers”〔菩萨蛮〕 42

22.Before Parting〔莺啼残月〕Tune:“Pure,Serene Music”〔清平乐〕 44

23.The Ravished Mistress〔绝代佳人〕Tune:“Cup Made of Lotus Cup”〔荷叶杯〕 46

Niu Xiji(?-925?)〔牛希济〕 48

24.The Green Silk Skirt〔春山烟欲收〕Tune:“Mountain Hawthorn”〔生查子〕 48

25.A Deserted Woman〔永夜抛人〕Tune:“Telling of Innermost Feeling”〔诉衷情〕 50

Gu Xiong(f1.928)〔顾?〕 50

Lu Qianyi(10th Century)〔鹿虔扆〕 52

26.Grief over the Conquered Land〔金锁重门〕Tune:“Immortal at the River”〔临江仙〕 52

Feng Yansi(903-960)〔冯延巳〕 54

27.Waiting〔风乍起〕Tune:“Homage at the Golden Gate”〔谒金门〕 54

28.Grief〔梅落繁枝〕Tune:“Magpie on the Branch”〔鹊踏枝〕 56

29.Grief Unappeased〔谁道闲情〕Tune:“Magpie on the Branch”〔鹊踏枝〕 58

30.To a Gallant 〔几日行云〕Tune:“Magpie on the Branch”〔鹊踏枝〕 60

31.An Abandoned Woman〔庭院深深〕Tune:“Magpie on the Branch”〔鹊踏枝〕 62

32.Sorrow〔细雨湿流光〕Tune:“Song of the Southern Country”〔南乡子〕 64

Li Jing(916-961)〔李璟〕 66

33.Autumn〔菡萏香消〕Tune:“Silk-Washing Stream”〔浣溪沙〕 66

34.A Fisherman′s Song〔浪花有意〕Tune:“A Fisherman′s Song”〔渔父词〕 68

Li Yu(937-978)〔李煜〕 68

35.Grief of Separation〔别来春半〕Tune:“Pure,Serene Music”〔清平乐〕 70

36.A Long Night〔云一?〕Tune:“Everlasting Longing”〔长相思〕 72

37.An Old Palace Maid〔风情渐老〕Tune:“Willow Branch Song”〔柳枝词〕 74

38.A Happy Night〔晚妆初了〕Tune:“Spring in Jade Pavilion”〔玉楼春〕 76

39.A Tryst〔花明月暗〕Tune:“Buddhist Dancers”〔菩萨蛮〕 78

40.Nap〔蓬莱院闭〕 Tune:“Buddhist Dancers”〔菩萨蛮〕 80

41.A Reign of Forty Years〔四十年来〕Tune:“Dance of the Cavalry”〔破阵子〕 82

42.Dream of the Lost Land〔人生愁恨〕Tune:“Midnight Song”〔子夜歌〕 84

43.The Lost Land Recalled〔春花秋月〕Tune:“The Beautiful Lady Yu”〔虞美人〕 86

44.In Capitivity〔帘外雨潺潺〕Tune:“Ripples Sifting Sand”〔浪淘沙〕 88

45.Regret〔林花谢了〕Tune:“Crows Crying at Night”〔乌夜啼〕 90

46.Thinking of Days Gone by〔往事只堪哀〕Tune:“Ripples Sifting Sand”〔浪淘沙〕 92

47.Parting Sorrow〔无言独上〕Tune:“Joy of meeting”〔相见欢〕 94

48.Sleepless Night〔深院静〕Tune:“Song of the Washerwoman”〔捣练子〕 96

Liu Yong(987-1053)〔柳永〕 100

49.Solitude〔洞房记得〕Tune:“Joy of Day and Night”〔昼夜乐〕 100

50.Parting〔寒蝉凄切〕Tune:“Bells Ringing in the Rain”〔雨霖玲〕 104

51.Parting Grief〔伫倚危楼〕Tune:“Phoenix Perching on Plane Tree”〔凤栖梧〕 108

52.Capital of Southern Song〔东南形胜〕Tune:“Watching the Tidal Bore”〔望海潮〕 110

53.Homesick in Autumn〔对潇潇〕Tune:“Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song”〔八声甘州〕 114

54.A Night as Long as a Year〔薄衾小枕〕 Tune:“Imperial Capital Recalled”〔忆帝京〕 118

Fan Zhongyan(989-1052)〔范仲淹〕 122

55.A Homesick Heart〔碧云天〕Tune:“Screened by Southern Curtain”〔苏幕遮〕 122

56.Autumn on the Frontier〔塞上秋来〕Tune:“Pride of Fishermen”〔渔家傲〕 126

57.Lonely Night〔纷纷坠叶〕Tune:“Walking on the Royal Street”〔御街行〕 128

Zhang Xian(990-1078)〔张先〕 132

58.Departing Spring〔水调数声〕Tune:“Song of the Immortal”〔天仙子〕 132

Yan Shu(991-1055)〔晏殊〕 136

59.To a Singing Girl〔一曲新词〕Tune:“Silk-Washing Stream”〔浣溪沙〕 136

60.Fleeting Life〔一向年光〕Tune:“Silk-Washing Stream”〔浣溪沙〕 138

61.Autumn Thoughts〔槛菊愁烟〕Tune:“Butterflies over Flowers”〔蝶恋花〕 140

Song Qi(998-1062)〔宋祁〕 142

62.Spring〔东城渐觉〕Tune:“Spring in Jade Pavilion”〔玉楼春〕 142

Ouyang Xiu(1007-1072)〔欧阳修〕 144

63.Eyebrows〔清晨帘幕〕Tune:“Telling of Innermost Feeling”〔诉衷情〕 144

64.Lantern Festival〔去年月夜时〕Tune:“Mountain Hawthorn”〔生查子〕 146

65.Before Parting〔尊前拟把〕Tune:“Spring in Jade Pavilion”〔玉楼春〕 148

66.The Newly Wed〔凤髻金泥带〕Tune:“A Southern Song”〔南歌子〕 150

67.The Lost Hairpin〔池外轻雷〕Tune:“Immortal at the River”〔临江仙〕 152

Sima Guang(1019-1086)〔司马光〕 154

68.A Beauty〔宝髻松松〕Tune:“The Moon over the West River”〔西江月〕 154

Wang Anshi(1021-1086)〔王安石〕 156

69.The Ancient Capital〔登临送目〕Tune:“Frangrance of Laurel Branch”〔桂枝香〕 156

70.On City Wall〔自古帝王州〕Tune:“A Southern Song”〔南乡子〕 160

Wang Anguo(1028-1074?)〔王安国〕 162

71.A Wanderer〔画桥流水〕Tune:“Shortened Form of Lily Magnolia Flowers”〔减字木兰花〕 162

Yan Jidao(1030?-1106?)〔晏几道〕 164

72.A Lutanist〔梦后楼台〕Tune:“Immortal at the River”〔临江仙〕 164

73.A Dream Untrue?〔彩袖殷勤〕Tune:“Partridge Sky”〔鹧鸪天〕 166

74.Save the Tears〔醉拍春衫〕Tune:“Partridge Sky”〔鹧鸪天〕 168

75.Deception〔长恨涉江遥〕Tune:“Mountain Hawthorn”〔生查子〕 170

76.A Fickle Lover〔离多最是〕Tune:“Wandering of a Youth”〔少年游〕 172

Wang Guan(f1.1057)〔王观〕 176

77.Farewell to Bao Haoran〔水是眼波横〕Tune:“Song of Divination”〔卜算子〕 176

Su Shi(1037-1101)〔苏轼〕 178

78.Passing the Seven League Shallows〔一叶舟轻〕Tune:“Joy of Eternal Union”〔行香子〕 178

79.Written to my Brother Ziyou on my Way to Mizhou〔孤馆灯青〕Tune:“Spring in the Garden of Qin”〔沁园春〕 182

80.Dreaming of my Deceased Wife〔十年生死〕Tune:“A Riverside Town”〔江城子〕 188

81.Hunting at Mizhou〔老夫聊发〕Tune:“A Riverside Town”〔江城子〕 192

82.The Midautumn Festival〔明月几时有〕Tune:“Prelude to Water Melody”〔水调歌头〕 196

83.Dream of the Fair at Pavilion of Swallows〔明月如霜〕Tune:“Joy of Eternal Union”〔永遇乐〕 200

84.A Spring Night〔照野弥弥〕Tune:“The Moon over the West River”〔西江月〕 204

85.Caught in Rain〔莫听穿林〕Tune:“Calming the Waves”〔定风波〕 206

86.Madame Pistil〔冰肌玉骨〕Tune:“Song of a Fairy in the Cave”〔洞仙歌〕 208

87.The Red Cliff〔大江东去〕Tune:“Charm of a Maiden Singer”〔念奴娇〕 212

88.Returning to Lingao by Night〔夜饮东坡〕Tune:“Immortal at the River”〔临江仙〕 216

89.Written at Dinghui Abbey in Huangzhou〔缺月挂疏桐〕Tune:“Song of Divination”〔卜算子〕 218

90.Willow Catkins〔似花还似非花〕Tune:“Water Dragon Chant”〔水龙吟〕 220

91.The Beauty and the Pomegranate Flower〔乳燕飞华屋〕Tune:“Congratulations to the Bridegroom”〔贺新郎〕 224

92.Departing Spring〔花褪残红〕Tune:“Butterflies over Flowers”〔蝶恋花〕 228

Li Zhiyi(1038?—1117)〔李之仪〕 230

93.Upstream and Downstream〔我住长江头〕Tune:“Song of Divination”〔卜算子〕 230

Huang Tingjian(1045-1105)〔黄庭坚〕 232

94.Late Spring〔春归何处〕Tune:“Pure,Serene Music”〔清平乐〕 232

95.Farewell〔山抹微云〕Tune:“Courtyard full of Fragrance”〔满庭芳〕 234

Qin Guan(1049-1100)〔秦观〕 234

96.The Riverside Revisited〔西城杨柳〕Tune:“A Riverside Town”〔江城子〕 238

97.A Chance Meeting〔南来飞燕〕Tune:“A Riverside Town”〔江城子〕 242

98.The Double Seventh〔纤云弄巧〕Tune:“Immortal at the Magpie Bridge”〔鹊桥仙〕 246

99.At an Inn of Chenzhou〔雾失楼台〕Tune:“Treading on Grass”〔踏莎行〕 248

100.A Gloomy Vernal Morning〔漠漠轻寒〕Tune:“Silk-Washing Stream”〔浣溪沙〕 250

He Zhu(1052-1125)〔贺铸〕 252

101.A Dirge〔重过阊门〕Tune:“Partridge Sky”〔鹧鸪天〕 252

102.Lovesickness〔凌波不过〕 Tune:“Green Jade Cup”〔青玉案〕 254

Zhou Bangyan(1056-1121)〔周邦彦〕 258

103.Reminiscence〔章台路〕Tune:“Auspicious Dragon Chant”〔瑞龙吟〕 258

104.Mume Blossoms in Snow〔银河宛转〕Tune:“Buddhist Dancers”〔菩萨蛮〕 264

105.For the Mistress of the Emperor〔并刀如水〕Tune:“Wandering of a Youth”〔少年游〕 266

106.The Willow〔柳阴直〕Tune:“Sovereign of Wine”〔兰陵王〕 270

Moqi Yong(f1.1100-1125)〔万俟咏〕 276

107.Rain〔一声声〕Tune:“Everlasting Longing”〔长相思〕 276

108.Spring〔春到南楼〕Tune:“Lament of a Fair Lady”〔昭君怨〕 278

Zhu Dunru(1081—1159?)〔朱敦儒〕 280

109.On the City Wall〔金陵城上〕Tune:“Joy at Meeting”〔相见欢〕 280

Zhao Ji(1082-1135)〔赵佶〕 282

110.Apricot Seen in the North〔裁剪冰绡〕Tune:“Hillside Pavilion”〔燕山亭〕 282

Li Qingzhao(1084-1151?)〔李清照〕 286

111.The Lass〔蹴罢秋千〕Tune:“Rouged Lips”〔点绛唇〕 286

112.Spring Morning〔昨夜雨疏〕Tune:“Like a Dream”〔如梦令〕 288

113.A Sprig of Spring〔卖花担上〕Tune:“Shortened Form of Lily Magnolia Flowers”〔减字木兰花〕 290

114.Longing〔红藕香残〕Tune:“A Twig of Mume Blossoms”〔一剪梅〕 292

115.The Double Ninth〔薄雾浓云〕Tune:“Tipsy in the Flowers′Shade”〔醉花阴〕 296

116.Parting Grief〔香冷金猊〕Tune:“Playing Flute Recalled on Phoenix Terrace”〔凤凰台上忆吹箫〕 298

117.Loneliness〔寂寞深闺〕Tune:“Rouged Lips”〔点绛唇〕 302

118.A Dream〔天连云涛〕Tune:“Pride of Fishermen”〔渔家傲〕 304

119.Late Spring〔风住尘香〕Tune:“Spring in Peach-Blossom Land”〔武陵春〕 306

120.Grief Beyond Belief〔寻寻觅觅〕Tune:“Slow,Slow Song”〔声声慢〕 308

Lü Benzhong(1084-1145)〔吕本中〕 312

121.The Moon〔恨君不似〕Tune:“Song of Picking Mulberries”〔采桑子〕 312

122.Beneath the Flowers〔去年今夜〕Tune:“Shortened Form of Lily Magnolia Flowers”〔减字木兰花〕 314

123.A Farewell Song〔玉惨花愁〕Tune:“Partridge Sky”〔鹧鸪天〕 316

Nie Shengqiong〔聂胜琼〕 316

Yue Fei(1103-1142)〔岳飞〕 318

124.Vengeful Flame〔怒发冲冠〕Tune:“The River All Red”〔满江红〕 318

Lu You(1125-1210)〔陆游〕 322

125.The Garden of Shen〔红酥手〕 Tune:“Phoenix Hairpin”〔钗头凤〕 322

126.Ode to the Mume Blossom〔驿外断桥边〕Tune:“Song of Divination”〔卜算子〕 326

127.A Fisherman〔一竿风月〕Tune:“Immortal at the Magpie Bridge”〔鹊桥仙〕 328

128.On Hearing the Cuckoo at Night〔茅檐人静〕Tune:“Immortal at the Magpie Bridge”〔鹊桥仙〕 330

129.Regret〔当年万里〕Tune:“Telling of Innermost Feeling”〔诉衷情〕 332

Tang Wan(1128-1156)〔唐婉〕 334

130.Reply to Lu You〔世情薄〕Tune:“Phoenix Hairpin”〔钗头凤〕 334

Xin Qiji(1140-1207)〔辛弃疾〕 338

131.The Gloomy Terrace〔郁孤台下〕Tune:“Buddhist Dancers”〔菩萨蛮〕 338

132.Departing Spring〔更能消〕Tune:“Groping for Fish”〔摸鱼儿〕 340

133.Grief〔少年不识〕Tune:“Song of Picking Mulberries”〔采桑子〕 344

134.Late Spring〔宝钗分〕Tune:“Slow Song of Zhu Yingtai”〔祝英台近〕 346

135.Lantern Festival〔东风夜放〕Tune:“Green Jade Cup”〔青玉案〕 350

136.Rural Life〔茅檐低小〕Tune:“Pure,Serene Music”〔清平乐〕 354

137.Autumn Manoeuvre〔醉里挑灯〕Tune:“Dance of the Cavalry”〔破阵子〕 356

138.A Night Trip〔明月别枝〕Tune:“The Moon over the West River”〔西江月〕 358

139.Drunken〔醉里且贪〕Tune:“The Moon over the West River”〔西江月〕 360

140.Chiding My Son〔吾衰矣〕Tune:“The Highest Tower”〔最高楼〕 362

Jiang Kui(1155-1221)〔姜夔〕 366

141.A Dream on the Night of Lantern Festival〔肥水东流〕Tune:“Partridge Sky”〔鹧鸪天〕 366

142.Yangzhou〔淮左名都〕Tune:“.Slow Tune of Yangzhou”〔扬州慢〕 368

143.The Mume Blossom〔旧时月色〕Tune:“Gloomy Fragrance”〔暗香〕 372

144.The Mume Blossom〔苔枝缀玉〕Tune:“Sparse Shadows”〔疏影〕 376

Shi Dazu(1163?-1220?)〔史达祖〕 380

145.Swallows〔过春社了〕Tune:“A Pair of Swallows”〔双双燕〕 380

Liu Kezhuang(1187-1269)〔刘克庄〕 384

146.Dreaming of a Deceased Friend〔何处相逢〕Tune:“Spring in the Garden of Qin”〔沁园春〕 384

Wu Wenying(1200-1260)〔吴文英〕 390

147.Memory〔听风听雨〕Tune:“Wind through Pines”〔风入松〕 390

148.Parting Sorrow〔何处合成愁〕Tune:“Tang Duo Song”〔唐多令〕 394

Liu Chenweng(1232-1297)〔刘辰翁〕 398

149.The Conquered Land〔铁马蒙毡〕Tune:“Green Tips of Willow Branch”〔柳梢青〕 398

Jiang Jie(f1.1274)〔蒋捷〕 402

150.Listening to the Rain〔少年听雨〕Tune:“The Beautiful Lady Yu”〔虞美人〕 402