Windows NT内幕PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:George Eckel等著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7302016046
- 页数:610 页
Contents at a Glance 17
Part One:Migrating to Windows NT:Concepts and Installation 17
1 Exploring the Road to Windows NT 19
2 Revealing the Windows NT Operating System 37
3 Migrating from Windows 3.1 89
4 Installing Windows NT 107
Part Two:Managing the Windows NT Desktop 129
5 Learning the Windows NT Interface 131
6 Mastering the Windows NT Desktop 209
7 Configuring and Customizing the Windows NT Desktop 237
8 Using Windows NT Applets 279
9 Printing and Managing Fonts 313
Part Three:Creating Solutions through Integration 351
10 Running DOS,OS/2,and POSIX Applications 353
11 Exchanging Data between Windows Applications 389
12 Using Object Linking and Embedding 423
Part Four:Managing the Windows NT Network 447
13 Exploring Networking with Windows NT 449
14 Understanding the System Registry 461
15 Exploring the Windows NT Advanced Server 477
Part Five:Appendix 491
Windows NT Product Directory 493
Index 589
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