英汉实用中医药大全 英汉对照 17 眼科学PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐象才主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7040045656
- 页数:400 页
1 The Eye and Its Relationship with Zang-Fu Organs and Channels 1
1.1 The relationship between the eye and Zang-Fu organs 1
Notes 1
1.2 The relationship between the eyes and the Channels 6
1.3 The theory of Five Orbiculi and Its Application 7
2 Etiology and Pathogenesis 11
2.1 Etiology 11
2.2 Pathogenesis 17
3.1 Identification of External and Internal Oculopathy 24
3 Methods of Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs Commonly Used in Ophthalmology 24
3.2 Differentiation of Common Symptoms and Signs 25
3.3 Differentiation of Common Signs of the Fundus 27
4 The Essentials of Treatment 30
4.1 Internal Treatment 30
4.2 External Treatment 39
4.3 Common Medicines of Ophthalmology 45
5 Diseases of the Eyelids 59
5.1 Hordeolum 60
5.2 Lid Abscess 63
5.3 Palpebral Erysipelas 66
5.4 Palpebral Eczema 70
5.5 Chalazion 73
5.6 Blepharitis Cilistis 76
5.7 Ptosis(Blepharoptosis) 80
6 Diseases of the Lacrimal Apparatus 85
6.1 Dysfunction of the Lacrimal Apparatus 85
6.2 Chronic Dacryocystitis 89
6.3 Acute Dacryocystitis 91
7 Diseases of the Conjunctiva 95
7.1 Trachoma 95
7.2 Acute Catarrhal Conjunctivitis 100
7.3 Acute Epidemic Conjunctivitis 104
7.4 Chronic Catarrhal Conjunctivitis 107
7.5 Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis 111
7.6 Spring Catarrhal Conjunctivitis 113
7.7 Pterygium 116
8.1 Scleritis 121
8 Diseases of the Sclera 121
9 Corneal Diseases 126
9.1 Serpiginous CornealUlcer 126
9.2 Herpes Simplex Keratitis 130
9.3 Deep Keratitis 135
9.4 Fascicular Keratitis 138
9.5 Keratomalacia 141
10.1 Acute Exudative Iridocyclitis 145
10 Uveal Diseases 145
10.2 Chronic Uveitis 148
11 Diseases of the Lens 152
11.1 Senile Cataract 152
11.2 Traumatie Cataract 156
12 Glaucoma 160
12.1 Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma 160
12.2 Open-angle Glaucoma 165
13.1 Obstruction of the Central Retinal Vessels 170
13 Diseases of the Optic Fundus 170
13.2 Retinal Periphlebitis 175
13.3 Central Serous Choroidal Retinopathy 180
13.4 Pigmentary Degeneration of the Retina 185
13.5 Optic Neuritis 188
14 Diseases of Vitreous 193
14.1 Vitreous Opacity 193
15 Orbital Diseases 198
15.1 Acute Orbital Inflammation 198
15.2 Orbital Pseudotumor 201
16 Disorders of Ocular Muscles 205
16.1 Paralytic Strabismus 205
16.2 Concomitant Strabismus 208
17 Ocular Trauma 212
17.1 Contusion Injuries 212
17.2 Penetrating Injuries to the Eye 215
Appendix 219
The English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM (Booklist) 399
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