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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:段学复著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7301031025
  • 页数:283 页

Some“Anzahl”Theorems for Groups of Prime-Power Orders 1

An Anzahl Theorem of Kulakoff's Type for p-Groups 107

A Theorem about p-Groups with Abelian Subgroups of Index p 115

关于p群的一个定理 122

Algebraic Lie Algebras and Their Invariants 128

近代中国数学家在代数方面的贡献 160

代数学 167

Works on Finite Group Theory by Some Chinese Mathematicians 204

Preface(Editor《Group Theory》,Beijing 1984) 216

Some Recent Works on Finite Group Theory by My Colleagues and Graduate Students 219

Some Problems in the Block Theory of Modular Representations 224

《中国大百科全书·数学》词条撰稿 235

悼念郑之蕃先生 260

天才勤奋成大家——悼华罗庚同志 262

Memories of Loo-Keng Hua 266

段学复主要论著目录 273

段学复传略 276

Determination of the Groups of Odd-Prime-Power Order pn Which Contain a Cyclic Subgroup of Index p2 28

Some Remarks on Simple Groups of Finite Order Pichard Brauer and Hsio-Fu Tuan 37

On Groups Whose Orders Contain a Prime Number to the First Power 38

On Groups of Odd-Prime-Power Orders Whose Principal Subgroups are Cyclic 8

A Note on the Replicas of Nilpotent Matrices 82

On Algebraic Lie Algebras 91

On Simple Groups of Finite Order 94
