- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨立义选译
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7500101473
- 页数:242 页
目录 1
《一百丛书》总序 1
前言Preface 1
《论语》Lunyu(The Analects) 2
1 问一得三 Learning Three Things by Asking One Question 2
《孟子》Mengzi(Mencius) 4
2 五十步笑百步 One Who Retreats Fifty Paces Mocks One Who Retreats a Hundred 4
3 水深火热 Deep in Water and Scorched in Fire 6
4 专心致志 Single-hearted Devotion 8
5 负隅顽抗 Fight Stubbornly with the Back to the Wall 10
6 得其所哉 It Gets to the Place Where It Belongs 12
7 揠苗助长 Try to Help the Shoots Grow by Pulling 14
《庄子》Zhuangzi 16
8 井底之蛙 A Frog at the Bottom of a Well 16
9 东施效颦 Dongshi Imitates Eyebrows Knitting 18
10 害群之马 A Harmful Member of the Herd 20
11 探骊得珠 Obtain a Pearl from a Sleeping Black Dragon 22
12 杞人尤天 Groundless Worry that the Sky Might Fall 24
《列子》Liezi(Writings of Lie Yukou) 24
13 歧路亡羊 Losing the Track of a Missing Sheep 26
14 朝三暮四 Three for the Morning and Four for the Evening 28
《韩非子》Hanfeizi(Writings of Han Fei) 30
15 自相矛盾 Spear and Shield Contradicting Each Other 30
16 守株待兔 Stand by a Stump Waiting for More Suicidal Hares 32
17 老马识途 AnOld Horse Knows the Way 34
18 买椟还珠 Buy the Case and Return the Pearl 36
19 恶贯满盈 Retribution for Enough Crimes Will Come in Fullness of Time 38
20 郑人买履 When a Man of Zheng Bought Shoes 40
21 滥竽充数 Pass Oneself as a Musician Just to Make Up the Number 42
22 讳疾忌医 Delusion over Health and Evasion of Treatment 44
《吕氏春秋》Lüshi Chunqiu(Master Lü’s Spring and Au-tumn Annals) 48
23 刻舟求剑 Cut a Mark on the Boatside to Retrieve a Sword 48
24 唇亡齿寒 With Lips Gone,Teeth Are Exposed to Cold 50
25 掩耳盗铃 Plug One’s Ears While Stealing a Bell 54
《战国策》Zhanguo Ce(Warring States Records) 56
26 三人成虎 Three Liars Make a Tiger 56
27 南辕北辙 Trying to Go South by Driving the Charlot North 58
28 狐假虎威 The Fox Assumes the Tiger’s Might 62
29 惊弓之鸟 A Bird Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring 64
30 亡羊补牢 Mend the Fold After a Sheep Is Lost 66
31 千金买骨 Ruy a Carcass with a Thousand Taels of Silver 70
32 鹬蚌相争 When the Snipe and the Clam Grapple,the Fisherman Profits 74
33 门庭若市 The Courtyard Is as Crowded as a Mar-ket 76
34 画蛇添足 Supplying Feet to a Painted Snake 78
《左傅》Zuo Zhuan(Master Zuo’s Spring and Autumn Annals) 80
35 一鼓作气 Accomplish in One Go 80
36 上下其手 Manipulate a Case by Raising and Lowering the Hand 84
37 外强中乾 Outwardly Strong but Inwardly Weak 86
38 退避三舍 Retreat San She to Give Way 90
39 病人膏肓 Sick to the Vitals 92
40 尔虞我诈 Cheat Against Cheat 94
《礼记》Li Ji(Book of Rites) 96
41 苛政猛于虎 Tyranny Is Fiercer than a Tiger 96
42 嗟来之食 Food Handed Out in Contempt 98
《淮南子》Huainanzi(Writings of Prince Huainan) 100
43 塞翁失马 When the Old Man on the Frontier Lost His Mare 100
44 一字千金 One Thousand Yi for Every Word 102
《史记》Shi Ji(Historical Records) 102
45 一鸣惊人 Once It Cries,the Cry Shocks All 106
46 毛遂自荐 Mao Sui Offers His Own Services 108
47 围魏救赵 Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao 114
48 门可罗雀 You Can Trap Sparrows at the Quiet Door 118
49 两败俱伤 Both Sides Lose,Neither Side Gains 120
50 完璧归赵 Return the Jade Intact to Zhao 124
51 负荆请罪 Bear a Birch to Offer a Humble Apology 130
52 纸上谈兵 Strategic Planning on Paper 134
53 指鹿为马 Call a Stag a Horse 138
54 破釜沉舟 Break the Camp Cauldrons and Sink the Boats 140
55 项庄舞剑 Xiang Zhuang Performed the Sword Dance as a Cover for His Attempt on Liu Bang’s Life 142
56 分我一杯羹 Give Me a Share of the Broth 146
《新序》Xin Xu(Writings of Shen Buhai) 150
57 叶公好龙 Lord Ye’s Professed Love of Dragons 150
《说苑》Shuo Yuan(A Collection of Historical Events and Comments) 152
58危如累卵 As Precarious as a Pile of Eggs 152
59 螳螂捕蝉 The Mantis Stalks the Cicada,Unaware of the Oriole Behind 154
60 曲突徙薪 Bend the Chimney and Remove the Faggots 156
《汉书》Hanshu(Book of Han) 156
61 矫枉过正 Exceed the Proper Limits in Righting a 158
Wrong 158
《谏猎疏》Jian Lie Shu(A Memorandum Remonstrating Hunting Expeditions) 160
62 枯木朽株 Withered Treesand Rotten Branches 160
《笑林》Xiao Lin(A Collection of Jokes) 162
63 一叶障目 A Single Leaf over an Eye Shuts Out the View of Taishan Mountain 162
《桃花源记》Taohuayuan Ji(The Spring of Peach Blos-soms) 164
64 世外桃源 The Land of Peach Blossoms Alienated from the World 164
65 覆水难收 Spilt Water Cannot Be Retrieved 168
《拾遗记》Shi Yi Ji(Picked Up Stories) 168
《檄梁文》Xi Liang Wen 170
66 殃及池鱼 When the City Gates Are on Fire,Mis-fortune Befalls the Fish in the Moat 170
《后汉书》Houhan Shu(Book of Later Han) 172
67 梁上君子A Gentleman on the Beam 172
《世说新语》Shishuo Xinyu(New Accounts of Old Epi-sodes) 174
68 别无长物 Not a Thing Which Is More than Necessary 174
69 盲人瞎马 A Blind Man Riding a Blind Horse 176
70 相煎何太急 Why the Beanstalk Roasts the Beans so Mercilessly? 178
71 望梅止渴 Quenching Thirst by Thinking of Plums 180
72 覆巢无完卵 No Complete Eggs Under an Over- 182
turned Nest 182
《大般湼盘经》Daban Niepan Jing(The Mahapra Jana-paramita Sutra) 184
73 瞎子摸象 The Blind Men Trying to Size Up the Elephant 184
《百句譬喻经》Baiju Piyu Jing(One-Hundred Sentence Sutra in Analogies) 186
74 空中楼阁 Castles in the Air 186
《晋书》Jinshu(Book of Jin) 188
75 杯弓蛇影 An Illusory Snake in a Goblet 188
76 侯门如海 The Mansions of the Noble as Deep as the Sea 190
《云溪友议》Yunxi Youyi 190
《潜确类书》Qian Que Lei Shu 192
77 磨杵成针 Grind a Rod into a Needle 192
《历代名画记》Lidai Minghua Ji(Famous Paintings Througout the Dynasties) 194
78 画龙点睛 Painted Dragons Brought to Life 194
《君子行》Junzi Xing 196
79 瓜田李下 While Walking in a Melon Patch or Under a Plum Tree 196
《柳河东集》Liu Hedong Ji(A Collection of Essays by Liu Zongyuan) 198
80 黔驴技穷 When a Donkey Has Exhausted Its Tricks 198
81 天衣无缝 A Seamless Heavenly Dress 200
《灵怪录》Lingguai Lu(Records of Strange Tales) 200
《旧唐书》Jiutang Shu(Old Book of Tang) 202
82 走马看花 Enjoy Looking at Flowers While on Horseback 202
《乐府诗集》Yuefu Shiji(A Collection of Folk Songs,Bal-lads and Melodies) 204
83 李代桃僵 The Plum Tree Suffers for the Peach Tree 204
《太平御览》Taiping Yulan 206
84 与虎谋皮 Ask a Tiger for Its Skin 206
《资治通》Zizhi Tongjian 208
85 风声鹤泪 The Sound of the Wind and the Cry of Cranes 208
86 请君入饔 Kindly Step into the Vat of Your Own Device 212
《诗话总龟》Shihua Zonggui(A General Collection of Discourses on Poetry) 214
87 反复推敲 “Push”or“Knock”——Which Is Better? 214
《续香山夜录》Xu Xiangshan Ye Lu(A Sequel to Fragrant Hill Records) 216
88 依样画葫芦 Drawing a Bottle Gourd by Imitation 216
《圣宋掇遗》Sheng Song Duo Yi(Incidents in the Song Age) 218
89 一蟹不如一蟹 Each Crab Smaller than One Be-fore 218
《过庭录》Guoting Lu(Family Records) 220
90 名落孙山 A Name After the Last One on the List 220
91 一场春梦 As Transient as a Sweet Dream 222
《侯鲭录》Hou Qing Lu(Hou Qing Records) 222
《清夜录》Qingye Lu(Tranquil Night Records) 224
92 近水楼台先得月 A Waterfront Pavilion Gets the Moonlight First 224
《醉翁亭记》Zuiweng Ting Ji(A Drunken Old Man’s Pavilion) 226
93 醉翁之意不在酒 The Drinker’s Heart Is Not in the Cup 226
《容斋三笔》Rong Zhai San Bi 228
94 河东狮吼 The Lioness of Hedong Roars 228
《老学庵笔记》Laoxue An Biji(Laoxue Hut Notes) 230
95 只许州官放火 Prefects Free to Light Fires,People Forbidden to Light Lamps 230
96 孤注一掷 Stake Everything on a Single Throw 232
《宋史》Song Shi(History of Song) 232
《鲁斋郎》Lu Zhai Lang 234
97 信口开河 Wag One’s Tongue Too Freely Talking Nonsense 234
《都公谭?》Dugong Tanzuan(A Collection of Tales) 236
98 两袖清风 Nothing but a Fresh Wind in the Two Sleeves 236
《正字通》Zheng Zi Tong 238
99 为虎作伥 Play the Jackal to the Tiger 238
《艺林伐山》Yilin Fashan 240
100 按图索骥 Seeking a Steed According to a Picture 240
参考书目 242
- 《365奇趣英语乐园 世界民间故事》爱思得图书国际企业 2018
- 《声动中国 七十年歌声里的中国故事》王一诺责任编辑;(中国)《声动中国》编写组 2019
- 《我和我的祖国 时代人物故事》文汇报社编著 2020
- 《中国传统京剧故事绘本 追韩信》成都市京剧研究院,四川众木文化著;小狐仙动漫绘 2019
- 《爱情故事》莫言著 2019
- 《写给孩子的中国古代音乐故事》张敢主编 2017
- 《中国朝鲜族民间故事丛书 阿里郎 朝》李龙得 2019
- 《情感教育与班集体建设细节故事》刘建庆主编 2019
- 《小牛顿科学故事馆 进化论的故事》小牛顿科学教育公司编辑团队 2018
- 《小牛顿科学故事馆 医学的故事》小牛顿科学教育公司编辑团队 2018
- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
- 《小提琴经典练习曲简编 沃尔法特》丁芷诺,杨宝智 2019
- 《弹好钢琴必备的五线谱知识》杨青华威武 2019
- 《数学物理方法与仿真 第3版》杨华军 2020
- 《孩子们的视唱练耳 2》祝庆福,杨玉凤 2018
- 《老中医经典养胃方》李勇,杨长春主编 2019
- 《电贝司》李杰,李国标,杨昌明编 2019
- 《厄特克尔家族》(德)鲁迪格·杨布鲁特著 2018
- 《东风西潮》杨齐福著 2019
- 《大学计算机》王观玉,周力军,杨福建主编 2019
- 《中国当代乡土小说文库 本乡本土》(中国)刘玉堂 2019
- 《异质性条件下技术创新最优市场结构研究 以中国高技术产业为例》千慧雄 2019
- 《中国铁路人 第三届现实主义网络文学征文大赛一等奖》恒传录著 2019
- 《莼江曲谱 2 中国昆曲博物馆藏稀见昆剧手抄曲谱汇编之一》郭腊梅主编;孙伊婷副主编;孙文明,孙伊婷编委;中国昆曲博物馆编 2018
- 《英汉翻译理论的多维阐释及应用剖析》常瑞娟著 2019
- 《中国制造业绿色供应链发展研究报告》中国电子信息产业发展研究院 2019
- 《中国陈设艺术史》赵囡囡著 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《《走近科学》精选丛书 中国UFO悬案调查》郭之文 2019
- 《清至民国中国西北戏剧经典唱段汇辑 第8卷》孔令纪 2018