英汉实用中医药大全 8 医学气功PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐象才主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7040020602
- 页数:406 页
Notes 1
1 An Introduction to Medical Qigong 1
1.1 Conceptand Characteristics 1
1.2 The Development of Qigong 3
1.3 Basic Principles of Qigong Exercise 10
1.3.1 Being Both Dynamic and Static 10
1.3.2 Being Relaxed and Static Naturally 11
1.3.3 Coordinating the Will and Qi(Vital Energy) 11
1.3.4 Combining Active Exercise with Inner Health Cultivation 13
1.3.5 Proceeding in an Orderly Way and Step by Step 13
2 Three Kinds of Regulations in Qigong 15
2.1 Regulation of the Body(Adjustment of Posture) 15
2.1.1 Sitting Posture 15
2.1.2 Lying Posture 16
2.1.3 Standing Posture 18
2.1.4 Essentials of Posturization 19
2.2 Regulation of Breathing 22
2.2.1 Natural Respiration 22
2.2.2 Orthodromic Abdominal Respiration 23
2.2.3 Antidromic Abdominal Respiration 23
2.2.4 Other Breathing Methods 24
2.2.5 Essentials of Respiration Training 24
2.3 Regulation of Mental Activities 25
2.4 Common Points 27
2.5 Points for Attention in Qigong Exercise 31
3 Various Qigong Exercises 34
3.1 Psychosomatic Relaxation Exercise 34
3.2 Inner Health Cultivation Exercise 37
3.3 Health Promotion Exercise 39
3.4 Head-Face Exercise 40
3.5 Eye Exercise 44
3.6 Nose-Teeth Exercise 47
3.7 Ear Exercise 49
3.8 Neck Exercise 50
3.9 Shoulder-Arm Exercise 53
3.10 Chest-Hypochondrium Exercise 56
3.11 Abdominal Exercise 58
3.12 Waist Exercise 60
3.13 Exercise of the Lower Limbs 61
3.14 Hcart Regulation Exercise 63
3.15 Spleen Regulation Exercise 68
3.16 Lung Regulation Exercise 71
3.17 Liver Regulation Exercise 74
3.18 Kidney Regulation Exercise 78
3.19 Automatic Qi Circulation Exercise 81
3.20 Qi Circulation Exercise 83
3.21 Exercise for Soothing the Liver and Improving Acuity of Vision 85
3.22 Exercise for Nourishing the Kidney for Rejuvenation 90
3.23 Exercise of Taking Essence from the Sun and the Moon 93
3.24 Yang-Recuperation Exercise (Daoyang Gong) 95
3.25 Vital Essence Recovering Exercise 98
3.26 Filth-Elimination Exercise 100
3.27 Iron Crotch Exercise(Tiedang Gong) 101
3.28 Daoyin Exercise for Ascending and Descending Yin and Yang 111
3.29 Daoyin Exercise for Dredging Ren and Du Channels 113
3.30 Brocade Exercise in Six Forms(Liuduan Jin) 117
3.31 Nine-Turn Exercise for Longevity 122
3.32 Twelve-Form Sinew-Transforming Exercise (Yijin Jing) 124
4 Emitting Out-going Qi(Waiqi) 143
4.1 Training of Qi 143
4.1.1 Static Exercise for Training Qi 143
4.1.2 Dynamic Exercise for Training Qi 147
4.2 The Guiding of Qi 162
4.2.1 Standing Vibrating with Palms Closed to Guide Qi 163
4.2.2 Single-finger Meditation to Guide Qi 164
4.2.3 Palm-pushing and Palm-pulling to Guide Qi 165
4.2.4 Making Three Points Linear to Guide Qi 166
4.2.5 Making Three Points Circular to Guide Qi 167
4.2.6 Jumping to Guide Qi in Burst 168
4.2.7 Guiding Qi in Fixed Form 169
4.2.8 Guiding Qi in Spiralty 170
4.2.9 Cold and Heat Guidance of Qi 171
4.3 Emission of Qi 172
4.3.1 Hand Gestures for Emitting Qi 172
4.3.2 Hand Manipulations in Emitting Qi 174
4.3.3 The Forms of Qi on Emission 178
4.3.4 The Sensation of Qi 180
4.3.5 The Effect of Qi 182
4.3.6 The Closing Form of Emission of Qi 184
5 Treatment 185
5.1 Deviation of Qigong 185
5.1.1 Deranged Flow of Qi 186
5.1.2 Stagnation of Qi and Stasis of Blood 187
5.1.3 Leaking of Genuine Qi(Vital Qi) 189
5.1.4 Mental Derangement 190
5.1.5 Management of Temporary Symptoms Emerging duringQigong Exercise 192
5.2 Syncope 194
5.3 Common Cold 196
5.4 Epigastralgia 197
5.5 Appendicitis 200
5.6 Disorders of the Biliary Tract 202
5.7 Hiccup 204
5.8 Gastroptosia 205
5.9 Diarrhoea 207
5.10 Constipation 209
5.11 Hypochondriac Pain 212
5.12 Bronchitis 213
5.13 Bronchial Asthma 216
5.14 Palpitation 218
5.15 Seminal Emission 220
5.16 Impotence 221
5.17 Dysmenorrhea 223
5.18 Chronic Pelvic Inflammation 224
5.19 Metroptosis 226
5.20 Acute Mastitis 228
5.21 Stiif-neck 229
5.22 Pain in the Waist and Lower Extremities 230
5.23 Headache 232
5.24 Insomnia 235
5.25 Hypertension 238
5.26 Cervical Spondylopathy 240
5.27 Hemiplegia 242
5.28 Myopia 243
5.29 Infantile Convulsion 244
5.30 Infantile Diarrhoea 245
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