英汉实用中医药大全 6 针灸治疗学PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐象才主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7040036177
- 页数:646 页
Notes 1
1.Diseases of Internal Medicine 1
1.1Common Cold 1
1.2Cough 6
1.3Asthma 11
1.4Hemoptysis 17
1.5Aphonia 21
1.6Hiccup 26
1.7Retroaction of Stomach Qi 29
1.8Dysphagia Syndrome 32
1.9Epigastric Pain 36
1.10Loosened Stomach 42
1.11Vomiting 44
1.12Abdominal Pain 50
1.13Abdominal Distention 54
1.14Diarrhea 57
1.15Dysentery 64
1.16Constipation 69
1.17Prolapse of Rectum 74
1.18Jaundice 77
1.19Hypochondriac Pain 81
1.20Dizziness Syndrome 86
1.21Windstroke 91
1.22Deviation of the Eye and Mouth 97
1.23Chest Bi-Syndrome 100
1.24Palpitation 104
1.25Insomnia 108
1.26Somnolence 113
1.27Poor Memory 118
1.28Maniac Depression and Insanity 122
1.29Epilepsy 125
1.30Melancholy 128
1.31Headache 133
1.32Facial Pain 140
1.33Bi Syndrome 143
1.34Wei Syndrome 148
1.35Lumbar Pain 152
1.36Frozen Shoulder 157
1.37Diabetic Syndrome 159
1.38Beriberi 162
1.39Drum Belly 167
1.40Edema 171
1.41Lin Syndrome 175
1.42Seminal Emission 179
1.43Impotence 182
1.44Enuresis and Incontinence of Urine 185
1.45Retention of Urine 191
1.46Sweat Syndrome 195
1.47Pulseless Syndrome 198
1.48Malaria 200
2.Surgical and Dermatological Diseases 204
2.1Red-Streaked Infection 204
2.2Scrofula 206
2.3Herpes Zoster 209
2.4Erysipelas 212
2.5Eczema 216
2.6Wind Wheal 219
2.7Psoriasis 223
2.8Tinea Ungium 226
2.9Vitiligo 227
2.10Alopecia 229
2.11Acne 232
2.12Flat Wart 234
2.13Clavus 235
2.14Tendon Cyst 236
2.15Atheroma 237
2.16Mastitis 238
2.17Intestinal Abscess 241
2.18Hemorrhoids 245
2.19Neck Sprain 248
2.20Frostbite 250
2.21Tetanus 253
2.22Ascarid Colic 256
2.23Intestinal Obstruction 258
3.Gynecology 260
3.1Irregular Menstruation 260
3.2Dysmenorrhea 264
3.3Amenorrhea 268
3.4Prolapse of Uterus 271
3.5Metrorrhagia 274
3.6Leukorrhea 277
3.7Morning Sickness 280
3.8Malposition of Fetus 283
3.9Protracted Labour 284
3.10 Retention of Placenta 286
3.11 Lochia 288
3.12Lactation Deficiency 292
3.13Puerperal Pain 295
3.14Eclampsia Gravidarm 298
3.15Infertility 300
3.16Hysteria 304
4.Pediatric Diseases 308
4.1Whooping Cough 308
4.2Infantile Diarrhea 312
4.3Infantile Malnutrition 316
4.4Infantile Convulsion 319
4.4.1Acute Infantile Convulsion 319
4.4.2Chronic Infantile Convulsion 323
4.5Infantile Wei Syndrome 325
4.6Enuresis 327
4.7Mumps 330
4.8Scarlet Fever 333
4.9Dementia 336
5.Diseases of Eyes,Ears,Nose and Throat 338
5.1Myopia 338
5.2Conjunctivitis 340
5.3Colour Blindness 342
5.4Strabismus 344
5.5Stye 345
5.6Ptosis 347
5.7Sudden Blindness 350
5.8Lacrimation 352
5.9Tinnitus and Deafness 354
5.10Ottis Media 358
5.11Deafness and Mute 361
5.12Epistaxis 363
5.13Rhinorrhea 366
5.14Toothache 369
5.15Sore Throat 371
5.16Plum Throat 374
6.Emergency Cases 377
6.1High Fever 377
6.2Syncope 383
6.3Collapse Syndrome 389
6.4Sunstroke 392
7.1Sciatica 395
7.Miscellaneous Conditions 395
7.2Occipital Neuralgia 397
7.3Facial Spasrm 398
7.4Multiple Neuritis 399
7.5Radial Nerve Paralysis 400
7.6Paralysis of Ulnar Nerve 401
7.7Paralysis of Common Peroneal Nerve 401
7.8Neuritis of Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh 402
7.9Cervical Spondylopathy 403
7.10Raynaud s Disease 404
7.11Erythromelalgia 406
7.12Simple Goiter 407
7.13Hyperthyroidism 408
7.14Paralysis Agitans 410
7.15Minor Chorea 411
7.16Leukopenia 413
7.17Obesity 414
7.18Motion Sickness 416
7.19Acupuncture for Quitting Smoking 417
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