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战争与道义  核伦理学的兴起
战争与道义  核伦理学的兴起

战争与道义 核伦理学的兴起PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:倪世雄著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7543802864
  • 页数:233 页
《战争与道义 核伦理学的兴起》目录

绪论:核时代与核伦理的兴起 1

前言页 1

CHAPTER ONE Introduction: The Nuclear Age and Nuclear Ethics 1

1.1核时代的伦理学 3

1.1.1伦理学的主要特点 3

Main Features of Ethics 3

1.Ethics in The Nuclear Age 3

1.1.2核伦理学的基本要素 5

Basic Factors of Nuclear Ethics 5

2.New Contents of Nuclear Strategy 7

The Formation of Nuclear Deterrence Strategy 7

1.2核战略的新内容 7

1.2.1核威慑战略的提出 7

Four Phases of U.S. Nuclear Strategy 8

1.2.2美国核战略的四个阶段 8

3.New Remedies of Nuclear Peace 13

Three Choices Facing Manking 13

1.3核和平的新药方 13

1.3.1人类面临的三种选择 13

1.3.2一种新和平战略 14

A New Peace Strategy 14

CHAPTER TWO Main Contents of Nuclear Ethics 18

1.Two Waves to Explore The Transformation of Mankind s Thinking Modes 18

2 核伦理学的基本内容 18

2.1探索改变人类思维方式的两次“浪头” 18

2.2“动机—手段—结果”的模式分析 20

2.2.1两种不同的观点 20

Two Different views 20

2.“Motive—Means—Result model Analysis 20

2.2.2“动机—手段—结果”的主要模式 21

Major Motive—Means—Result Models 21

Three Stresses 23

2.2.3三个强调点 23

2.3.1核心内容 24

The Core Subject 24

3.Moral Choices in The Nuclear Age: Five Basic Principles 24

2.3.2五条基本原则 25

2.3核时代的道义选择:五条基本原则 25

Five Basic Principles 25

3 核伦理学的主要流派和理论 39

3.1西方国际关系理论的演变轨迹 39

1.Evolutionary Traits of Western International Relationship Theories 39

CHAPTER THREE Main Schools of Thought and Theories of Nuclear Ethics 39

3.1.1理想主义与现实主义 40

Idealism VS. Realism 40

Scientific Behaviourism VS. Traditionalism 42

3.1.2科学行为主义与传统主义 42

3.1.3新现实主义 47

Neo—realism 47

2.“Morality Debate and Main Schoos of Thought 48

The Up—Down—UP Cycle 48

3.2.1“起—伏—起”周期 48

3.2“道德之辩”与主要流派 48

“Morality Debate 49

3.2.2“道德之辩” 49

Four Main Schoolsof Thought 50

3.2.3四个主要流派 50

3.3.1国际政治伦理学 58

3.Main Theories of Nuclear Ethics 58

Ethics of International Politics 58

3.3核伦理学的主要理论主张 58

Superpower Ethics 65

3.3.2超级大国伦理学 65

Futurology of International Relations 70

3.3.3国际关系未来学 70

4.1.1国际机制的定义 79

4 核伦理学与国际机制 79

CHAPTER FOUR Ethics and International Regime 79

1.Definition and Evolution of International Regime 79

Definition of International Regime 79

4.1国际机制的定义与沿革 79

4.1.3国际机制的沿革 82

4.1.2几点区别 82

Several Differences 82

Evolution of International Regime 82

Salient Characteristics 84

4.2国际机制的基本特征 84

4.2.1两种研究方法 84

2.Salient Characteristics of International Regime 84

Two Study Methods 84

4.2.2基本特征 84

Three Main Schools of Thought 94

4.3.1三个主要流派 94

4.3国际机制的主要流派和理论取向 94

3.Main Schools of Thought and Theoretical Orientations of International Regime 94

4.3.2若干理论取向 99

Certain Theoretical Orientations 99

4.4关于国际机制的几点评论 104

4.4.1热门话题 104

4.Some Comments on International Regime 104

A Hot Topic 104

4.4.2三个强调及其实质 105

Three Stresses and The Essence 105

5.1.1军备控制理论的提出 107

CHAPTER FIVE Nuclear Ethics and Arms Control 107

1.The Shaping of Arms Control Theory and Its Implication 107

The Formulation of Arms Control Theory 107

5 核伦理学与军备控制 107

5.1军备控制理论的产生及其含义 107

The Nuclear History in Retrospect 108

5.1.2核历史的回顾 108

5.2军备控制的主要内容和措施 115

5.2.1核裁军 115

Nuclear Disarmament 115

2.Basic Contents and Measures of Arms Control 115

The Prevention of Nuclear Proliferation 123

5.2.2防止核扩散 123

5.2.3建立“信任——安全”措施 133

The Taking of Confidence—Security Measures 133

5.3效果的判断和机制的建立 137

5.3.1如何判断军备控制的效果 137

3.The Judgment of Effect and The Establishment of Regime 137

How to Judge The Effect of Arms Control 137

The Establishment of Nuclear Security Regime 138

5.3.2建立核安全机制 138

5.3.3其他因素 141

Other Factors 141

The Origin of Human Rights Thinking 143

6.1.1人权思想的渊源 143

6 核伦理学与国际人权 143

6.1国际人权的渊源、内容和发展 143

1.The Origin, Content and Development of International Human Rights 143

CHAPTER SIX Nuclear Ethics and International Human Rights 143

Three Big Events 145

6.1.2三个重要事件 145

Two Important Watersheds 147

6.1.3两个重要分水岭 147

The Generation Concept 151

6.1.4“代”的概念 151

International Human Rights Regime and Its Features 156

2.The Analysis of International Human Rights Regime 156

6.2.1国际人权机制及其特点 156

6.2国际人权机制分析 156

Analytical Models of International Human Rights Regime 157

6.2.2国际人权机制的具体模式 157

6.2.3国际人权机制的类别 160

Categories of International Human Rights Regime 160

6.2.4国际人权机制演变的特征 166

Characteristics of the Evolution of International 166

The Cycle of U.S. Human Rights Diplomacy 169

3.The Cycle of U.S. Human Rights Diplomacy and Its Essence 169

6.3.1美国人权外交的周期 169

6.3美国人权外交的周期及其实质 169

The Essence of U.S. Human Rights Diplomacy 173

6.3.2美国人权外交的实质 173

1.The Starting of World Order Theory 180

what is World Order? 180

CHAPTER SEVEN Nuclear Ethics and World Order 180

7.1.1什么是世界秩序 180

7.1世界秩序的理论启动 180

6 核伦理学与世界秩序 180

7.1.2理论启动的三件事 182

Three Events in Starting World Order Theory 182

7.2.1一个先决条件 188

7.2世界秩序从“模式”到“政策” 188

One Prerequisite 188

2.World Order: From Model to Policy 188

Main Points of U.S. World Order policy 190

7.2.2美国世界秩序政策的要点 190

3.The Analysis of U.S. New World Order Strategy 195

7.3美国“世界新秩序战略”剖析 195

Strategical Perceptions of U.S. New World Order 196

7.3.1美国世界新秩序的战略认识 196

Basic Framework of U.S. New World Order Strategy 199

7.3.2美国世界新秩序的基本构想 199

A Summary 203

7.3.3小结 203

CHAPTER EIGHT Conclusion 204

1.Some Comments on Western Nuclear Ethics 204

The Essence of Bourgeois Ethics 204

8.1.1资产阶级伦理学的实质 204

8.1关于西方核伦理学的几点评价 204

8 结论 204

The Limitations of Western Nuclear Ethics 206

8.1.2西方核伦理学的局限性 206

Criticism and Borrowing 208

8.1.3批判与借鉴 208

2.Chinese Perspective 210

Chinese Basic Position on The Issue of Nuclear Weapons 210

8.2.1中国在核武器问题上的基本立场 210

8.2中国的观点 210

Chinese Clear—cut Attitude Towards International Human Rights 214

8.2.2中国在国际人权问题上的鲜明态度 214

Chinese Fundamental views on New World Order 216

8.2.3中国在国际新秩序问题上的主要观点 216


主要参考书目 219


索引 224


后记 232
