新编西方故事 中学2000词PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)David Perry,熊杰平编著
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7307021048
- 页数:293 页
目录 1
前言 1
Section Ⅰ.“In the Beginning...” 19
1.Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden 19
2.Prometheus and Pandora 22
3.Mami the Creator 25
4.Adapa and the Joke of the Gods 27
5.Gilgamesh and the Search for Everlasting Life 29
Section Ⅱ.The Great Flood 39
6.Utnapishtim 39
7.Noah s Ark 42
8.Deucalion and Pyrrha 44
9.Yima and Ahura Mazda 47
Section Ⅲ.Some Famous Births 53
10.Moses 54
11.Jesus 55
12.Oedipus 57
13.Perseus 59
14.Athene and Dionysus 61
15.Hercules 63
16.King Arthur 66
Section Ⅳ.Gods and Men Against Monsters 72
17.Apollo and Python 75
18.Zeus and Typhon 77
19.Marduk and Tiamat 80
20.Perseus and Medusa 83
21.Oedipus and Sphinx 87
22.Theseus and the Minotaur 90
Section Ⅴ.Men Against Giants 98
23.David and Goliath 101
24.Odysseus and the Cyclops 103
25.Beowulf and Grendel 106
26.Gawain and the Green Knight 108
27.Jack and the Beanstalk 111
Section Ⅵ.Men Against Temptresses 118
28.Odysseus and Circe 118
29.Hippolytus and Phaedra 125
30.Joseph and Potiphar s Wife 129
31.Gawain and the Lady 132
32.Samson and Delilah 137
Section Ⅶ.Men Against the Devil 149
33.The Trials of Job 149
34.The Temptations of Jesus 152
35.The Contract That Doctor Faustus Made 154
36.The Devil and Daniel Webster 159
Section Ⅷ.The Quest for the Golden Fleece 171
37.The Coming of the Golden Fleece 172
38.The Journey to Colchis 176
39.The Getting of the Fleece 181
40.The Return to Greece 186
Section Ⅸ.The Trojan War 199
41.The Judgment of Paris 200
42.The Gathering of the Troops at Aulis 202
43.The Death of Hector 206
44.The Trojan Horse 212
45.The Returns to Greece 218
Section Ⅹ.Moses and the Exodus from Egypt 228
46.The Ten Plagues 231
47.The Crossing of the Red Sea 236
48.The Journey to Mount Sinai 239
49.The Meeting with God on Mount Sinai 242
50.The Death of Moses 245
Notes to the Texts 254
New Words and Expressions 260
Personal Names 277
Place Names 290
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