中式面点工坊 中国面点大全PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:方志荣,徐惠荣,刘顺保等主编
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787538438451
- 页数:215 页
中式面点概述 11
一、中式面点的常用原料 11
二、中式面点的成形技法 12
三、中式面点的常用工具 16
四、中式面点的面团分类和调制方法 17
五、中式面点的馅心调制 20
六、中式面点的常用熟制技法 21
壹 Part 1 油酥面团Lard dough黄桥烧饼Huangqiao Pancake 27
长生果Cake with peanut filling 28
双层荷花酥Fried cakes in lotus shape 28
金山酥角Triangle cake 29
苹果酥Deep-fried cake in apple shape 30
旋风栗子酥Deep-fried cake in chestnut shape 31
萱花酥Deep-fried cake in flower shape 32
象形枇杷酥Loquat shaped cake 33
象形核桃酥Fried cake in walnt shape 33
菊花酥Chrysanthemum cakes 34
开口笑Deep-fried dough cake 34
孔雀酥Peacock cakes 35
火蓉酥饼Cake with ham filling 36
佛手酥Cake in hand shape 37
元宝酥Deep-fried cake shape in ingot 38
吴山酥饼Wushan pancake 39
鸳鸯酥盒Cake with two kinds filling 40
象形鸭酥Cake shape in eyebrow 41
眉毛酥Cake in duck shape 41
干菜鲫鱼酥Baked cake in crucian carp shape 42
飘香榴莲酥Durian cakes 43
葡汁盒子酥Cashew cake 44
腰果酥Lotus seed paste cakes 44
蝙蝠酥Fried cake in bat shape 45
萨其马Sajima 47
木瓜酥Papaya cakes 48
像生虾酥Baked cake in shrimp shape 49
木鱼酥Deep-fried cake in fish shape 50
蛋黄酥Egg yolk cake 50
皮蛋酥Cake with preserved egg filling 51
扬州饼Yangzhou pancake 53
像生蜗牛酥Cakes in snails shape 54
旋风节节酥Cake in pattern shape 54
绣球酥Cake with two color 55
藕丝酥Lotus root cake 57
竹节酥Cake with preserved fruit 58
叉烧酥Barbecued pork cake 58
鲍鱼酥Deep-flied cake in abalone shape 59
萝卜丝酥Shredded radish cakes 60
海螺酥Cake with whelk meat 61
海棠花酥Cake in begonia shape 61
中秋月饼Moon cake 63
驴肉火烧Baked donkey meat cake 64
蜂巢蛋黄角Cake with olive filling 65
橄榄酥Deep-fried cake with egg yolk 65
老婆饼Wife's cake 67
甘露酥Lotus seed paste cake 68
贰 Part 2 水调面团Dough with water龙须面Hand-pulled thin noodles 71
凤凰饺Steamed dumplings 72
乾隆蒸饺Four color dumpling 73
虾蟹烧卖Steamed dumpling with crab meat 74
上汤鱼翅饺Dumpling with shark's fin soup 75
海皇萝卜饺Boiling radish dumpling 75
蜻蜓饺Dumpling in dragonfly shape 76
碧绿白菜饺Steamed shrimp dumpling 77
芦笋海鲜饺Dumpling with meat filling 78
鸳鸯饺Dumpling with asparagus and seafood 78
灌汤蝴蝶饺Dumpling in butterfly shape 79
香葱饼Scallion pancake 80
百花饺Dumplings in flower shape 81
对叶饺Dumplings with Chinese yam filling 82
芦笋带子饺Dumpling with asparagus and scallop 82
蟹粉小笼Steamed Dumpling with Crab Meat Stuffing 83
鸽饺Dumpling in pigeon shape 84
灌汤包Steamed stuffed bun 85
萝卜丝煎饼Shredded radish pancake 86
水晶奶黄饺HuangQiaoShaoBing 86
香茜鱼翅饺Dumpling with shark's fin 87
糯米烧卖Steamed dumpling with glutinous rice 88
梅花饺Dumpling with plum blossom shaped 89
手撕饼Pancake tear by hand 90
花篮烧卖Steamed Dumpling with dough gathered at the top 91
燕饺Dumpling in swallow shaped 92
锅贴Fried dumpling 93
麻油馓子Sanzi:deep-fried twisted dough 95
干蒸烧卖Dried steamed dumpling 97
晶莹剔透Dumpling with two filling 98
水晶秋叶饺Dumpling with cicada shape 99
知了饺Dumpling with leaf shaped 99
肉松小饺儿Dumpling with dried meat floss 100
翡翠烧卖Shaomai 101
风味水晶包Fried roll with filling 102
三丝锅饼Steamed bun with sthffing 102
一品锅贴Fried dumpling with minced meat 103
菊叶脆饼Crisp cake with vegetable filling 104
叁 Part 3 发酵面团Self-rising dough灯笼钳花包Steamed bum in lantern shaped 107
飘香芝麻糕Bun with cuttlefish filling 108
墨鱼包Black sesame cakes 108
三丁包Steamed bun stuffed with chicken pork and bamboo shoot 109
焦圈Deep-fried twisted dough 110
千层油糕Steamed cake 111
蝙蝠夹Steamed cake in bat shape 112
香猪包Bun with pig shaped 113
新疆大饼Roast pancake 113
精致刺猬Birthday cake 114
寿桃Steamed bun in hedgehog shaped 114
牛头包Steam bum with ox head shaped 115
鲤鱼跳龙门Steamed bum in fish shaped 116
腊肠卷Sausage roll 117
流汁金沙包Steamed bum with filling 118
双色卷Roll with doubles color 119
窝窝头Steamed corn cake 119
肉末烧饼Baked cake with meat filling 121
草帽包Steam bum with hat shaped 122
叉烧包Steam bun with barbecued pork 123
脆皮鲜奶Crisp milk cake 124
鸭蛋包Bun with duck egg yolk filling 125
玉米饼Fried corn cake 127
文蛤卷Cake with strawberryjam 128
石榴包子Bun with pomegranate shaped 128
生煎包子Fried dumpling 129
玫瑰包Cake with rose shaped 130
雪山包Baked bun with sauce 131
五丁包Bun with five cubes filling 133
鸡丝卷Thin roll 134
象仔包Bun with elephant shaped 134
松子鹅油卷Pinenut roll 135
黄金大饼Gold cake 136
百结包Steamed bun with date filling 137
五彩夹层糕Cake with five color 137
莲花包Cake in lotus flower shaped 138
长寿龟Cake in turtles shaped 138
玉扇包Fun cake 139
开花馒头Steamed bun with chocolate 140
月牙包Steamed bun with banana and egg yolk 141
香芋包Steamed bun with taro stuffing 143
脆皮奶黄包Crisp bun with milk and egg yolk stuff 144
南瓜千层糕Pumpkin cake 144
香菇素菜包Steam bun with mushroom and vegetable stuf 145
桃夹Cake with peach shaped 146
果酱银丝卷Jam roll 146
肆 Part 4 米粉面团Rice Flour Dough重阳糕Chung yeung festival cake 149
莲蓉金铃子Steamed bun with stuffling 150
鸳鸯戏水Steam bun in mandarin duck shape 151
夹层松糕Sandwich cake 152
如意锁片Luck cake 153
象形玉米Cake in corn shaped 154
象形葫芦Cake in gourd shaped 155
三色拉糕Cake in pineapple shaped 156
菠萝Three color cakes 156
水乡菱角Cake with water caltrop filling 157
玉米元宝饺Steam corn bum 158
香芒雪媚娘Cake with mango filling 159
田园南瓜Pumpkin cake 160
咖喱薯蓉鸡Fried cake in chicken shaped 161
金丝蜜枣HuangQiaoShaoBing 163
草莓西米果Green cake 164
青团Sago with strawberry 164
海苔珍珠卷Seaweed roll 165
咸水角Triangle bun 167
象形人参Cake with ginseng shaped 168
咖啡九层糕Coffee with milk cake 168
金鱼戏水Goldfish Cake 169
瓜仁芋球Chinese yam cake 170
海棠玉点Cake in flower shaped 171
菊花松糕Chinese pudding 172
节节高升Cake in bamboo shaped 172
鹦鹉Cake in parrot shaped 173
荠菜煎软糍Pancake roll 174
香打麦场Cake with vegetables filling 174
玉鹅对语Cake in goose shaped 175
粉果Cake with filling 177
奶香椰子球Cake with green apple shaped 178
青苹果Ball with coconut milk 178
洋桃Cake in carambola shaped 179
蒸年糕New Year cake 181
菜汁苦瓜Cake in balsam pear shaped 182
家乡茄子Cake with eggplant shaped 182
荷藕Lotus root cake 183
三足蟾蜍Cake in toad shaped 184
卡通狗Cartoon dog cake 185
企鹅Cake in penguin shaped 186
熊猫戏竹Panda with bamboo shoot cake 187
豆沙糯米鼠Cake in lotus shaped 188
夏莲Cake with red bean filling 188
蚕豆Horse bean cake 189
草原玉兔Cake with rabbit shaped 191
紫葡萄Cake with grape shaped 192
伍 Part 5 杂粮面团Grain Dough粽子Glutinous rice dumpling 195
香炸麻球Sugar cake 196
白糖糕Deep-fried cake with sesame seed 196
藕粉圆子Lotus root powder balls 197
豌豆黄Pea cake 198
五香芋丝糕Gluten powder cake 199
冰皮饼Five spices taro cake 199
驴打滚Soybean roll 201
椰蓉黑米糕Black rice cake 202
香糯紫菜卷Seaweed roll 202
艾窝窝Glutinous rice cake 203
锦鱼Cake in fish shaped 205
藕丝糕Lotus root cake 206
珍珠雪球Cake with sago 206
糍粑Glutinous rice cake 207
南瓜饼Pumpkin pie 208
芹香黄金卷Egg yolk cake roll 209
生仁芋蓉糕Sweet potato cake 209
萝卜腊味糕Radish with sausage cake 210
豆蓉煎饼Green pea pancake 211
西米香芋糕Sago with taro cake 212
香芋糯米卷Glutinous rice with taro roll 212
玉盏鲜果Cake with honey melon 213
萝卜丝油端Shredded radish cake 213
芋头糕Taro cake 214
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