- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:田在艺,张庆春
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7502121293
- 页数:276 页
1.1 Sedimentary Basin as the Basic Geological Unit for Oil/gas Generation and Occurrence 1
1.2 Controlling Factors of Sedimentary Basins on Oil/gas Generation and Occurrence 3
1.2.1 A sedimentary basin formed under a certain tectonic environment is favorable to oil/gas generation and evolution,if under long-term continued subsidence 4
1.2.2 Multi-cyclicity of crustal movement leads to multi-cyclicity of structural evolution and deformation of the basin and the formation of source-reservoir-seal combinations at different stages and various types of oil/gas pools 4
1.2.3 Control of palaeoclimate on oil/gas bearing basins 6
1.2.4 Sedimentary system,facies and diagenetics control the richness of oil/gas pools 6
1.2.5 Organic-rich source rock is the basis for oil/gas generation,and oil-generating sag controls the distribution of oil/gas pools 9
1.2.6 Appropriate palaeo-geotemperature is critical to oil/gas generation 11
1.2.7 Oil/gas migration is a link in the whole process of generation,migration and accumulation,and hydrodynamics has an important influence on migration and accumulation 12
1.2.8 Regional structural style controls the type and distribution of traps 13
1.2.9 Temporal and spatial matching of source,reservoir,seal,migration,trap,preservation is critical for an accumulation to become a pool 13
2.1 Regional Tectonic Units and Their Spatial Distribution 17
2.1.1 North China stable continent tectonic province 19
2.1.2 Tarim stable continental tectonic province 20
2.1.3 Qaidam stable continent tectonic province 21
2.1.4 Yangtze stable continent tectonic province 21
2.1.5 Gondwana northern margin tectonic province 22
2.1.6 Tianshan-Hinggan/Mongolia-Jilin/Hei-longjiang fold tectonic province 24
2.1.7 Qinling-Qilian fold tectonic province 25
2.1.8 Kunlun fold tectonic province 27
2.1.9 Songpan-Garze fold tectonic province 27
2.1.10 Karakorum-Tanggula-Sanjiang fold tectonic province 28
2.1.11 South China fold tectonic province 29
2.1.12 East continental margin tectonic province 30
2.2 Historical Development of Crustal Structure 31
2.2.1 Fuping Period 31
2.2.2 Liuliang Period 33
2.2.3 Jinning Period 35
2.2.4 Caledonian Period 37
2.2.5 Hercynian Period 41
2.2.6 Indosinian Period 45
2.2.7 Yanshanian Period 49
2.2.8 Himalayan Period 53
3.1 Significance of Basin Classification and Previous Classification 57
3.1.1 Significance of basin classification 57
3.1.2 Previous basin classification 58
3.2 Types and Evolution of Petroliferous Sedimentary Basins in China 60
3.2.1 Basin types 62
3.2.2 Basin development and formation of Meso-Cenozoic superposed basins 74
4.1 Introduction 83
4.1.1 Significance and basic content of analysis of petroliferous sedimentary basins 83
4.1.2 Multi-factor synthetic analysis of petroliferous sedimentary basins 83
4.1.3 General guideline for analysis of petroliferous sedimentary basins 84
4.2 Analysis of Basin Subsidence and Burial History 87
4.2.1 Basin Subsidence and fill-up as well as their significance in petroleum geology 87
4.2.2 Mechanism of basin subsidence 89
4.2.3 Restoration of subsidence and burial history of sedimentary basins 91
4.3 Thermal Regimes and Thermal History Analysis of Sedimentary Basins 104
4.3.1 Geotherm and its significance to hydrocarbon generation 104
4.3.2 Geotemperature field and thermal regime of sedimentary basin 106
4.3.3 General methods for reconstructing thermal histories of sedimentary basins 115
4.4 Multi-cyclic Evolution of Basins and Multi-stage Association of Sourec-Reservoir-Seal 128
4.4.1 Multi-cyclicity of crustal movement and superposed basins 128
4.4.2 Multi-cyclic evolution of basins and multi-stage hydrocarbon-generating formation 129
4.4.3 Multi-cyclic sedimentary formations and multi-stage source-reservoir-seal associations 140
4.5 Depositional Systems,Diagenesis and Their Relationships with Hydrocarbon Accumulation 147
4.5.1 Depositional systems,sedimentary facies and temporal and spatial distribution of sedimentary basins 148
4.5.2 Sedimentary facies belt and relationship with hydrocarbon accumulation 157
4.5.3 Diagenesis and epigenesis of depositional systems and their relationships with oil and gas 162
4.6 Source Rock Evaluation and Analysis of Hydrocarbon-Generation History of Basins 165
4.6.1 Basic theory of hydrocarbon generation 166
4.6.2 Evaluation of source rocks in petroliferous basins 172
4.6.3 Quantitative calculation of hydrocarbon generation history 182
4.7 Palaeoclimatology and Hydrocarbon-Bearing Features of Sedimentary Basins 187
4.7.1 Palaeoclimatology and the principle of its reconstruction 187
4.7.2 Palaeoclimate condition and oil-bearing features of sedimentary basins 191
4.8 Hydrocarbon Migration and Hydrodynamic Analysis 199
4.8.1 Analysis of primary migration of oil and gas 199
4.8.2 Analysis of secondary migration and accumulation of oil and gas 207
4.9 Structural Styles,Trapping Types and Distribution of Hydrocarbon Accumulations 220
4.9.1 Structural styles and their major types in sedimentary basins 220
4.9.2 Structural styles and their distribution features of sedimentary basins in China 227
4.9.3 Types of hydrocarbon traps and association patterns of oil and gas accumulations 231
4.10 Analysis of Sealing Conditions of Oil and Gas Pools and Petroleum System 239
4.10.1 Analysis of sealing conditions of oil and gas pools 239
4.10.2 Petroleum system analysis 244
4.11 Basin Modeling Techniques and Their Application to Petroliferous Basin Analysis 252
4.11.1 Brief introduction to basin modeling techniques 253
4.11.2 2D basin modeling in Damintun sag of Liaohe depression 258
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