英汉实用中医药大全 10 内科学PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周次清,徐象才主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7040048310
- 页数:656 页
Notes 1
1 Diseases of the Respiratory System 1
1.1 Cold 1
1.2 Bronchitis 9
1.3 Bronchial Asthma 18
1.4 Lobar Pneumonia 26
1.5 Pulmonary Abscess 32
1.6 Obstructive Emphysema 39
1.7 Bronchiectasis 48
2 Diseases of the Cardio-cerebro-vascular System 55
2.1 Rheumatic Heart Disease 55
2.2 Coronary Arteriosclerotic Cardiopathy 60
2.3 Myocardosis 66
2.4 Arrhythmia 70
2.5 Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease 83
2.6 Congestive Heartfailure 90
2.7 Hypertension 94
2.8 Hyperlipemia 99
2.9 Cerebrovascular Accident 104
3 Diseases of the Digestive System 116
3.1 Acute/Chronic Gastritis 116
3.2 Gastroduodenal Ulcer 120
3.3 Non-specific Chronic Ulcerative Colitis 126
3.4 Cirrhosis 129
3.5 Pancreatitis 135
3.6 Cholelithiasis 139
4.1 Acute Glomerulon Ephritis 144
4 Diseases of the Urinary System 144
4.2 Chronic Glomerulon Ephritis 148
4.3 Urinary Infection 157
4.4 Calculus of the Urinary System 162
4.5 Chyluria 165
4.6 Enuresis 170
5 Diseases of the Blood System 174
5.1 Iron-deficiency Anemia 174
5.2 Aplastic Anemia 178
5.3 Primary Thrombocytopenic Purpura 183
5.4 Leukocytopenia 188
5.5 Leukemia 191
6 Diseases of the Endocrine System 199
6.1 Hyperthyroidism 199
6.2 Hypothyroidism 203
6.3 Diabetes 206
7 Collagen Diseases 213
7.1 Rheumatic Arthritis 213
7.2 Rheumatoid Arthritis 222
7.3 Scleroderma 228
7.4 Sciatica 233
8 Infectious Diseases 240
8.1 Pulmonary Tuberculosis 240
8.2 Tuberculous Pleurisy 247
8.3 Tuberculous Peritonitis 251
8.4 Intestinal Tuberculosis 254
8.5 Bacillary Dysentery 257
8.6 Typhoid Fever and Paratyphoid Fever 264
8.7 Amebosis 268
8.8 Virus Hepatitis 272
8.9 Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever 278
8.10 Malaria 287
8.11 Undulant Fever 294
8.12 Leptospirosis 299
8.13 Schistosomiasis 304
8.14 Hookworm Disease 312
8.15 Filariasis 315
8.16 Cestodiasis and Cysticercosis 321
8.17 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome 327
9 Common Tumors 333
9.1 Mammary Cancer 333
9.2 Bronchopulmonary Carcinoma 338
9.3 Carcinoma of Esophagus 344
9.4 Carcinoma of Stomach 349
9.5 Primary Liver Cancer 356
9.6 Carcinoma of Colon 360
Index of Prescriptions 368
The English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM(Booklist) 655
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