临床流行病学论文集 1 part onePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:朱世能,林果为主编;王吉耀等编
- 出 版 社:上海医科大学出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7562700915
- 页数:313 页
前言 1
英文摘要 1
1.感染性疾病 1
1.1 医院内感染的发生率调查和危险因素分析 童华华等 1
前言页 1
1.2 The Efficacy of HBV Vaccine in Preventing the Transmission of HBV From Mother to Infant Zhu Qiyo 1
1.1 Ineidence Survey and Risk Factor Analysis of Nosocomial Infections Tong Huahua,et al. 1
1.Infectious Diseases 1
1.5 An Analysis of The Causative Organisms in Adult Acute Infeetious Diarrheas Encountered in the Pa 2
1.4 Transplacental Transmission of Hepatitis BVirus Zhu Qiyong,et al. 2
1.3 Intradermal Injeetion of Hepatitis B Vaccine-A Cost Reduction Stra-tegy Zhu Qiyong,et al. 2
1.7 Antimierobial Agent Suseeptibility Patterns of Bacteria in Hospital as Related to the Use of Ant 3
1.6 Evaluation of the Widal Test in the Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever Sun Tao,et al. 3
2.1 Diabetes Mellitus Survey in China National Diabetes Research Cooperative Group 4
2.2 Diabetes Mellitus Survey in Shanghai Shanghai Diabetes Research Cooperative Group 4
2.Internal Mdeicine 4
2.3 Ideal Body Weight of Adults in Shanghai Shanghai Diabetes Research Cooperative Group 5
1.2 乙型肝炎疫苗阻断母婴传播两年的效果分析 朱启?等 6
2.4 Clinical Analysis of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Shanghai Shanghai Myocardial Infarction Rese 6
2.5 Case-Control Study on Myocardial Infarction Shanghai Cooperative Group of Coronary Heart Disease 6
2.6 Association of Cigarette Smoking With Hypertension Pan Xinwei,et al. 7
2.7 Hypertension Risk Factor of Myocardial Infarction Pan Xinwei,et al. 7
2.8 Prevalence and Unawareness of Hypertension in the Petrochemical In-dustrial Population in China 8
2.9 The Clinical Signifieanee of U Wave Inversion:An Analysis of 364 Cases Tao Wuhua and Wei Shoude 8
2.10 Primary Investigation on Asthma in 142 035 Inhabitants Both in Shangbai Urban and Jiashan Rural 9
2.11 Further Investigation on Clinical Epidemiology of Asthma Zhu Huiru,et al 9
2.12 Liver Diseases in Adult Autopsy:An Analysis of 2665 Cases Zhu Shineng,et al 9
2.13 A Preliminary Study of Population Screening For Hepatocellular Carei-noma in High Risk Populati 10
1.3 乙型肝炎疫苗皮内注射效果观察 朱启?等 10
2.14 The Relationships Between Gastrie Cancer and Gastrie Uleer or Chronie Gastritis-A Cohort Study 10
2.15 Randomized Clinical Trial of Cis-Platinum Diammine Dichloride(PDD) in Treatment of Hepatoeellul 11
2.16 An Analysis of Prognostie Factors in Liver Cirrhosis Wang Jiyao,et al. 12
2.17 The Evaluation of Noninvasive Diagnostic Tests in Detecting Pancreas Cancer Wang Jiyao,et al. 12
2.19 Incidence and Case Control Studies of Leukemias in Shanghai Shanghai Leukemia Survey Cooperativ 13
2.20 The Relationship Between Drug Exposure and Acquired Aplastic Anemia Survey Group of Etiology of 14
1.4 乙型肝炎病毒的经胎传播 朱启?等 14
2.22 A Survey of Non-Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions and Evaluation for the Effect of Drug Preventio 15
2.21 A Case-Control Study of Pathogenie Factors of Acquired Aplastic Anemia Survey Group of Etiology 15
2.23 A Population Survey of Iron Nutritional Status Among Adolescents in Jingan District of Shanghai 16
2.24 A Survey of Iron Nutritional Status Among 358 Aged Population in Shanghai Lin Peidi,et al. 17
1.5 成人急性感染性腹泻的致病菌分析 郑德联等 17
2.26 A Retrospective Survey of Cancer Among Vinyl Chloride Workers Wang Kailian,et al. 18
2.25 Evaluation of the Diagnostic Utility of Four Iron Parameter for the Diagnosis of Iron Deficiene 18
3.3 The Survey of Birth Defects (Congenital Malforuations)for 68 733 Newborn Infants in Shanghai Urb 20
3.2 Genetic Diseases Among Hospitalized Children in Children Hospital,Shanghai Medical University 20
3.1 Survey of Down Syndrome in 122 047 Newborn Infants in Shanghai Shanghai Survey Group of Down 20
3. Pediatrics 20
1.6 肥达反应诊断价值评价 孙涛等 21
3.4 Epidemiology of Respiratory Diseases of the Newborn Shao Xiaomei,et al. 21
3.5 A Local Survey of the Incidence of Neonatal Diseases Jin Hanzhen,et al. 22
3.6 Study on Nutritional Iron Deficiency Anemia Wu Yue,et al. 23
3.7 The Status of Iron Nutrition and Prophylaxis of Iron Deficiency in Low-Birth-Weight Infants Yu Y 23
3.8 Serum Lead level and Iron Nutrition Status of Mild Brain Dysfunction (MBD) in Childhood Wu Yue,e 24
3.9 The Study of Maternal and Infant Iron Status Wu Yue,et al. 24
3.10 Investigation of Protein Nutritional Status in 434 Children Under 2 Years of Age Shen Weiming,e 24
1.7 细菌耐药性和抗菌药物的应用水平 童华华等 25
3.11 Pathological Analysis of 1000 Autopsies on Newborn Infants Xiao Zian,et al. 25
3.12 Statistic Analysis on Tumors of Childhood in Shanghai Medical Univ-ersity During 1950~1979 Zhu 25
3.13 Pathological Analysis of 542 Cases With Tumors of Central Nervous System Zhu Changning,et al. 26
3.14 Screening for Symptomless Hematuria in Children Zhou Yiping,et al. 26
4.2 Au Epidemiologie Survey of Cerebral Vascular Disease (CVD) in Luwen District of Shanghai Feng Er 27
4.1 An Epidemiological Analysis on Mortality of Cerebral Vascular Disease (CVD) in Luwen District of 27
4.Neurology 27
4.3 The Epidemiological Survey of Nervous System Diseases in Rural Areas of Han Nationality in China 28
4.4 Natural History of Acute Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage(The Re-trospeetive Study of 233Cases) 29
5.Eye and ENT Diseases 30
5.1 Survey of the Eye Diseases in A Neighbourhood of Shanghai Kuo Pingkuan,et al. 30
2.1 我国14省市30万人口中糖尿病调查报告 全国糖尿病研究协作组调查研究组 30
2.内科 30
5.2 Epidemiological Study of Retinoblastoma in Shanghai Wang Guoming,et al. 30
5.4 A Study on Physiological Values of Refraction Determination Among Preschool Children Wang Fangru 31
5.3 Epidemiological Study of Cataract in Gan Zi Wang Guoming,et al. 31
5.6 Studies on Myopia in Twins Zhu Renyuan,et al. 32
5.5 Cup Disk Ratio in the Twins and its Genetic Investigation Ji Xunchuan,et al. 32
5.7 Studies on Hvperopia in Twins Wang Rongfang,et al. 32
5.9 Physiologic Myopia Wang Fangrun,et al. 33
5.8 Genetic Study of Retinoblastoma in Twins Kuo Pingkuan and Wang Guoming 33
6.2 Blood Lipids,Prolactin Levels and Breast Cancer Zhu Xiqi,et al. 34
6.1 A Clinical Epidemiological Study of Gall Stone in China Ni Quan Xin and Wang Dezhao 34
6.Surgery,Gynecology and Obstetrics 34
6.3 Assessment and Scoring of Postpartum Blood Loss Zhuang Yiliang,et al. 35
2.2 上海地区10万人口中糖尿病调查报告 上海市糖尿病研究协作组 45
2.3 上海地区成年人的理想体重 上海市糖尿病研究协作组 54
2.4 1970~1979年上海地区1544例急性心肌梗塞的临床总结 上海市心肌梗塞科研协作组 62
2.5 心肌梗塞的配对调查 上海市冠心病协作组 72
2.6 吸烟与高血压的关系 潘信伟等 76
2.7 高血压—心肌梗塞的危险因素 潘信伟等 79
2.8 石油化工人群中高血压检出率与不知道高血压情况统计 黄毓? 82
2.9 U波倒置的临床意义一附364例心电图分析 陶物华 魏守德 86
2.10 上海市区和嘉善农村14万城乡居民中哮喘患病情况的初步调查 诸君龙等 90
2.11 哮喘临床流行病学的进一步研究 朱惠如等 95
2.12 成人尸检中的肝脏疾病——2665例分析 朱世能等 100
2.13 在高发人群中普查肝癌的初步研究 杨秉辉等 107
2.14 胃和十二指肠病变与胃癌关系的初步分析 徐梨花等 110
2.15 顺氯氨铂治疗原发性肝癌的随机分组临床试验 杨秉辉等 114
2.16 肝硬化预后因素的分析 王吉耀等 117
2.17 胰腺癌非侵入性诊断试验的评价 王吉耀等 125
2.18 上海西区纺织女工中铁缺乏症的调查 林果为等 130
2.19 上海市静安及金山地区白血病流行病学调查 上海市白血病流行病学调查协作组 136
2.20 药物和获得性再生障碍性贫血发病的关系 再生障碍性贫血病因调查协作组 141
2.21 获得性再生障碍性贫血发病因素病例对照研究 再生障碍性贫血病因调查协作组 146
2.22 非溶血输血反应的调查及其药物预防效果的评价 林果为等 150
2.23 上海市静安区青少年铁营养状况的调查 林果为等执笔 154
2.24 上海市358例老年人铁营养状况的调查 林佩娣等 159
2.25 四种常用铁参数对铁缺乏症诊断价值的评价 林果为等 163
2.26 氯乙烯作业工人肿瘤回顾性调查 黄开莲等 167
3.儿科 169
3.1 上海市区122 047名新生儿Down综合征普查 上海市区新生儿Down综合征普查协作组 169
3.2 上海医科大学儿科医院1963、1978年住院儿童遗传病构成概况 李修琪 朱畅宁 173
3.3 上海市区69 733例新生儿出生缺陷(先天畸形)普查报告 上海市区新生儿出生缺陷(先天畸形)普查协作组 178
3.4 新生儿呼吸系统疾病流行病学调查 邵肖梅等 183
3.5 新生儿疾病调查和防治重点 金汉珍 邵肖梅 188
3.6 营养性缺铁性贫血的研究 吴?等 195
3.7 低出生体重儿铁营养状况及铁缺乏症预防的研究 于阳等 200
3.8 儿童多动综合症的血铅及铁营养状况 吴?等 204
3.9 母婴铁状况的研究 吴?等 207
3.10 434名2岁以内儿童蛋白营养状况的观察 沈伟敏等 212
3.11 新生儿尸检1000例病理分析 肖紫安等 216
3.12 1950~1979年上海医科大学小儿肿瘤5674例统计分析 朱畅宁等 220
3.13 小儿中枢神经系统肿瘤542例病理分析 朱畅宁等 225
3.14 小儿无症状性血尿的普查结果分析 周一平等 230
4.神经科 234
4.1 上海市卢湾区脑血管病死亡资料流行病学分析(1951~1979) 冯而娟等 234
4.2 上海市卢湾区脑血管病流行病学调查 冯而娟等 240
4.3 中国农村汉族地区神经系统疾病流行病学研究 冯而娟等 247
4.4 急性高血压性脑出血的自然史 姜国鑫 陈汉白 253
5.眼耳鼻喉科 258
5.1 上海一个居民委员会的眼病调查 郭秉宽等 258
5.2 上海地区视网膜母细胞瘤的调查研究 王国民等 262
5.3 甘孜白内障流行病学的调查 王国民等 268
5.4 学龄前儿童眼屈光度生理值测定 汪芳润等 275
5.5 双生子视乳头杯盘比的观察及其遗传因素的探讨 嵇训传等 280
5.6 双生子近视眼的研究 褚仁远等 283
5.7 双生子远视眼的研究 王蓉芳等 288
5.8 双生子视网膜母细胞瘤的遗传学研究 郭秉宽 王国民 291
5.9 生理性近视眼 汪芳润等 296
6.外科和妇产科 302
6.1 胆结石的临床流行病学调查分析 倪泉兴 王德昭 302
6.2 血脂、泌乳素水平与乳癌 朱锡琪等 306
6.3 产后出血量的测定与防治的评分 庄依亮等 310
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