钱学森文集 1938-1956PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱学森著;王寿云编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7030027118
- 页数:810 页
Boundary Layer in Compressible Fluids 1
Problems in Motion of Compressible Fluids and Reaction Propulsion 11
Flight Analysis of a Sounding Rocket with Special Reference to Propulsion by Successive Impulses 128
Two-Dimensional Subsonic Flow of Compressible Fluids 137
The Buckling of Spherical Shells by External Pressure 146
The Influence of Curvature on the Buckling Characteristics of Structures 154
A Method for Predicting the Compressibility Burble 168
The Buckling of Thin Cylindrical Shells Under Axial Compression 196
Buckling of a Column wiht Non-Linear Lateral Supports 206
A Theory for the Buckling of Thin Shells 220
Heat Conduction across a Partially Insulated Wall Hsue-shen Tsien 232
On the Design of the Contraction Cone for a Wind Tunnel 236
Symmetrical Joukowsky Airfoils in Shear Flow 239
The “Limiting Line”in Mixed Subsonic and Supersonic Flow of Compressible Fluids 258
Loss in Compressor or Turbine due to Twisted Blades 292
Lifting-Line Theory for a Wing in Non-Uniform Flow 306
Atomic Energy 317
Two-Dimensional lrrotational Mixed Subsonic and Supersonie Flow of a Compressible Fluid and the Upper Critical Mach Number 327
Superaerodynamics, Mechanics of Rarefied Gases 465
Propagation of Plane Sound Waves in Rarefied Gases 477
Similarity Laws of Hypersonic Flows 485
One-Dimensional Flows of a Gas Characterized by van der Waal's Equation of State 490
Flow Conditions near the Intersection of a Shock Wave with Solid Roundary 516
Lower Buckling Load in the Non-Linear Buckling Theory for Thin Shells 523
Rockets and Other Thermal Jets Using Nuclear Energy 525
Engineering and Engineering Sciences 550
On Two-Dimensional Non-Steady Motion of a Slender Body in a Compressible Fluid 564
Wind-Tunnel Testing Problems in Superaerodynamics 576
Airfoils in Slightly Supersonic Flow 584
Interaction between Parallel Streams of Subsonic and Supersonic Velocities 592
Research in Rocket and Jet Propulsion 606
A Generalization of Alfrey's Theorem for Visco-Elastic Media 611
Instruction and Research at the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center 614
Influence of Flame Front on the Flow Field 628
Optimum Thrust Programming for a Sounding Rocket 635
The Emission of Radiation from Diatomic Gases, Ⅲ.Numerical Emissivity Calculations for Carbon Monoxide for Low Optical Densities at 300°K and Atmospheric Pressure 644
The Transfer Functions of Rocket Nozzles 652
A Similarity Law for Stressing Rapidly Heated Thin-Walled Cylinders 657
On the Determination of Rotational Line Half-Widths of Diatomic Molecules 664
Automatic Navigation of a Long Range Rocket Vehicle 666
A Method for Comparing the Performance of Power Plants for Vertical Flight 674
Servo-Stabilization of Combustion in Rocket Motors 678
Physical Mechanics,A New Field in Engineering Science 686
The Properties of Pure Liquids 690
Similarity Laws for Stressing Heated Wings 699
Supersonic Flow over an Inclined Body of Revolution 7
Take-Off from Satellite Orbit 710
Analysis of Peak-Holding Optimalizing Control 714
The Poincare-Lighthill-Kuo Method 724
Thermodynamic Properties of Gas at High Temperatures and Pressures 793
Thermonuclear Power Plants 796
钱学森生平简介 802
后记 810
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