英汉实用中医药大全 21 临床会话PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐象才主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7040035979
- 页数:428 页
Contents 1
Notes 1
1Dialogue for the Clinic 1
1.1Internal Medicine 1
1.1.1Common Cold 1
1.1.2Headache 3
1.1.3Cough 5
1.1.4Dyspnea 7
1.1.5Asthma 9
1.1.6Stomachache 11
1.1.7Hiccup 14
1.1.8Hypochondriac Pain 16
1.1.9Consumptive Disease 21
1.1.10Dysentery 22
1.1.11Diarrhea 24
1.1.12Constipation 27
1.1.13Palpitation 29
1.1.14Sleeplessness 31
1.1.15Dizziness 32
1.1.16Chest-Bi-Syndrome 35
1.1.17Edema 38
1.1.18Diabetes 42
1.1.19Stranguria 45
1.1.20Deafness 48
1.1.21Seminal Emission 50
1.1.22Lumbago 53
1.1.23Arthralgia-Syndrome 55
1.2.1Vitiligo 57
1.2Surgery 57
1.2.2Buerger s Disease 60
1.2.3Subaxillary Lymphadenitis 63
1.2.4Tuberculosis of Cervical Lymphoid 65
1.2.5Cystic Hyperplasia of Mamary Glands 66
1.2.6Psoriasis 69
1.2.7Interstitial Infection of the Palm Complicated byLymphangitis 71
1.2.8Dorsal Carbuncle 73
1.2.9Panniculitis 75
1.2.10Scleroderma 77
1.2.11Ichthyosis 78
1.2.12Herpes Zoster 80
1.2.13Chronic Pharyngitis 82
1.2.14Acute Mastitis 83
1.3.1Dislocation of Shoulder 86
1.3Orthopedics 86
1.3.2Fracture of Distal End of Radius 88
1.3.3Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus 91
1.3.4Fracture of the Shaft of Tibia and Fibula 94
1.3.5Lumbar Sprain 97
1.3.6Pyogenic Infection of Bone 100
1.4Gynecology 102
1.4.1Preceded Menstrual Cycle 102
1.4.2Profuse Menstruation 104
1.4.3Metrorrhagia and Metrostaxis 107
1.4.4Amenorrhea 112
1.4.5Dysmenorrhea 114
1.4.6Gynecological Diseases 117
1.4.7Morning Sickness 119
1.4.8Habitual Abortion 122
1.4.9Puerperal General Aching 125
1.4.10Hypogalactia of Lactation 127
1.4.11Sterility 129
1.4.12Pruritus Vulvae 132
1.5Pediatrics 135
1.5.1Cold 135
1.5.2Pneumonia with Asthma and Cough 137
1.5.3Cough 140
1.5.4Abdominal Pain 142
1.5.5Diarrhea 145
1.5.6Chicken-pox 147
1.5.7Mumps 149
1.5.8Thrush 151
1.6.1Abdominal Pain 153
1.6Acupuncture and Massage 153
1.6.2Facial Paralysis 155
1.6.3Insomnia 159
1.6.4Sorethroat 161
1.6.5Headache 163
1.6.6Toothache 165
1.6.7Apoplexy 167
1.6.8Stopping Smoking by Acupuncture 171
1.6.9Arthralgia-Syndrome 172
1.6.10Stiffneck 175
1.6.11Omalgia 176
1.6.12Diarrhoea 178
1.6.13Infantile Malnutrition 180
1.7Hemorrhoid and Fistula 182
1.7.1Internal Hemorrhoids 182
1.7.2External Hemorrhoid 183
1.7.3Anus Fissure 185
1.7.4Prolapse of Rectum 187
2Dialogue on the Basic Knowledge of Traditional ChineseMedicine 190
2.1The Four Diagnostic Methods 190
2.2The Eight Principal Syndromes 192
2.3Etiology and Pathogenesis 193
2.4Zangfu、Qi、Blood and Meridian 196
2.5Principles of Treatment 201
2.6Method of Decocting Medicinal Herbs 204
3Selections of Medical Record 207
3.1Jaundice 207
3.2Hemoptysis 209
3.3Apoplexy 214
3.4Melancholia 217
3.5DepressivePsychosis 222
3.6Arthralgia-syndrome 227
3.7Obstruction of Qi in the Chest 229
3.8Syndrome Characterized by Asthma 233
3.9Psoriasis 236
3.10Vitiligo 237
3.11Dermatasclerosis 239
3.12Dysmenorrhea 241
3.13Morning Sickness 245
3.14Complication of Wind Summer-heat and Dampness 247
3.15Convulsion due to Wind-warmness and Phlegm-heat 248
3.16Flaccidity Syndrome 252
3.17Facial Paralysis 254
3.18Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus 257
The English-Chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM (Booklist) 427
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