英汉实用中医药大全 7 推拿治疗学PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐象才主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7040050749
- 页数:828 页
目录 1
Notes 1
Brief Introduction to Tuina 1
1 Brief Introduction to the Development of Tuina of TCM 5
2 An Outline of Tuina Schools of TCM 14
3 The Way to Master Tuina of TCM 19
4 Brief Introduction to the Principle for TCM s Tuina to Work 21
5 Brief Introduction to the Modern Researches in Tuina Manipulations 24
Part One:Adult Tuina 30
1 Brief Introduction to Adult Tuina 30
1.1 Characteristics of Manipulations and Point-selection of Adult Tuina 30
1.2 Commonly Used Mediums for Adult Tuina 32
1.3 Points for Clinical Attention in Adult Tuina 34
1.4 Indications of Adult Tuina 38
1.5 Contraindications of Adult Tuina 39
2 Commonly Used Manipulations for Adult Tuina 40
2.1 Yizhichan Tui(operate/operating with one thumb) 43
2.2 Na(grasp/grasping) 45
2.3 An(press/pressing) 47
2.4 Mó(palm-rub/rubbing) 48
2.5 Rou(knead/kneading) 50
2.6 Dian(digital-press/pressing) 51
2.7 Ca(rub/rubbing) 53
2.8 Gun(roll/rolling) 55
2.9 Zhen(vibrate/vibrating) 58
2.10 Cuo(do/doing foulage) 59
2.11 Mǒ(wipe/wiping) 61
2.12 Tina(1ift-grasp/grasping) 62
2.13 Anrou(press-knead/kneading) 63
2.14 Boyun(forearm-knead/kneading) 64
2.15 Ji(beat/beating) 65
2.16 Pai(pat/patting) 70
2.17 Dou(shake/shaking) 71
2.18 Yao(rotate/rotating) 73
2.19 Ban(pull/pulling) 78
2.20 Bashen(pull-extend/extending) 94
3 Methods and Steps for Training Manipulations 103
3.1 Practice on a Bag Filled with Rice 104
3.2 Practice on the Human Body 106
3.3 Practice through Routine Performance in Treating Common Diseases 106
4 The Fourteen Channels and the Commonly Used Acupoints 108
4.1 An Outline of the Fourteen Channels 108
4.2 An Outline of the Acupoints 112
4.3 Introduction to the Fourteen Channels and Commonly Used Points and Tuina Manipulations 118
4.4 Commonly Used Extraordinary Points and the Tuina Manipulations Performed on Them 160
5 Exercises as the Basic Training of Manipulations 163
5.1 Yijinjing 164
5.2 Shaolinneigong 177
5.3 Points for Attention in Doing Exercises 188
6 Treatment of Common Adult Diseases 190
6.1 Common Cold 190
6.2 Headache 192
6.3 Insomnia 194
6.4 Diarrhea 197
6.5 Epigastralgia 199
6.6 Hemiplegia due to Apoplexy 203
6 7 Flaccidity Syndrome 205
6.8 Arthralgia-syndrome 208
6.9 Hypertension 210
6.10 Hiccup 212
6.11 Uroschesis 214
6.12 Constipation 216
6.13 Angina Pectoris 218
6.14 Colicky Pain of the Gall-bladder 220
6.15 Mastitis 222
6.16 Dysmenorrhea 224
6.17 Postpartum General Aching 226
6.18 Postpartum Tormina 227
6.19 Toothache 229
6.20 Pharyngitis 230
6.21 Dislocation of Tendon of Long Head of Biceps Brachii 232
6.22 Tenosynovitis of Long Head of Biceps Brachii 236
6.23 Tendinitis of Supraspinatus Muscle 238
6.24 Sub-acromial Bursitis 240
6.25 External Humeral Epicondylitis 243
6.26 Medial Humeral Epicondylitis 245
6.27 Sprain of the Wrist Joint 246
6.28 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 249
6.29 Injury of Medial Collateral Ligament of Kee Joint 252
6.30 Sprain of the Ankle Joint 255
6.31 Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome 259
6.32 Sprain of Achilies Tendon 261
6.33 Scapulohumeral Periarthritis 263
6.34 Disturbance of Costovertebral Joints 271
6.35 Cervical Spondylopathy 273
6.36 Stiffneck 281
6.37 Disturbance of Lumbar Vertebral Facet Joints 282
6.38 Acute Lumbar Sprain 284
6.39 Syndrome of the Thind Lumber Vertebral Transverse Process 286
6.40 Chronic Strain of Lumbar Muscle 288
6.41 Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc 290
7 Adult Tuina for Health-care 295
7.1 Health-care of the Head,Face and the Five Sense Organs 295
7.2 Health-care of the Extremities 306
7.3 Health-care of the Chest and Abdomen 318
7.4 Health-care of the Neck,Back and Waist 321
8.1 An Outline of Infant Tuina 334
8.2 Relevant Knowledge of Infant Tuina 334
8 Brief Introduction to Infant Tuina 334
Part Two:Infant Tuina 334
9 Manipulations for Infant Tuina 340
9.1 Tui(push/pushing) 340
9.2 An(press/pressing) 342
9.3 Mó(rub/rubbing) 343
9.4 Qia(nip/nipping) 344
9.5 Rou(knead/kneading) 345
9.6 Yun(arc-push/pushing) 347
9.7 Nie(pinch/pinching) 348
9.8 Fen(laterally-divided push/pushing) 351
9.9 Dao(pound/pounding) 352
10 Commonly Used Points in Infant Tuina 353
10.1 Points on the Head and Neck 353
10.2 Points on the Chest and Abdomen 362
10.3 Points on the Back 375
10.4 Points on the Upper Limbs 382
10.5 Points on the Lower Limbs 410
11 Treatment of Common Infantile Diseases 418
11.1 Fever 418
11.2 Cold 421
11.3 Cough 424
11.4 Asthma 428
11.5 Anorexia 432
11.6 Morbid Night Crying 434
11.7 Constipation 438
11.8 Vomiting 440
11.9 Diarrhea 443
11.10 Proctoptosis 447
11.11 Malnutrition 449
11.12 Abdominal Pain 452
11.13 Uroschesis 456
11.14 Enuresis 458
11.15 Thrush 461
11.16 Myopia 463
11.17 Rickets 466
11.18 Cerebral Palsy 468
11.19 Myogenic Torticollis 471
12 Infant Tuina for Health-care 475
12.1 Infant Tuina for Calming the Mind 475
12.2 Infant Tuina for Strengthening the Spleen and Regulating the Stomach 478
12.3 Infant Tuina for Strengthening the Spleen to Reinforce the Lung 479
12.4 Infant Tuina for Improving Intelligence and Building up Health 481
The English-chinese Encyclopedia of Practical TCM (Booklist) 827
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