- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:温丹丽,隋传国主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:9787561125755
- 页数:183 页
Unit One the Basis of the Flectricity and its Applications 1
Passage One Conception of about Electricity 1
Passage Two Introduction to Transistors 5
Passage Three Radio Waves 10
Passage Four Radar 13
Passage Five Electricity Applications 18
构词法(Ⅰ)英语构词的三种方法 22
Unit Two Digital Circuit and Simulation Circuit 24
Passage One Simple NMOS Logic Gates 24
Passage Two Semiconductor 29
Passage Three Counter 32
Passage Four Integrated Memories 38
Passage Five Using a Breadboard 42
构词法(Ⅱ)名词前缀与后缀 47
Unit Three High-frequency technology 49
Passage One Communications and Communications system 49
Passage Two Information and Transmitters 52
Passage Three Channel-noise and Receiver 56
Passage Four Need for Modulation 60
Passage Five Frequency Spectra of Non-sine-waves 65
构词法(Ⅲ)动词前缀与后缀 69
Unit Four Electric Appliance 70
Passage One What's Going to Happen to Washing Machines in the Future? 70
Passage Two How Does a Washing Machine work? 74
Passage Three Refrigerators 79
Passage Four Microwave Ovens 83
Passage Five How do Liquid Crystal Display TVs Work? 87
构词法(Ⅳ)形容词、副词前缀与后缀 91
Unit Five Electrical Engineering 94
Passage One The First Generator in the World 94
Passage Two Switches and Fuses 97
Passage Three Transformer 101
Passage Four Electric Motors 106
Passage Five Principal Electrical Instruments and Uses 110
构词法(Ⅴ)词尾与词性 115
Unit Six Sensors and Transducers 117
Passage One Sensor Technology 117
Passage Two The Series of Transducers and Transmitters 121
Passage Three Thermistors 126
Passage Four Application of the Sensor 130
Passage Five Types of Sensors 135
Unit Seven Computer Control Techniques 141
Passage One The 8051 mierocontroller 141
Passage Two MCS-51 on-chip UART 146
Passage Three The Watchdog 150
Passage Four Introduction to Digital Signal Processing 154
Passage Five Computer Controller for Supersaturation in Sugar Boiling Process 159
Unit Eight Automatic Control System 165
Passage One Control Theory 165
Passage Two Process Control System 169
Passage Three Fire Alarm System 172
Passage Four Industrial Robot 176
Passage Five The Mini Automatic Controls 180
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