教材完全解读 高中英语 必修4 配外研版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:欧时才本册主编
- 出 版 社:南宁:接力出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787807326212
- 页数:192 页
学法指津 1
MODULE 1 Life in the Future 3
Section Ⅰ Introduction,Reading and vocabulary 4
Section Ⅱ Function,Listening and speaking,Grammar and Writing 13
Section Ⅲ Everyday English and Cultural corner 22
模块知识梳理与能力整合 27
最新5年高考名题诠解 31
知识与能力同步测控题 32
MODULE 2 Traffic Jam 36
Section Ⅰ Introduction,Reading and vocabulary 37
Section Ⅱ Listening and speaking,Pronunciation and Grammar 48
Section Ⅲ Writing,Everyday English and Cultural corner 53
模块知识梳理与能力整合 58
最新5年高考名题诠解 61
知识与能力同步测控题 62
MODULE 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication 66
Section Ⅰ Introduction,Reading and vocabulary 67
Section Ⅱ Listening and vocabulary,Function and Grammar 76
Section Ⅲ Writing,Everyday English and Cultural corner 81
模块知识梳理与能力整合 86
最新5年高考名题诠解 88
知识与能力同步测控题 89
MODULE 4 Great Scientists 93
Section Ⅰ Introduction,Reading and vocabulary 94
Section Ⅱ Grammar,Listening and vocabulary 102
Section Ⅲ Reading and writing and Cultural corner 107
模块知识梳理与能力整合 113
最新5年高考名题诠解 115
知识与能力同步测控题 116
MODULE 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges 120
Section Ⅰ Introduction,Reading and vocabulary 121
Section Ⅱ Grammar,Listening,Function and Pronunciation 131
Section Ⅲ Vocabulary and writing and Cultural corner 137
模块知识梳理与能力整合 141
最新5年高考名题诠解 144
知识与能力同步测控题 146
MODULE 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World 150
Section Ⅰ Introduction,Reading and vocabulary 151
Section Ⅱ Listening and vocabulary,Grammar 159
Section Ⅲ Writing and Cultural comer 164
模块知识梳理与能力整合 170
最新5年高考名题诠解 172
知识与能力同步测控题 174
MODULE 7 Revision(略) 178
答案与提示 178
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