- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:隋桂岚,吴劲秋主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7561127251
- 页数:342 页
第一部分 大学英语写作方法篇 1
第一节 基本知识与技巧 2
第二节 文章基本结构 13
句子 13
段落 19
常用英语修辞法 38
写好段落的标准 48
第三节 实用文体及写作方法 64
记叙文 64
描写文 70
说明文 76
议论文 80
第二部分 四、六级考试作文写作方法篇 89
第一节 评分原则与标准 90
第二节 样文分析 93
2002年6月四级真题样文 93
2004年6月四级真题样文 97
2004年6月六级真题样文 102
第三节 四、六级作文基本题型及范例 107
提纲式作文 107
段首句作文 111
关键词作文 118
情景作文 125
图表作文 129
应用文 137
第四节 考试作文常见错误典例分析 142
一致性问题 142
句子结构不平衡 148
修饰语错误 150
连词误用和漏用 152
词语误用 153
汉式英语 154
第三部分 大学英语考试作文实践篇 155
第一节 精选热门话题作文与评析 156
1.Internet in China 156
2.The Internet E-mail 159
3.Computers in China 163
4.The Advantages and Disadvantages of ATM 166
5.CAI/Computer Assisted Instruction 170
6.Electronic Dictionaries 174
7.The Problem of Piracy 178
8.Why Do People Like to Try Their Luck on Lottery? 181
9.Blood Donation without Repayment 185
10.Does Tuition Policy Keep Students Away? 188
11.DO We Need Internet? 193
12.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet 196
13.Fake Diplomas 200
14.Studying Abroad 205
15.Keys to Success 209
16.Re-employment Efforts 213
17.My View on Fate 217
18.The Importance of Education 222
19.Encourage or Discourage Private Automobiles? 226
20.Why We Needn't Worry Too Much about AIDS? 230
21.The Bus and the Subway Train 234
22.What Job Do They Want to Do 238
23.The Changes in China's Foreign Trade 243
24.Natural Gas 247
25.Health Gains in Developing Countries 251
26.Air Pollution and Cancer 255
27.Fire Causes in London 258
28.A Letter of Thanks 261
29.A Letter of Application 264
30.A Letter of Welcome 267
第二节 创作性作文范文 270
1.How to Succeed in Life 270
2.Mutual Understanding Is Important 271
3.Ambitions and Actions 272
4.Hobbies 272
5.Bicycles in China 273
6.Private Cars in China 274
7.Advertisements 275
8.Living in Big Cities 276
9.The Importance of Planting More Trees 277
10.The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Long Holiday 278
11.Is a Part-time Job Necessary 279
12.What to Prepare for a Job Interview? 280
13.Sportsmanship 281
14.No Pains,No Gains 281
15.On books 282
16.The Relationship between the Environment and Develapment 283
17.The Harm of Computer Games 284
18.Is Euthanasia(安乐死)Humane? 285
19.Should Human Cloning be banned? 286
20.E-mail or Letter Writing? 287
21.The Advantages of Traveling by Bicycle 288
22.Is Dress Important in Our Life? 289
23.Is Telling the Truth Always Better Than Telling Lies? 290
24.To Become a Postgraduate or an Employee? 291
25.My Best Friend 292
26.A Memorable Trip 293
27.The life on Campus 294
28.Population Control 294
29.Developing Western Regions 295
30.Holiday Economy 297
31.The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cell Phone 298
32.Computer Viruses 299
33.Cyber Crimes 300
34.Tourism Wave 301
35.Cracking Down on the Abduction of Women and Children 302
36.Hackers 303
37.Reduction of Students' Study Load 304
38.Sandstorms 306
39.Shopping on the Net 307
40.My View on the Negative Effects of Reference Books 308
41.The Positive and Negative Aspects of Internet 309
42.The Significance of the First Working Draft of Human Genome Map 310
43.Hunting for a Job on Internet 311
44.China's Foreign Investment 312
45.The Brain Drain in China 313
46.Sex Education 314
47.Tomorrow's Internet 316
48.A Teacher-centered Class or a Student-centered Class 317
49.The Positive and Negative Aspects of Exams and the Existing Examination System 318
50.Technology Has Changed Our Language 319
51.Automobiles,a Double-edged Sword 320
52.A Blessing or a Curse 321
53.How Internet Are Used in Education 322
54.What Do You Prefer,Joining Package Tours or Traveling on Your Own? 324
55.Why MBA Attracts Young People 325
56.A Letter of Complaint 325
57.A Letter of Application 326
58.A Letter of Application 327
59.Should Young Couple Have Children 329
60.Education and the Market 330
61.Keeping Humorous 331
62.A Job Seeker's Dilemma:High Salary or Career Development 332
63.Why Mandarin Chinese Should Be Popularized 333
64.Video Games 334
65.Enthusiasm for Sports 335
66.School Students Go to Evening Language schools 336
67.Should Women Have Equal Job Opportrnities with Men? 338
68.Hours of Study and Grades 339
69.The Problem of Population 340
70.The Last Leaf 342
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