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大胆开口说英语  高级
大胆开口说英语  高级

大胆开口说英语 高级PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:史小妹著
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787560529837
  • 页数:183 页
《大胆开口说英语 高级》目录
标签:小妹 开口

Unit 1 Cyberspace 2

Background Reading 2

So,What Is Cyberlove? 何为网恋? 2

Listening and Speaking 10

Section 1 My Cyber Love 我的网恋故事 10

Section 2 Don't Be Overwhelmed by Cyberspace 别让网络慑倒 13

Section 3 Cyber Love Can Bring Joy,Regret and Grief 网恋让人快乐、悔恨又痛苦! 16

Section 4 Does the Internet Make People Closer? 网络拉近了人与人之间的距离吗? 21

Free Talk Cartoons 24

What a Love! 24

A Net-orphan 25

Free-downloading and Cyber-ethics 25

Unit 2 Schooling and Education 学校教育 28

Background Reading 28

"Five-point Plan"for Prosperity and Equal Opportunity 倡导教育平等构建繁荣的“五项计划” 28

Listening and Speaking 31

Section 1 Schooling and Education 上学与受教育 31

Section 2 EQ Is More Important than IQ? 情商比智商重要吗? 33

Section 3 Studying Abroad or at Home? 出国留学还是在本国就读? 36

Section 4 Should College Students Take Part-time Jobs? 大学生该兼职吗? 38

Free Talk Cartoons 41

Dependence on High-tech 41

Terrible Homework 42

Corporal Punishment in Schools 43

Unit 3 Fashion and fads 流行时尚 46

Background Reading 46

Women's Handbags and the Consumption of Social Status 妇女的手提包消费关乎身份 46

Listening and Speaking 52

Section 1 Follow the Fashion 赶时髦 52

Section 2 Youth of Today:No Savings,No Pension,Huge Debts 如今的年轻人:零存款、零退休金、债台高筑 55

Section 3 The Metrosexuals 都市美男 60

Section 4 Raising Pets,a Serious Business 养宠物乃正经事业 64

Free Talk Cartoons 67

Practicality vs.Beauty 68

Lightning Marriage 68

The"Moonlit Clan" 69

Unit 4 Healthy Lifestyles 健康生活 72

Background Reading 72

Eating for Health 健康饮食 72

Listening and Speaking 77

Section 1 The White Collars' Health Crisis 白领之健康危机 77

Section 2 Preventing Stress through a Healthy Lifestyle 减轻压力的健康生活方式 80

Section 3 Hidden Fitness 被忽略的健身法 85

Section 4 We Should All Grow Fat and Be Happy 胖,并快乐着! 89

Free Talk Cartoons 93

Exercises vs.The Diet 93

Dieting 94

Parental Influence 95

Unit 5 Work and Job Hunting 工作求职 98

Background Reading 98

When Job Hunting,What You Don't Know Can Hurt You 求职必读 98

Listening and Speaking 103

Section 1 Job Market in China 中国的职场现状 103

Section 2 Negotiating Salary for a New Job 找工作如何谈薪水 106

Section 3 Talking about Work 谈谈工作 111

Sample Dialogue1—What Job to Take 111

Sample Dialogue2—Reporting to Work 113

Sample Dialogue3—Asking for a Promotion 113

Sample Dialogue4—Working Overtime 114

Section 4 Job-hopping:How It Affects Your Career Success 跳槽对职业生涯的影响 115

Free Talk Cartoons 118

Self-confidence vs.Competition 119

Hunting for a Job or a Rich Husband? 120

Iron Rice Bowls or Joint Ventures? 122

Unit 6 Environmental Protection 环境保护 125

Background Reading 125

Air Pollution Fatalities Now Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 3 to 1 空气污染杀伤力高出交通事故三倍 125

Listening and Speaking 129

Section 1 Sandstorms in Beijing 北京的沙尘暴 129

Section 2 Environmental Consciousness of Our Society 环境意识 132

Section 3 China Battles Pollution from Plastic Bags 抗击白色污染——中国拿塑料袋开刀 136

Section 4 Take Urgent Measures to Protect Our Environment 紧急行动 保护环境 140

Free Talk Cartoons 148

Organic Farming vs.Conventional Farming 148

Organic Food:Buy or Bypass? 149

What to Do to Protect Our Environment? 151

Unit 7 Personal Attraction 人格魅力 154

Background Reading 154

Modern Standards of Beauty:Nature or Nurture?An Evolutionary Perspective 自然美还是再造美——从进化论角度看美之现代标准 154

Listening and Speaking 166

Section 1 The Power of Beauty 美的力量 166

Section 2 Charming Is as Charming Does 有魅力才迷人 168

Section 3 How to Get that"It"Factor Happening 如何令“神奇魅力”为你添彩 173

Section 4 How to Unlock Your Natural Attractive Force and Attract Your Right Relationship 天然去雕饰,魅力自然在 176

Free Talk Cartoons 180

Attraction vs.Personal Development 180

Inner Self vs.Outer Self 181

Plastic Surgery vs.Beauty and a Better Job 182
