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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:常俊跃主编;曾荣,刘春梅,田春燕等编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787561148419
  • 页数:256 页

Chapter 1 Newcomers 初到公司 1

Unit 1 Job Interviews 求职面试 2

Unit 2 First Day in the Company 员工报到 7

Unit 3 Working Environment 了解工作环境 11

Unit 4 Company Rules and Regulations 了解公司规定 16

Chapter 2 Daily Work 朝九晚五 21

Unit 1 Schedule 日程安排 22

Unit 2 Letters and Files 信函与文件 26

Unit 3 Breaks 工作间歇 30

Unit 4 Progress of Working 工作进展 34

Chapter 3 On the Phone 电话用语 39

Unit 1 Calling Someone 打电话 40

Unit 2 Answering the Phone 接电话 44

Unit 3 Leaving a Message 留信息 48

Unit 4 Dialing the Wrong Number 打错电话 52

Unit 5 Hanging up the Phone 挂断电话 56

Chapter 4 Having Conferences 召开会议 61

Unit 1 Chairing a Conference 主持会议 62

Unit 2 Addressing a Meeting 会议发言 67

Unit 3 Requesting Information 询问信息 72

Unit 4 Asking for Opinions 征求意见 76

Unit 5 Meeting Connection 会议衔接 80

Unit 6 Questions and Answers 问题应答 84

Unit 7 Showing Approval 表示赞同 88

Unit 8 Showing Disapproval 表示反对 92

Chapter 5 Visitors 接待客户 97

Unit 1 Making Appointments 预约 98

Unit 2 Making Arrangements 安排 102

Unit 3 Welcome and Reception 欢迎客户 106

Unit 4 Business Dinner 款待客人 111

Unit 5 Around the Workshop 带客户参观 115

Unit 6 Product Introduction 产品介绍 119

Unit 7 Gifts-giving 馈赠礼物 124

Unit 8 Saying Goodbye 告别 128

Chapter 6 Communicating with Visitors 与客户交流 133

Unit 1 Visiting a Customer 回访客户 134

Unit 2 Asking for Payments 索要货款 138

Unit 3 Urging on Delivery 催交货物 142

Unit 4 Dissatisfied with Service 不满客户服务 146

Unit 5 Asking for a Refund 请求退款/货 150

Unit 6 Maintaining Cooperation 维持合作 154

Chapter 7 Office Tallk 与同事交流 159

Unit 1 Working Overtime 谈加班 160

Unit 2 Office Equipment 谈办公设备 164

Unit 3 Interests and Hobbies 谈兴趣爱好 167

Unit 4 Asking for Help 寻求帮助 171

Unit 5 Offering Help 提供帮助 175

Unit 6 Inviting Colleagues 邀请同事 178

Unit 7 Promotion 谈升职 182

Unit 8 Market 谈市场 186

Unit 9 Vacations and Holidays 谈假期 190

Chapter 8 Talking with the Boss 与上级交谈 195

Unit 1 Asking for Leave 向上级请假 196

Unit 2 Resignation 向上级辞职 201

Unit 3 Transferring 调换工作 206

Unit 4 Communicating 交流工作 210

Unit 5 Saying No 表示不同意 214

Unit 6 Appraisal 评估 218

Unit 7 Asking for a Salary Raise 要求加薪 223

Unit 8 Making a Proposal 提出建议 227

Chapter 9 Business Travel 商务旅行 231

Unit 1 Making a Reservation with Airlines 预定航班 232

Unit 2 Making a Reservation with a Hotel 预定酒店 236

Unit 3 Business Arrangements 安排商务活动 240

Unit 4 At the Customs 出入境 244

Unit 5 Meeting at the Airport 接机 248

Unit 6 Travel Reimbursement 报销差旅费 252
