- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高鹏,孙常青主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:9787561129036
- 页数:200 页
UNIT 1 校园生活Lesson 1
Text A Class on the Internet 2
Text B Study in an Internet classroom 5
Lesson 2
Text A How do I stay healthy? 7
Text B Fighting off illness 9
Lesson 3
Text A Be a happy kid to have success 11
Text B Cleaning up your smile 14
Lesson 4
Text A I promise not to be a cheat 16
Text B Student soldiers 18
UNIT 2 青年一代Lesson 5
Text A Teens are learning how to love science 22
Text B Science—that's fun 25
Lesson 6
Text A Hope for a safer world 27
Text B Kids keep Lei alive 30
Lesson 7
Text A Changing lives 32
Text B She made life better 35
Lesson 8
Text A Finns finish on top 37
Text B Mobile phones are making students ill 39
UNIT 3 关爱成长Lesson 9
Text A Make home a happier place to be 42
Text B Clean your room for a better life 45
Lesson 10
Text A A world made fat 47
Text B Ways to keep your body healthy 50
Lesson 11
Text A Be a brave new girl to win in life 52
Text B Never stop dreaming of success 54
Lesson 12
Text A Top tips to keep cool when angry 56
Text B Talking to you like a best friend 59
UNIT 4 为人处世Lesson 13
Text A She was there when I needed her most 62
Text B I don't have to be like them 65
Lesson 14
Text A Let's learn more about each other 67
Text B My first dance with a girl 70
Lesson 15
Text A Life is great if we have friends 72
Text B A special friend 74
Lesson 16
Text A How can kids get closer to their families? 76
Text B A good friend 79
UNIT 5 社会热点Lesson 17
Text A School kids face grown-up choices 82
Text B Running from harm 84
Lesson 18
Text A Your rights at home and at school 86
Text B Fun games for teens 89
Lesson 19
Text A Learning how to save 91
Text B Street food not good 94
Lesson 20
Text A Fighting CD copiers 96
Text B Don't let the cold stop you 99
UNIT 6 体育赛场Lesson 21
Text A The changing games 102
Text B Beijing 2008,here we come 105
Lesson 22
Text A Young girl's big dreams 107
Text B A Real Winner 110
Lesson 23
Text A The world comes to China 112
Text B Golden Sheva 115
Lesson 24
Text A People have been driving very fast for years 117
Text B Liu wins again 119
UNIT 7 休闲假日Lesson 25
Text A The worst class I've ever had 122
Text B Have fun and stay well 125
Lesson 26
Text A Eating right all summer 127
Text B What's inside your favourite snacks? 130
Lesson 27
Text A Storm into summer 131
Text B How to make summer cool 134
Lesson 28
Text A Different ways to learn 136
Text B Fishing for happiness 139
UNIT 8 知识长廊Lesson 29
Text A Being careful when using the Internet 142
Text B Learning a lot online 145
Lesson 30
Text A Making the Earth move 147
Text B Our great oceans 150
Lesson 31
Text A Use less electricity to help stop global warming 152
Text B Working out when an earthquake will happen 155
Lesson 32
Text A Helping robots to think and feel 157
Text B Six top tips on how to keep safe 160
UNIT 9 风云人物Lesson 33
Text A A great thinker and teacher 162
Text B A great leader who takes care of his old mother 165
Lesson 34
Text A Remembering Deng 166
Text B Palestinians hope leader will get well 169
Lesson 35
Text A Making a safe home for kids 171
Text B Presidents can forget to finish their homework 174
Lesson 36
Text A Rich Bill helps poor people 176
Text B China's greatest sailor 179
UNIT 10 环球博览Lesson 37
Text A A prize to be proud of 182
Text B Bad ideas win,too! 185
Lesson 38
Text A World's doctor 187
Text B The year of rice 190
Lesson 39
Text A A land of dreams 192
Text B The city on the sea 194
Lesson 40
Text A Animal kingdom 196
Text B Largest wild animal park 199
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