医学分子生物学进展论文集 3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:方福德等主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国协和医科大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7810725092
- 页数:395 页
吴冠芸教授论文选 3
1.大肠杆菌可溶性核糖核酸的提取及其性质的研究 3
2.靛玉红治疗慢性粒细胞白血病疗效原理的研究——靛玉红与DNA的结合作用及其结合键型的鉴别 10
3.α-地中海贫血的早期产前基因诊断 17
4.广西地区19例HbH病人的α-珠蛋白基因组织 21
5.甲型血友病基因诊断的研究 28
6.中国广西、广东、四川三省区β-地中海贫血基因突变类型及产前基因诊断研究 33
7.安徽省铜陵市脆性X综合征的分子生物学调查和遗传学分析 38
8.Application of capillary nongel sieving electrophoresis for gene analysis 42
吴冠芸教授发表的论文和著作目录 53
论文目录 53
综述与译文目录 67
书籍目录 68
祝贺吴冠芸教授80华诞 71
著名生物化学与分子生物学家吴冠芸教授 71
我的导师吴冠芸教授&杨善蓉 74
祝贺论文选(以作者姓氏拼音为序) 75
1.RanBPM is a novel binding protein for p75NTR&Dong Bai,Bing-Ren Huang(黄秉仁)et al 75
2.Transgenic study of the function of chymase in heart remodeling&Lan-Ying Chen(陈兰英)et al 83
3.Hb F-Forest Park,a new Aγ variant with two amino acid substitutions,75(E19)Ile→Thr and 73(E17)Asp→Asn,which can be identified in adults by gene-mapping analysis&Song-sen Chen(陈松森)et al 97
4.High-level expression of foreign genes via multiple joined operons and a new concept regarding the restricted constant of total amount of plasmid DNA per Escherichia coli cell&Chen Weijing、Lu Shengdong(卢圣栋)et al 105
5.Association between Genetic Variation of CACNA1H and Childhood Absence Epilepsy&Yucai Chen,Yan Shen(沈岩)et al 112
6.The expression of human α-like globin genes in transgenic mice mediated by bacterial artificial chromosome&Dong-Xiao、Chih-Chuan Liang(梁植权)et al 119
7.Correlation of expression of BP1,a homeobox gene,with estrogen receptor status in breast cancer&Sidney W Fu(付四东)et al 127
8.Distinct functions of two isoforms of a homeobox gene,BP1 and DLX7,in the regulation of the β-globin gene&Sidong Fu(付四东)et al 136
9.Effects of point mutation C→T at-64 of human δ globin gene promoter on DNA binding proteins&Kou Haiping、Liang Zhiquan(梁植权)et al 148
10.The effect of chemical carcinogenesis on rat glutathione S-transferase PI gene transcriptional regulation&Dongyuan Liu、Fude Fang(方福德)et al 154
11.Heterogeneity of Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease Analysis of an APKD Family Unlinked to 3'HVR&LIU Guo-Yang(刘国仰)et al 163
12.A CASE OF HEMOGLOBIN IWATA[α87(F8)HIS→ARG]IN CHINA&Liu Guoyang(刘国仰)et al 167
13.PCR assay for the inversion causing severe Hemophilia A and its application&Liu Jingzhong(刘敬忠)et al 170
15.多基因疾病相关基因定位的研究策略&刘天承、邱长春等 184
16.Tyrosine mutation in CD3ε-ITAM Blocked T Lymphocyte Apoptosis Mediated by CD3ε&Yanxin Liu、Dexian Zheng(郑德先)et al 192
17.Deficiency of the Mouse Complement Regulatory Protein mCd59b Results in Spontaneous Hemolytic Anemia with Platelet Activation and Progressive Male Infertility&Xuebin Qin(秦学斌)et al 202
18.重组可溶性TRAIL的表达与生物学活性&史娟、刘士廉、刘彦信、郑德先等 218
19.Multiplex Allele-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction in the Diagnosis of Phenylketonuria&SONG Fang(宋昉)et al 223
20.中国人苯丙氨酸羟化酶基因的10种新突变&宋昉等 227
21.Detection of Erythrocytes Deficient of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchored Membrane proteins in patients with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria by the toxin HEC secreted by Aeromonas hydrophila J-1&Jian Wang、Caimin Xu(许彩民)、Huazhen Pan(潘华珍)、Zhinan Zhang(张之南)et al 232
22.苯丙酮尿症患者苯丙氨酸羟化酶基因的两个新突变&徐陆亭、苗世荣、刘国仰、黄尚志、罗会元等 239
23.Overexpression and purification of recombinant atrial natriuretic peptide using hybrid fusion protein REF-ANP in Escherichia coli&Jun Wang、Shengdong Lu(卢圣栋)et al 243
24.ASH2L:alternative splicing and downregulation during induced megakaryocytic differentiation of multipotential leukemia cell line&Yan Shen(沈岩)、Jiangang Yuan(袁建刚)、Boqin Qiang(强伯勤)、Junhua Wang et al 254
25.人干细胞因子受体c-Kit稳定表达细胞株的构建&熊安琪、陈松森等 264
26.PKC∈ Is a Unique Regulator for hsp90β Gene in Heat Shock Response&Jianmin Wu、Lian-xian Cui(崔莲仙)、Ninghua Wu(吴宁华)、Yufei Shen(沈羽非)et al 270
27.Mekk3 is essential for early embryonic cardiovascular development&Jianhua Yang(杨建华)et al 282
28.Calcineurin/Nuclear Factors of Activated T Cells(NFAT)-activating and Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-based Activation Motif(ITAM)-containing Protein(CNAIP),a Novel ITAM-containing protein That Activates the Calcineurin/NFAT-signaling pathway&Jianhua Yang(杨建华)et al 291
29.The essential role of MEKK3 in TNF-induced NF-κB activation&Jianhua Yang(杨建华)et al 301
30.Molecular Characterization of a Novel form of(Aγδβ)0 Thalassemia Deletion in a Chinese Family&JunWu Zhang(张俊武)et al 310
31.A novel gene,RSD-3/HSD-3.1,encodes a meiotic-related protein expressed in rat and human testis&Xiaodong Zhang、Shiying Miao(缪时英)、Linfang Wang(王琳芳)et al 319
32.DSPP mutation in dentinogenesis imperfecta Shields typeⅡ&Xiaohai Zhang、Boqin Zhang(强伯勤)、Yan Shen(沈岩)et al 332
33.The 3'breakpoint of the Yunnanese(Aγδβ)0-thalassemia deletion lies in an L1 family sequence:implications for the mechanism of deletion and the reactivation of the Gγ-globin gene&Xue-Qing Zhang & Jun-Wu Zhang(张俊武) 336
34.原发性高血压相关新基因的发现——D1S249位点与汉族EH相关联&郑勇、邱长春等 345
35.Inhibition of L ZIP-mediated Transcription through Direct Interaction with a Novel Host Cell Factor-Like Protein&HaiJun Zhou、BoQin Qiang(强伯勤)、JianGang Yuan(袁建刚)et al 352
36.Fudenine,a C-Terminal Truncated Rat Homologue of Mouse prominin,Is Blood Glucose-Regulated and Can Up-Regulate the Expression of GAPDH&Guozhi Zhu、Jin Zuo(左瑾)、Fude Fang(方福德)et al 364
37.Cloning and characterization of PIMT,a protein with a methyltransferase domain,which interacts with and enhances nuclear receptor coactivator PRIP function&Yijun Zhu(朱益军)et al 373
38.Coactivator PRIP,the Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-interacting Protein,Is a Modulator of Placental,Cardiac,Hepatic,and Embryonic Development&Yi-Jun Zhu(朱益军)et al 385
编后记 395
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