岩体锚固与岩土工程新进展 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王树仁(Shuren Wang),保罗·黑根(Paul C.Hagan),曹晨(Chen Cao)著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787302454458
- 页数:410 页
1.Rock Testing 1
1.Instability Characteristics of a Single Sandstone Plate 1
2.Instability Characteristics of Double-Layer Rock Plates 11
3.Rupture and Energy Analysis of Double-Layer Rock Plates 18
4.Double-Layer Rock Plates With Both Ends Fixed Condition 27
5.Viscoelastic Attenuation Properties for Different Rocks 32
6.Cutting Fracture Characteristics of Sandstone 39
7.Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Sandstone Cutting 46
8.Fracture Properties on the Compressive Failure of Rock 52
References 58
Further Reading 60
2.Rockbolting 61
1.Mathematical Derivation of Slip Face Angle 61
2.A Mechanical Model for Cone Bolts 73
3.Effect of Introducing Aggregate Into Grouting Material 86
4.Optimizing Selection of Rebar Bolts 90
5.Poisson's Ratio Effect in Push and Pull Testing 102
6.Study on Rockbolting Failure Modes 112
7.Steel Bolt Profile Influence on Bolt Load Transfer 128
8.Tensile Stress Mobilization Along a Rockbolt 141
References 146
Further Reading 149
3.Grouted Cable 151
1.Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable 151
2.Theoretical Analysis of Load Transfer Mechanics 159
3.Impacting Factors on the Design for Cables 168
4.Mechanical Properties of Cementitious Grout 177
5.Anchorage Performance Test of Cables 187
6.Axial Performance of a Fully Grouted Modified Cable 196
7.Sample Dimensions on Assessing Cable Loading Capacity 203
References 212
Further Reading 215
4.Tunnel Engineering 217
1.Construction Optimization for a Soft Rock Tunnel 217
2.Water Inrush Characteristics of Roadway Excavation 225
3.Lining Reliability Analysis for Hydraulic Tunnel 233
4.Disturbance Deformation of an Existing Tunnel 239
5.Energy Dissipation Characteristics of a Circular Tunnel 250
6.Pressure-Arch Evolution and Control Technique 256
7.Skewed Effect of the Pressure-Arch in a Double-Arch Tunnel 266
References 276
Further Reading 279
5.Slope Engineering 281
1.Three-Dimensional Deformation Effect and Optimal Excavated Design 281
2.Stability Analysis of Three-Dimensional Slope Engineering 289
3.Fracture Process Analysis of Key Strata in the Slope 295
4.Parameters Optimization of the Slope Engineering 303
5.Key Technologies in Cut-and-Cover Tunnels in Slope Engineering 310
6.Potential Risk Analysis of a Tailings Dam 319
7.A New Landslide Forecast Method 326
References 331
Further Reading 333
6.Mining Geomechanics 335
1.Analytical Analysis of Roof-Bending Deflection 335
2.Analytical Solution of the Roof Safe Thickness 345
3.Catastrophe Characteristics of the Stratified Rock Roof 350
4.Pressure-Arch Analysis in Coal Mining Field 357
5.Analysis of Accumulated Damage Effects on the Roof 363
6.Tunnel and Bridge Crossing the Mined-Out Regions 372
7.Pressure-Arch Analysis in Horizontal Stratified Rocks 381
8.Pressure-Arch in a Fully Mechanized Mining Field 392
References 400
Further Reading 402
Index 403
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