- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨泽伟主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787307206076
- 页数:490 页
上篇:海上共同开发协定 3
一、1960年捷克斯洛伐克与奥地利共同开发案 3
Agreement between the Government of the Czechoslovakia Republic and the Austria Federal Government Concerning the Working of Common Deposits of Natural Gas and Petroleum 3
二、1969年卡塔尔与阿布扎比酋长国共同开发案 8
Agreement between Qatar and Abu Dhabi on Settlement of Marine Boundaries and Ownership of Islands 8
三、1971年伊朗与沙迦共同开发案 11
1.Memorandum of Understanding between Iran and Sharjah 11
2.《伊朗与沙迦间谅解备忘录》 12
四、1974年苏丹和沙特阿拉伯共同开发案 13
Sudan and Saudi Arabia Agreement relating to the Joint Exploitation of the Natural Resources of the Sea-bed and Subsoil of the Red Sea in the Common Zone 13
五、1976年英国与挪威共同开发弗里格天然气案 18
1.Framework Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government-of the Kingdom of Norway concerning Cross-Boundary Petroleum Co-operation 18
2.《大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府与挪威王国政府间关于跨界石油合作的框架协定》 54
六、1979年泰国湾共同开发案 79
1.Statement of the Territorial Sea,the Contiguous Zone,the Exclusive Economic Zone,and the Continental Shelf of Vietnam,12 May 1977 79
2.Statement of 12 November 1982 by the Government of the Socialist Republic of VietNam on the Territorial Sea Baseline of VietNam 82
3.Statement Issued by the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 15 January 1978 83
4.Cambodian Council of State Decree on Territorial Waters 85
5.The Brévié Line,31 January 1939 89
6.Agreement on Historic Waters of Vietnam and Kampuchea 91
7.Declaration of the Office of the Prime Minister Concerning the Inner Part of the Gulf of Thailand,22 September 1959 94
8.Proclamation Establishing the Breadth of the Territorial Waters 94
9.Announcement of the Office of the Prime Minister Concerning the Straight Baselines and Internal Waters of Thailand 95
10.Proclamation on Demarcation of the Continental Shelf of Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand,18 May 1973 96
11.Royal Proclamation Establishing the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand,23 February 1981 98
12.Announcement of the Office of the Prime Minister Concerning Straight Baselines and Intern Waters of Thailand Area 4,17 August 1992 99
13.Royal Proclamation Establishing the Contiguous Zone of the Kingdom of Thailand,14 August 1995 100
14.Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between the Two Countries in the Gulf of Thailand,9 August 1997 101
15.Treaty between the Kingdom of Thailand and Malaysia Relating to the Delimitation of the Territorial Seas of the Two Countries,24 October 1979 104
16.Memorandum of Understanding between Malaysia and the Kingdom of Thailand on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf Boundary between the Two Countries in the Gulf of Thailand,24 October 1979 107
17.Franco-Siamese Boundary Treaty,23 March 1907 110
18.Continental Shelf Act 1966-Act No.57 of 28 July 1966,Amended by Act No.83 of 1972 114
19.Exclusive Economic Zone Act,1984,Act No.311 120
七、1981年冰岛与挪威扬马延岛共同开发案 145
1.Agreement between Norway and Iceland on Fishery and Continental Shelf Questions 145
2.《挪威与冰岛间关于渔业和大陆架问题的协定》 150
3.Additional Protocol to the Agreement of 28 May 1980 between Norway and Iceland concerning Fishery and Continental Shelf Questions and the Agreement derived therefrom of 22 October 1981 on the Continental Shelf between Jan Mayen and Iceland 154
4.《1980年5月28日挪威和冰岛关于渔业与大陆架问题的协定以及1981年10月22日由此衍生的扬马延岛和冰岛间关于大陆架协定之附加议定书》 155
5.Agreement between Iceland and Norway concerning Transboundary Hydrocarbon Deposits 156
6.《冰岛与挪威间关于跨界油气矿藏的协定》 163
八、1989年阿拉伯也门共和国与也门民主人民共和国共同开发案 168
Aden Summit Agreement between the Yemen Arab Republic and the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen 168
九、1995年英国与阿根廷共同开发案 172
1.Joint Statement of 15 February 1990 Re-establishing Diplomatic Relations between Britain and Argentina 172
2.《1990年2月15日英国和阿根廷恢复外交关系的共同声明》 176
3.UK-Argentina Joint Statement on the Conservation of Fisheries 178
4.《联合王国和阿根廷关于渔业保护的共同声明》 182
5.Joint Declaration of 27 September 1995 Cooperation Over Offshore Activities in the South West Atlantic 184
6.《1995年9月27日关于西南大西洋近海活动合作的共同宣言》 189
7.Declaration of the British Government with regard to the Joint Declaration signed by the British and Argentine Foreign Ministers on Cooperation over Offshore Activities in the South West Atlantic 193
8.《英国政府关于〈英国与阿根廷外交部长签订有关在西南大西洋近海活动合作的共同宣言〉之宣言》 194
9.Statement by the Argentine Government with regard to the Joint Declaration signed by the Foreign Ministers of Argentina and the United Kingdom on Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons 195
10.《阿根廷政府关于〈阿根廷外交部长与英国签订有关油气勘探与开发共同宣言〉之声明》 196
十、1995年丹麦与挪威共同开发案 198
Agreement between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdom of Norway Concerning the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf in the Area Between Jan Mayen and Greenland and Concerning the Boundary Between the Fishery Zones in the Area.18 December 1995 198
十一、1997年丹麦与冰岛共同开发案 201
Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark along with the Local Government of Greenland on the one hand,and the Government of the Republic of Iceland on the other hand on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf and the Fishery Zone in the Area between Greenland and Iceland,11 November 1997 201
十二、2000年尼日利亚与赤道几内亚共同开发案 204
Treaty between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea concerning Their Maritime Boundary,23 September 2000 204
十三、2010年挪威与俄罗斯共同开发案 208
1.Joint Statement on Maritime Delimitation and Cooperationin the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean 208
2.《关于在巴伦支海和北冰洋海域划界与合作的联合声明》 210
十四、2001年东帝汶与澳大利亚共同开发案 212
1.Timor Sea Designated Authority for the Joint Petroleum Development Area“Guidelines for Applications for Production Sharing Contracts and Criteria for Assessment of Applications” 212
2.Timor Sea Designated Authority for the Joint Petroleum Development Area“Interim Directions Issued under Article 37 of the Interim Petroleum Mining Code Specific Requirements as to Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation in the Joint Petroleum Development Area” 218
3.Timor Sea Designated Authority for the Joint Petroleum Development Area“Interim Administrative Guidelines for the Joint Petroleum Development Area” 254
4.Timor Sea Treaty Designated Authority(Privileges and Immunities)Regulations 2003 289
5.Petroleum Mining Code for the Joint Petroleum Development Area 291
6.Taxation of Bayu-Undan Contractors Act 316
7.Greater Sunrise Unitisation Agreement Implementation Act 2004,No.47,2004 348
8.Petroleum(Timor Sea Treaty)(Consequential Amendments) Acts 2003 377
十五、2006年密克罗尼西亚与马歇尔群岛共同开发案 394
Treaty between the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands concerning Maritime Boundaries and Cooperation on Related Matters 394
十六、2006年密克罗尼西亚与帕劳共同开发案 400
Treaty between the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Paul concerning Maritime Boundaries and Cooperation on Related Matters 400
十七、2006年法罗群岛、挪威与冰岛共同开发案 408
Agreed Minutes on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles between the Faroe Islands,Iceland and Norway in the Southern Part of the Banana Hole of the Northeast Atlantic 408
十八、2007年特立尼达和多巴哥与委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国共同开发案 416
Framework Treaty Relating to the Unitisation of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs That Extend Across the Delimitation Line between the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 416
下篇:与中国有关的海上共同开发的法律文件 437
一、2000年中越关于北部湾划界协定和渔业协定 437
1.《中华人民共和国和越南社会主义共和国关于两国在北部湾领海、专属经济区和大陆架的划界协定》 437
2.《中华人民共和国政府和越南社会主义共和国政府北部湾渔业合作协定》 440
二、2002年《南海各方行为宣言》 449
Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea 449
《南海各方行为宣言》 452
三、2005年中菲越《在南中国海协议区三方联合海洋地震工作协议》 454
A Tripartite Agreement for Joint Marine Scientific Research in Certain Areas in the South China Sea By and Among China National Offshore Oil Corporation,Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation,Philippine National Oil Company 454
四、2008年《中日东海问题原则共识》 463
China-Japan Principled Consensus on the East China Sea Issue 463
《中日东海问题原则共识》 465
五、2011年《落实〈南海各方行为宣言〉指导方针》 468
Guidelines for the Implementation of the DOC 468
《落实〈南海各方行为宣言〉指导方针》 469
六、中国与东盟部分国家的联合声明 471
1.2013年《中华人民共和国和文莱达鲁萨兰国联合声明》 471
2.2013年《新时期深化中越全面战略合作的联合声明》 473
3.2015年《中越联合声明》 477
4.2016年《中华人民共和国与菲律宾共和国联合声明》 481
七、2015年中国外交部声明《中国东海油气开发活动正当合法》 487
《中国东海油气开发活动正当合法》 487
后记 489
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