大学专门用途英语系列教材 材料科学英语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:肖飞主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787513591768
- 页数:144 页
Unit 1 Materials science and engineering 1
Text A An introduction to materials science 2
Text B Materials engineering and engineers 15
Unit 2 The components of materials 19
Text A Graphene 20
Text e Main chemical components of wood 33
Unit 3 The properties of materials 37
Text A Mechanical properties of materials 39
Text B Physical and chemical properties of materials 52
Unit 4 The classification of materials 57
Text A The classification of materials 58
Text B Biomaterials 72
Unit 5 The processing and molding of materials 77
Text A What makes biofuels? 78
Text B Industrial needs for polymer injection molding technology 91
Unit 6 Biomimetics and materials 95
Text A Intelligent clothing 96
Text B What lessons can we learn from nature? 111
Unit 7 The security of materials 115
Text A Nanoscale materials and EHS 117
Text B Safety of food contact materials 127
Unit 8 Sustainable materials 131
Text A Timber as a sustainable material 132
Text B A sustainable home 142
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