建筑史论文集 第12辑PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张复合主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7302014590
- 页数:254 页
寻找失去的东方城市设计传统——从一幅古地图所展示的中国城市设计艺术谈起 吴良镛 1
The Lost Traditions of Oriental Urban Design——Aesthetic Principles for Urban Design Shown in an Ancient Chinese City Map Wu Liangyong 1
Liang Sicheng and National Short List of Monuments Lin Zhu 7
梁思成与《全国重要建筑文物简目》 林洙 7
The Evolution of the City Wall at Beijing in the 20th Century Shen Yurong 18
20世纪北京城垣的变迁 申予荣 18
读《〈营造法式〉注释》(卷上)札记 陈明达 25
Impressions of Annatation to Yingzao Fashi Chen Mingda 25
东周铜器上的建筑图像考释 曹春平 42
Investigation into Architectural Painting in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty Cao Chunping 42
韩国高丽时代木构建筑和《营造法式》的比较 李华东 56
A Comparative Study on Korean Wooden Structures in Koryo Period and Yingzao Fashi Li Huadong 56
试论框锯对古代建筑技术的影响 李浈 68
The Effect of Frame-saw on the Ancient Architecture Skills Li Zhen 68
新发现的一批“斗栱分件图” 张驭寰 75
New Found Separate Parts Figures of Dougong Zhang Yuhuan 75
Research on the Curve Outline of Songyue Temple Pagoda Cong Wen 88
嵩岳寺塔塔体曲线的研究 丛文 88
The Foreign Architects and Their Works at Beijing in the Early Ages of the 20th Century Zhang Fuhe 91
20世纪初在京活动的外国建筑师及其作品 张复合 91
An Overview on Modern Architecture of Shashi City Yang Honglie Wei Lianjiu 110
沙市近代建筑揽要 杨宏烈 魏炼久 110
Introduce for Huize Building in Yunnan Province University Zhao Ruoyan 119
云南大学会泽楼建筑初探 赵若焱 119
Yi Cultural Customs and the Residence Li Jiahua Liu Ran Li Jialin 128
彝族文化习俗与彝族民居 李嘉华 刘然 李嘉林 128
From the Cultural and Historic View to Understand the Variety of Italian Architecture Lu Zhou 134
从历史与文化的角度看意大利建筑的多样性 吕舟 134
Windows——Le Corbusier s Passion for Light Dong Yugan 146
窗——柯布西耶对光的追求 董豫赣 146
The Outline of Chinese Architectural Archaeology Yang Hongxun 152
中国建筑考古学概说 杨鸿勋 152
Cultural Relationship between Hong Kong Motherland Reflected by the Historic Buildings in Saikung Daipu Guo Daiheng 166
从香港西贡、大浦区的历史建筑看香港与祖国文化的渊源 郭黛姮 166
The Reviewing Report of Those Religion Architectures in the Range Along the Changjiang River(Chongqing——Yichang) Inundated by Sanxia Project Xu Boan 179
三峡工程淹没区沿长江两岸(重庆—宜昌)宗教建筑考察、评估和保护规划综述报告 第一部分:评估原则和保护意见 徐伯安 179
History Researches and Protecting as Well as Renovating the Essential Buildings of the Taohuayuan Beauty Spot Lu Zhengyue 185
桃花源风景区主要建筑之历史考察与保护修复 吕正跃 185
Protecting,Imposing and Development for Conformation of Xiguan Commercial Town-housing in Liwan District of Guangzhou Xu Yifang Wang Jian Tan Kan 195
广州市荔湾区城际民居聚居形态的保护、利用和发展 徐怡芳 王健 谭侃 195
Showplace Emit Brilliance,the Tasete of the Style of the Han Dynasty is Strong——Elementary Introduction about Reconstructed Design of the Xiang king s Native Place Zhang Boyang 205
汉风韵味浓 胜迹放异彩——项王故里设计中对汉代建筑的考证与借鉴 张伯扬 205
Chinese Huiguan Architecture in the Malacca Straits Mei Qing 220
马六甲海峡的华人会馆 梅青 220
Abstracts 228
英文提要 228
Appendix 1. Faces the Challenges of the Upcoming New Era——the Summarization of the 35th Anniversary of the Treatises on History of Architecture and the First Issuance of its Volume 11. Qiao Sang 234
附录1 面向新世纪 迎接新挑战——《建筑史论文集》创办35周年暨第11辑首发式综述 乔桑 234
Appendix 2. Subject of the Dissertations for the Master Degree in Architecture School of Tsinghua University(1950—1999) 239
附录2 清华大学建筑学院硕士学位研究生论文目录(1950—1999) 239
Appendix 3. Subject of the Dissertations for the Doctor Degree in Architecture School of Tsinghua University(1981—1999) 253
附录3 清华大学建筑学院博士学位研究生论文目录(1981—1999) 253
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