- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)约翰·普拉特(J.Platt)著;邱耀德译
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:711902356X
- 页数:158 页
1 Getting up or Gets up ? 1
2 Have or Having a headache? 5
3 The plane arrives or The plane will arrive? 9
4 I'm taking you out 13
5 I will send you the money 17
6 Will they or Would they? 21
7 He'd buy a new car 25
8 I like to go, I'd like to go, I'll like to go 29
9 I lived in Seremban 33
10 Work, Worked or Was working? 35
11 I met you and I've met you 39
12 Was he falling? 43
13 Had he finished? 45
14 She used to go to the market 49
15 Arrived already? 53
16 He never came or He didn't come? 57
17 Can or May? 61
18 I must, I need to, I ought to 65
19 You must be Peter's mother 69
20 Better you—You'd better 71
21 He can't be serious—He may not be serious 73
22 If you touch me, I'll scream 75
23 I would have liked to have met her 79
24 Did he remember to leave or Did he remember leaving? 81
25 He comes to eat or He comes eating? 85
26 The committee wants it or The committee want it? 89
27 I've learned but She's learnt 93
28 Let's discuss about 95
29 I pick you or I pick you up? 97
30 Have, Got and Have got 101
31 I promote and I have been promoted 105
32 I can drop here 109
33 I cut my hair, I have my hair cut 111
34 You can't borrow my phone 113
35 You hear—but do you listen? 117
36 She sees it, looks at it and watches it 119
37 Where do you live,stay or put up? 123
38 I sleep late and sleep in 127
39 Do you take or drink coffee? 129
40 Open the TV 133
41 Get up or Get on? 135
42 They don't know whether they're coming or going 139
43 Take it or Bring it? 143
44 We follow the coach 147
45 Let me fetch you 149
46 I'll send you home 153
47 Do you ask or tell? 155
48 Did he scold, tell off or reprimand you? 157
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