- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:衡仁权著
- 出 版 社:苏州:苏州大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787811373738
- 页数:341 页
0. Introduction 1
0.1 Need for the study 2
0.1.1 Motivations 2 Linear-nonlinear controversy over L2 writing development 2 Relationship between structural complexity and L2 writing proficiency 4
0.1.2 Significance of the present study 7 Theoretical value 7 Having a better understanding of the use of English verbs by Chinese English students 7 Clarifying the issue of linear-nonlinear L2 structural development 9 Providing a framework for performance analyses of longitudinal changes in learner language 9 Practical values 11 Motivating the design of longitudinal studies in the second language research 11 Offering guidance for the teaching and learning of a second language 12
0.2 Overview of the dissertation 13
PART Ⅰ Literature Review 17
Chapter One Review of Theoretical Issues and Empirical Studies 17
1.1 Overview 17
1.2 Theoretical issues 17
1.2.1 Dispute over the linear/nonlinear L2 developmental process 17
1.2.2 Dispute over the modular /unitary L2 developmental process 20
1.3 Empirical studies 22
1.3.1 Studies on changes in structural complexity and structural accuracy 23 Studies on changes in structural complexity 23 Studies on the changes in structural accuracy 28 Studies on the changes in structural complexity and structural accuracy 33 Problems identified with previous studies 43 Solutions suggested in the present study 46
1.3.2 Studies dealing with the learner behaviors of English verbs 47
1.4 Summary 52
Chapter Two Key Terms and Framework for the Present Study 54
2.1 Overview 54
2.2 Key terms 54
2.2.1 Verb pattern 54 Defining“verb pattern” 54 Identifying verb patterns 57 Classifying verb patterns 60 Problems with VP classification in Pattern Grammar 63 VP classification proposed for the present study 64
2.2.2 VP structural complexity,VP variation and VP structural accuracy 67 VP structural complexity 67 Defining VP structural complexity 67 Measuring VP structural complexity 68 VP variation 72 Defining VP variation 72 Measuring VP variation 73 VP structural accuracy 75 Defining VP structural accuracy 75 Measuring VP structural accuracy 76
2.3 The framework of the present study 78
2.4 Differences between the present and previous studies 84
2.5 Summary 86
PART Ⅱ Methodology 89
Chapter Three Research Design 89
3.1 Overview 89
3.2 Research questions 89
3.3 Materials 91
3.3.1 A brief description of the corpus LSECCL 91
3.3.2 Participants contributing to the corpus LSECCL 92
3.3.3 Tasks in the corpus LSECCL 92
3.4 Data preparation 93
3.4.1 Data selection 93 The learner data selected from the corpus LSECCL 93 The rationale behind the selection of monologues with different topics 94 The native speaker corpus 98
3.4.2 Data cleaning 99
3.5 Data analysis 103
3.5.1 Coding verb patterns 103
3.5.2 Computing the developmental indexes in the study 107 Inclusion of errors in computing the developmental indexes 107 Computing VP structural complexity 109 Computing VP variation 113 Computing VP structural accuracy 115 Computing VP frequencies in different types 116
3.5.3 Statistical analyses 117
PART Ⅲ Results and Discussion 121
Chapter Four Change in VP Structural Complexity 121
4.1 Overview 121
4.2 Changes in VP structural complexity of monologues by the overall sample 121
4.3 Changes in VP structural complexity of monologues by students with different starting-levels 124
4.4 Changes in normalized frequencies of different types of verb pattetns of monologues by students with different starting-levels 132
4.4.1 Changes in the normalized frequencies of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the high-starters 133
4.4.2 Changes in the normalized frequencies of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the middle-starters 137
4.4.3 Changes in the normalized frequencies of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the low-starters 141
4.4.4 Comparing the high-, middle-, and low-starters in the normalized frequencies of different types of verb patterns 145
4.5 Changes in the use of VP-3 151
4.5.1 Changes in the use of different types of verb patterns included in VP-3 151
4.5.2 Changes in the use of V that clause 157
4.6 Summary 160
Chapter Five Change in VP Variation 162
5.1 Overview 162
5.2 Changes in VP variations of monologues by the overall sample 163
5.3 Changes in VP variations of monologues by students with different starting-levels 165
5.4 Changes in VP variations of different types of verb pattetns of monologues by students with different starting-levels 172
5.4.1 Changes in VP variations of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the high-starters 173
5.4.2 Changes in VP variations of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the middle-starters 177
5.4.3 Changes in VP variations of different types of verb patterns of monologues by the low-starters 181
5.4.4 Comparing the high-,middle-and low-starters in the changes in VP variations of different types of verb patterns 185
5.5 Changes in VP variation of VP-5 191
5.6 Summary 195
Chapter Six Change in VP Structural Accuracy 197
6.1 Overview 197
6.2 Changes in VP structural accuracy of monologues by the overall sample 198
6.3 Changes in VP structural accuracy of monologues by students with different starting-levels 201
6.4 Changes in VP structural accuracies of different types of verb patterns of monologues by students with differing starting-levels 207
6.5 Changes in VP structural errors 210
6.5.1 Errors committed in the use of VP-1 211
6.5.2 Errors committed in the use of VP-2 213
6.5.3 Errors committed in the use of VP-3 217
6.5.4 Errors committed in the use of VP-4 219
6.5.5 Errors committed in the use of VP-5 224
6.6 Summary 229
PART Ⅳ Conclusions 233
Chapter Seven Major Findings,Implications and Limitations 233
7.1 Major findings 233
7.1.1 Findings related to the change in VP structural complexity 233
7.1.2 Findings related to the change in VP variation 234
7.1.3 Findings related to the change in VP structural accuracy 235
7.1.4 Findings related to the changes in the use of different types of verb patterns of monologues by students with different starting levels 235
7.2 Implications 236
7.2.1 Theoretical implications 236 Having a better understanding of the use of verb patterns by Chinese students in the oral performance 236 Clarifying the issue of linear-nonlinear L2 developmental process 238 Providing a descriptive framework for the performance analysis of longitudinal changes in other aspects of learner language 239
7.2.2 Methodological implications 245
7.2.3 Pedagogical implications 246
7.3 Limitations 248
7.4 Suggestions for further research 250
7.5 Summary 252
References 253
Appendix Ⅰ 268
Appendix Ⅱ 321
后记 340
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