网络应用工程教程 SNA 迁移到 TCP/TP 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)马丁·布莱尔著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京希望电子出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7900071164
- 页数:295 页
PART ONE Protocol interaction:Planning the subarea to IP Migration 1
CHAPTER 1 SNA and TCP/IP protocol integration 2
1.1 Integration at the physical layer 4
1.2 Integration at the link layer 4
1.3 Integration at the network layer 5
1.4 Choosing the integration layer 5
1.5 Choosing the backbone protocol 7
CHAPTER 2 Introduction to IBM e-business solutions 8
2.1 LEN and APPN 9
2.2 High Performance Routing (HPR) 13
2.2.1 Automatic network routing (ANR) 14
2.2.2 Rapid transport protocol (RTP) 16
2.3 Names in an APPN environment 18
2.3.1 Network accessible unit 18
2.3.2 Network identifiers 18
2.3.3 Network names 18
2.3.4 Network-qualified names 18
2.4 Addressing in APPN 19
2.4.1 Addresses in subarea networks 19
2.4.2 Addresses in APPN networks 19
2.4.3 Addresses in HPR networks 19
2.6.1 APPN network node 20
2.6 APPN node types 20
2.5 Domains 20
2.6.2 APPN end node 21
2.6.3 LEN node 22
2.6.4 Branch extender node 22
2.6.5 Virtual routing node 22
2.6.6 Border node 23
2.6.7 HPR node 24
2.7 Mixed environments 24
2.7.1 APPN and subarea 24
2.7.2 HPR and APPN 25
CHAPTER 3 TCP/IP overview 26
3.1 The beginnings and growth of TCP/IP 27
3.2 TCP/IP architecture 29
3.3 TCP/IP internetwork layer protocols 30
3.3.1 Internet Protocol(IP) 30
3.3.2 Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP) 40
3.3.3 Interfacing with the network layer 40
3.4 TCP/IP transport layer protocols and interfaces 41
3.4.1 Ports and sockets 42
3.4.2 The sockets application programming interface 42
3.4.3 User Datagram Protocol(UDP) 43
3.4.4 Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) 43
3.5.2 Reverse mapping 45
3.5.1 Mapping domain names to IP addresses 45
3.5 Domain name system 45
3.6 Routing protocols 46
3.6.1 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 46
3.6.2 Open Shortest Path First(OSPF) 47
3.7 TCP/IP and Internet security 47
3.7.1 Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) 48
3.7.2 Firewalls 48
3.7.3 IP Security Architecture(IPSec) 51
3.7.4 Virtual private networks 52
3.8.1 Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP) 53
3.8 Real-time application support and Quality of Service 53
3.8.2 Quality of Service 54
CHAPTER 4 SNA transport in an IP network 56
4.1 Options for carrying SNA traffic over IP 57
4.1.1 Data link switching 57
4.1.2 AnyNet and MPTN 60
4.1.3 Enterprise Extender 65
4.1.4 Telnet/3270 67
4.1.5 Host On-Demand 68
4.2 Choosing the appropriate integration mechanism and configuration 70
4.2.1 AnyNet vs. DLSw vs.Enterprise Extender 70
4.2.2 Telnet/3270 73
CHAPTER 5 Enterprise Extender 76
5.1 Benefits of Enterprise Extender 77
5.1.1 Failure protection 77
5.1.2 Class of service 78
5.1.3 Flow and congestion control 78
5.1.4 Usability and cost effectiveness 79
5.2 Enterprise Extender description 79
5.2.1 Enterprise Extender TCP/IP protocol usage 79
5.2.2 Enterprise Extender implementation 80
5.2.3 A restriction to be aware of 82
5.2.4 Responsive mode adaptive rated-based flow control 83
5.3.1 Communications Server for OS/390 84
5.3 Enterprise Extender implementation 84
5.3.2 Communications Server for Windows NT 87
5.3.3 Communications Server for AIX 87
5.3.4 The 221X router family 87
5.3.5 Cisco routers 88
5.4 Planning for Enterprise Extender 88
5.4.1 The IP backbone as an APPN Connection Network 88
5.4.2 EE within the sysplex 89
5.4.3 Connecting branches to hosts 93
5.4.4 Running EE in the workstation 95
5.4.5 Securing Enterprise Extender links with IPSec 96
PART TWO Implementation details:A migration scenario 98
CHAPTER 6 Subarea network 100
6.1 Topology 101
6.1.1 Data center 101
6.1.2 Physical network 103
6.1.3 Clients, workstations, and a Telnet server 103
6.2 Preparation of the subarea network for the project 104
6.2.1 Session transmission priority 104
6.2.2 Prepare a model application program definition 106
6.2.3 Subarea searches 107
6.2.4 Buffer usage in VTAM 107
6.2.5 Verify PATHTABs in NCPs 108
6.2.6 Verify LU6.2 MODEs in the workstations 108
6.2.7 Get current maintenance level 109
CHAPTER 7 APPN and sysplex within the data center 110
7.1 Planning for the move to APPN 111
7.1.1 Dynamic definitions 111
7.1.2 Roles and responsibilities of VTAM and NCP 112
7.1.3 Naming conventions 112
7.1.4 Dynamically defining switched resources 113
7.1.5 APPNCOS start option and table 113
7.1.6 Transmission group profiles 113
7.1.7 ISTINCLM and user-defined logmode table requirements 114
7.1.8 VTAM to VTAM connections 114
7.2.1 Migrating our CMC hosts to ICN 115
7.2 Migrating from subarea to APPN 115
7.2.2 VTAM definitions for primary ICN 116
7.2.3 APPN-related start options 117
7.2.4 APPN COS and TG profiles 117
7.2.5 CDRMS and adjacent SSCP tables 118
7.2.6 Migrating our data hosts to pure ENs 118
7.2.7 Topology and directory databases 119
7.2.8 Checking our network status 119
7.2.9 Topology 121
7.2.10 Changing CTCs to MPC+ links 123
7.3 Observations 125
CHAPTER 8 IP network description 130
8.1 Topology 131
8.1.1 IP hosts and additional hardware 133
8.1.2 Physical links 134
8.2 VIPA 138
8.3 Routing infrastructure(OSPF) 140
8.3.1 Configuring OSPF 140
8.3.2 Routing table displays 143
CHAPTER 9 Enterprise Extender configuration 146
9.1 Enterprise Extender topology 147
9.2.1 TCP/IP configuration changes 149
9.2.2 Defining EE on our NNs 149
9.2 Configuring EE on CS for OS/390 149
9.2.3 Defining EE on our ENs 152
9.3 Configuring Branch Extender and EE on CS for Windows NT 154
9.3.1 Configuring the MAC address 154
9.3.2 Configuring the node 155
9.3.3 Configuring the EEDLC port 155
9.3.4 Configuring the upstream links 155
9.3.5 Verification of the configuration 155
9.4 Configuring EE on the routers 158
9.4.1 Configuring EE on the Cisco 7507 159
9.4.2 Configuring the IBM 2210 163
9.5 Configuring EE on AIX 168
9.5.1 AIX configuration file 169
CHAPTER 10 SNI replacement 174
10.1 Planning for SNI replacement 175
10.1.1 APPN in your own network 176
10.1.2 APPN in your partner s network 176
10.1.3 Access control in your network 177
10.1.4 Secure the connection 177
10.2 Implementing SNI replacement 177
10.2.1 Change the SNI FID4 connection to APPN EBN FID2 178
10.2.2 Adding our parallel EE links 182
10.3 HPR to subarea connectivity problem 192
10.3.1 After EE has been implemented between branches and host 193
CHAPTER 11 Performance consideration 198
11.1 Areas to look at 199
11.2 Session parameters 199
11.3 APPN parameters 200
11.4 HPR parameters 202
11.5 Transmission unit size considerations 203
11.5.1 Architecture 203
11.5.2 Example packet trace 204
11.5.3 SNA compression 207
APPENDIX A VTAM definitions 210
A.1 APPN VTAM definitions for host 105 211
A.2 APPN VTAM definitions for host 106 231
A.3 APPN VTAM defintions for host 223 238
A.4 APPN VTAM definitions for host 222 241
A.5 APPN VTAM definitions for host 221 250
A.6 EE VTAM start list for hosts 105,106,221,222,223 258
A.7 VTAM start list for Enterprise Extender 260
A.8 Adjacent cluster 261
A.9 TCP/IP profile for 105 262
A.10 TCP/IP profile for 106 267
A.11 TCP/IP profile for 221 274
APPENDIX B Configuring CS for Windows NT and Pcomm 280
B.1 Sample definition of CS for Windows NT Branch Extender with EE links 281
B.2 Definitions for PComm 4.3 291
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