- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡国强等主编;朱丽萍等绘图
- 出 版 社:上海:第二军医大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810602160
- 页数:274 页
胸外科手术Operations of General Thoracic Surgery 3
胸膜腔闭式引流术Closed Chest Drainage 3
肋间径路 Intercostals Incision 3
肋床径路 Costal Incision 4
胸部手术切口 Incisions of Thoracotomy 9
后外侧切口 Posterolateral Incision 9
前外侧切口 Anterolateral Incision 9
胸骨正中切口 Sternotomy 10
腋下切口 Subaxillary Incision 10
双侧前胸切口 Bilateral Thoracotomy 11
胸膜联合切口 Thoraco-abdominal Incision 11
胸壁结核病灶清除术 Clearance of Tuberculous Focus in the Chest Wall 21
胸膜剥脱术 Decortication 23
胸膜间皮瘤切除术 Resection of Pleural Mesothelioma 26
胸膜内胸廓成形术 Intrapleural Thoracoplasty 29
漏斗胸矫形术 Corrective Operation of Pectus Excavatum 32
鸡胸矫形术 Corrective Operation of Pigeon Chest 35
肺切除术中的基本操作 Basic Procedures for Pulmonary Resection 37
胸腔粘连的处理 Adhesiolysis of Thoracic Cavity 37
不全肺裂的分离 Abruption of Interlobar Surfaces 37
肺门血管的处理 Disposal of Pneumoangiogram 37
支气管的处理 Disposal of Bronchi 37
心包内处理肺血管 Disposal of Intrapericardial Pneumoangiogram 37
全肺切除术 Pneumonectomy 42
肺叶切除术 Lobectomy of Lung 49
肺段切除术 Segmental Resection of Lung 57
肺楔形切除术 Wedge Resection of lung 59
肺大疱切除术 Pulmonary Bulla Resection 61
肺包虫囊肿切除术 Pulmonary Hydatidosis Excision 63
支气管胸膜瘘修补术 Repair of Bronchopleural Fistula 65
气管及支气管切除术 Resection of Trachea and Bronchus 68
气管环形切除对端吻合术 End to End Anastomase after Annular Resection of Trachea 68
隆突切除重建术及支气管袖式切除术 Reconstruction after Carina Removal and Sleevelet Resection of Bronchus 69
外伤性气管及支气管断裂修复术 Repair of Tracheobronchial Ruptures 75
食管平滑肌瘤摘除术 Enucleation of Leiomyoma of Esophagus 77
食管憩室切除术 Diverticulectomy of Esophagus 79
食管穿孔与破裂修复术 Repair of Perforation and Rupture of the Esophagus 83
食管下段癌及贲门癌切除术 Resection of Carcinoma at the Lower Part of Esophagus and at cardia of Stomach 86
食管中段癌切除术 Resection of Carcinoma at the Middle Part of Esophagus 94
食管上段癌切除术 Resection of Carcinoma at the Upper Part of Esophagus 98
食管空肠吻合术 Esophagojejunostomy 105
食管—胃器械吻合术 Esophago-gastrosiomy with Machine 108
贲门肌层切开术 Cardiomyotomy 112
食管抗反流术 Gastroesophageal anti-reflux Repair 115
食管裂孔疝修补术 Esophageal Hiatal Hernia Repair 123
胸腺切除术 Thymectomy 131
膈膨升折叠术 Plication of Diaphragmatic Eventration 133
心外科手术 Operations of Cardiac Surgery 137
心包切开引流术 Pericardiostomy 137
心包切除术 Pericardiectomy 144
动脉导管未闭手术 Operations of Patent Ductus Arteriosus 144
左心房粘液瘤切除术 Excision of Left Atrial Myxoma 149
房间隔缺损修补术 Repair of Interatrial Septal Defect 152
室间隔缺损修补术 Repair of Interventricular Septal defect 155
部分性房室膈缺损修复术 Repair of Partial Atrioventricular Septal Defect 158
完全性房室隔缺损修复术 Repair of Complete Atrioventricular Defect 161
法乐四联症矫正手术 Total Correction of Tetralogy of Fallot 164
闭式二尖瓣扩张术 Closed Mitral Commissurotomy 169
直视二尖瓣切开术 Open Mitral Commissurotomy 176
二尖瓣置换术 Mitral Valve Replacement 179
三尖瓣置换术 Tricuspid Valve Replacement 182
主动脉瓣置换术 Aortic Valve Replacement 184
肺动脉瓣交界切开术 Pulmonary Valve Commissurotomy 187
右室漏斗部肥厚肌束切除术 Infundibular Resection 190
完全性肺静脉异位连接修复术 Repair of Total Anomalous Pulmonary venous Connection 193
胸主动脉瘤切除术 Aneurysmectomy of Thoracic Aorta 198
主动脉窦瘤修复术 Repair of Aneurysm of Aortic Sinus 204
主动脉缩窄修复术 Repair of Coarctation of Aorta 209
缩窄段切除、端端吻合术 Resection of Coarctation with end to end Anastomosis 209
缩窄段切除及人造血管移植术 Resection Coarctation and Interposition of Prosthetic Tube Gr 209
主动脉缩窄补片成形术 Aortoplasty of Coarctation of Aora 210
锁骨下动脉垂片成形术 Aortoplasty of with Left Subclavian 211
完全性大动脉转位矫正手术 Correctire Operation of Complete Transposition of Great Ateries 217
大动脉调转术 Jatenc Operation 217
Senning手术 Senning Operation 218
Mstard 手术 Mstard Operation 218
室壁瘤切除术 Resection of Ventricular Aneurysm 228
房化心室折迭术 Plication of Atrialized Ventricular Chamber 231
右心室双出口修复术 Repair of Double Outlet Right Ventricle 234
改良的Fontan手术 Modified Fontan Operation 237
全腔静脉与肺动脉连接术 Total Cavopulmonary Connection 240
冠状动脉旁路术 Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting 243
心脏移植术 Heart Tansplantation 250
肺移植术 Lung Transplantation 254
心肺联合移植术 Combined Heart and Lung Transplantation 259
电视胸腔镜手术 Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery 263
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