计算机图形学的算法基础 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)David F.Rogers著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7111095952
- 页数:711 页
1-1 Overview of Computer Graphics 1
Chapter 1 Introduction To Computer Graphics 1
Representing Pictures 2
Preparing Pictures for Presentation 2
Presenting Previously Prepared Pictures 3
1-2 Raster Refresh Graphics Displays 6
Frame Buffers 7
1-3 Cathode Ray Tube Basics 11
Color CRT Raster Scan Monitors 13
1-4 Video Basics 14
American Standard Video 14
High Definition Television 17
1-5 Flat Panel Displays 17
Flat CRT 17
Plasma Display 18
Liquid Crystal Display 21
Electroluminescent Display 21
1-6 Hardcopy Output Devices 25
Electrostatic Plotters 25
Ink Jet Plotters 26
Thermal Plotters 28
Dye Sublimation Printers 30
Pen and Ink Plotters 31
Laser Printers 34
Color Film Cameras 36
1-7 Logical Interactive Devices 37
The Locator Function 38
The Valuator Function 39
The Buttom or Choice Function 39
The Pick Function 39
1-8 Physical Interactive Devices 39
Tablets 40
Control Dials 41
Touch Panels 41
Joystick 42
Trackball 42
Mouse 44
Function Switches 44
Light Pen 45
Spaceball 46
Data Glove 46
Simulation of Alternate Devices 47
1-9 Data Generation Devices 49
Scanners 49
Three-dimensional Digitizers 50
Motion Capture 51
1-10 Graphical User Interfaces 52
Cursors 54
Valuators 55
Radio Buttons 55
Scroll Bars 56
Grids 56
Dialog Boxes 57
Menus 58
Icons 59
Sketching 60
3-D Interaction 63
Summary 64
Chapter 2 Raster Scan Graphics 65
2-1 Line Drawing Algorithms 65
2-2 Digital Differential Analyzer 66
2-3 Bresenham s Algorithm 70
Integer Bresenham s Algorithm 74
General Bresenham s Algorithm 75
Faster Line Rasterization Algorithms 78
2-4 Circle Generation—Bresenham s Algorithm 79
2-5 Ellipse Generation 88
2-6 General Function Rasterization 95
2-7 Scan Conversion—Generation of the Display 97
Real-time Scan Conversion 97
A Simple Active Edge List Using Pointers 99
A Sorted Active Edge List 99
An Active Edge List Using a Linked List 101
Updating the Linked List 102
2-8 Image Compression 104
Run-length Encoding 104
Area Image Compression 107
2-9 Displaying Lines,Characters and Polygons 111
Line Display 111
Character Display 113
Solid Area Scan Conversion 114
2-10 Polygon Filling 115
Scan-converting Polygons 115
2-11 A Simple Parity Scan Conversion Algorithm 118
2-12 Ordered Edge List Polygon Scan Conversion 121
A Simple Ordered Edge List Algorithm 122
More Efficient Ordered Edge List Algorithms 123
2-13 The Edge Fill Algorithm 126
2-14 The Edge Flag Algorithm 131
2-15 Seed Fill Algorithms 133
A Simple Seed Fill Algorithm 134
A Scan Line Seed Fill Algorithm 137
2-16 Fundamentals of Antialiasing 142
Supcrsampling 143
Straight Lines 144
Polygon Interiors 151
Simple Area Antialiasing 152
The Convolution Integral and Antialiasing 156
Filter Functions 159
2-17 Halftoning 161
Patterning 161
Thresholding and Error Distribution 165
Ordered dither 169
Chapter 3 Clipping 175
3-1 Two-dimensional Clipping 175
A Simple Visibility Algorithm 176
End Point Codes 177
3-2 Cohen-Sutherland Subdivision Line Clipping Algorithm 181
3-3 Midpoint Subdivision Algorithm 187
3-4 Two-dimensional Line Clipping for Convex Boundaries 192
Partially Visible Lines 193
3-5 Cyrus-Beck Algorithm 196
Partially Visible Lines 199
Totally Visible Lines 201
Totally Invisible Lines 201
Formal Statement of Cyrus-Beck Algorithm 203
Irregular Windows 207
3-6 Liang-Barsky Two-dimensional Clipping 208
Comparison with the Cyrus-Beck Algorithm 212
3-7 Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl Two-dimensional Clipping 217
3-8 Interior and Exterior Clipping 221
3-9 Identifying Convex Polygons and Determining the Inward Normal 222
3-10 Splitting Concave Polygons 225
3-11 Three-dimensional Clipping 228
3-12 Three-dimensional Midpoint Subdivision Algorithm 231
3-13 Three-dimensional Cyrus-Beck Algorithm 233
3-14 Liang-Barsky Three-dimensional Clipping 239
3-15 Clipping in Homogeneous Coordinates 243
The Cyrus-Beck Algorithm 243
The Liang-Barsky Algorithm 245
3-16 Determining the Inward Normal and Three-dimensional Convex Sets 248
3-17 Splitting Concave Volumes 250
3-18 Polygon Clipping 253
3-19 Reentrant Polygon Clipping—Sutherland-Hodgman Algorithm 253
Line Intersections 257
The Algorithm 258
3-20 Liang-Barsky Polygon Clipping 265
Entering and Leaving Vertices 265
Turning Vertices 267
Development of the Algorithm 268
Horizontal and Vertical Edges 271
The Algorithm 272
3-21 Concave Clipping Regions—Weiler-Atherton Algorithm 276
Special Cases 282
3-22 Character Clipping 286
Chapter 4 Visible Lines and Visible Surfaces 287
4-1 Introduction 287
4-2 Floating Horizon Algorithm 289
Upper Horizon 290
Lower Horizon 290
Function Interpolation 291
Aliasing 295
The Algorithm 295
Cross-hatching 303
4-3 Roberts Algorithm 303
Volume Matrices 306
Plane Equations 308
Viewing Transformations and Volume Matrices 311
Self-hidden Planes 314
Lines Hidden by Other Volumes 318
Penetrating Volumes 327
Totally Visible Lines 327
The Algorithm 330
4-4 Warnock Algorithm 343
Quadtree Data Structure 345
Subdivision Criteria 347
The Relationship of a Polygon to a Window 349
Hierarchical Application of Polygon-Window Relations 354
Finding Surrounder Polygons 355
Determining the Visibility of a Point 355
The Basic Algorithm 357
4-5 Appel s Algorithm 363
4-6 The Haloed Line Algorithm 366
4-7 Weiler-Atherton Algorithm 370
4-8 A Subdivision Algorithm for Curved Surfaces 374
4-9 Z-Buffer Algorithm 375
Incrementally Calculating the Depth 378
Hierarchical Z-Buffer 383
4-10 The A-Buffer Algorithm 384
4-11 List Priority Algorithms 387
4-12 The Newell-Newell-Sancha Algorithm 389
Implementing the Tests 390
4-13 Binary Space Partitioning 393
The Schumaker Algorithm 393
Binary Space Partition Trees 395
Constructing the BSP Tree 395
BSP Tree Traversal 398
Summary 400
Culling 400
4-14 Scan Line Algorithms 401
4-15 Scan Line Z-Buffer Algorithm 402
4-16 A Spanning Scan Line Algorithm 406
Invisible Coherence 415
An Object Space Scan Line Algorithm 416
4-17 Scan Line Algorithms for Curved Surfaces 417
4-18 Octrees 421
Octree Display 424
Manipulation of Octrees 426
Boolean Operations 426
Linear Octrees 426
Finding Neighboring Voxels 427
4-19 Marching Cubes 427
Ambiguous faces 429
4-20 A Visible Surface Ray Tracing Algorithm 432
Bounding Volumes 435
Clusters 439
Constructing the Cluster Tree 440
Priority Sort 440
Spatial Subdivision 441
Uniform Spatial Subdivision 442
Nonuniform Spatial Subdivision 445
Ray-Object Intersections 447
Opaque Visible Surface Algorithm 451
4-21 Summary 456
Chapter 5 Rendering 457
5-1 Introduction 457
5-2 Illumination Models 460
5-3 A Simple Illumination Model 461
Specular Reflection 462
The Halfway Vector 465
5-4 Determining the Surface Normal 468
5-5 Determining the Reflection Vector 470
5-6 Gouraud Shading 474
5-7 Phong Shading 476
Fast Phong Shading 482
5-8 A Simple Illumination Model with Special Effects 483
5-9 A Physically Based Illumination Model 484
Energy and Intensity 485
Physically Based Illumination Models 487
The Torrance-Sparrow Surface Model 488
Wavelength Dependence—the Fresnel Term 491
Color Shift 492
Physical Characteristics of Light Sources 494
5-10 Transparency 496
Refraction Effects in Transparent Materials 497
Simple Transparency Models 498
Z-Buffer Transparency 500
Pseudotransparency 501
5-11 Shadows 502
The Scan Conversion Shadow Algorithms 506
Multiple-pass Visible Surface Shadow Algorithms 508
The Shadow Volume Algorithms 509
Penumbra Shadows 514
Ray Tracing Shadow Algorithms 517
5-12 Texture 517
Mapping Functions 525
Two-part Texture Mapping 528
Environment Mapping 531
Bump Mapping 534
Procedural Textures 536
Texture Antialiasing 539
Mipmapping(Image Pyramids) 542
Summed Area Tables 544
5-13 Stochastic Models 545
5-14 A Global Illumination Model Using Ray Tracing 548
5-15 A More Complete Global Illumination Model Using Ray Tracing 563
5-16 Advances in Ray Tracing 565
Cone Tracing 565
Beam Tracing 566
Stochastic Sampling 567
Pencil Tracing 567
Ray Tracing from the Light Source 570
5-17 Radiosity 571
Enclosures 573
Form Factors 575
The Hemicube 577
Rendering 582
Substructuring 584
Progressive Refinement 585
The Ambient Contribution 586
Sorting 586
Adaptive Subdivision 587
Hemicube Inaccuracies 589
Alternatives to the Hemicube 592
Hierarchical Radiosity and Clustering 594
Radiosity for Specular Environments 596
The Rendering Equation 597
5-18 Combined Ray Tracing and Radiosity 598
The Extended Two-pass Algorithm 602
5-19 Color 602
Chromaticity 603
Tristimulus Theory of Color 605
Color Primary Systems 606
Color Matching Experiment 606
Chromaticity Diagrams 609
The 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram 611
Uniform Color Spaces 615
Gamut Limitations 616
Transformations Between Color Systems 618
NTSC Color System 621
Color Cubes 622
The CMYK Color System 623
The Ostwald Color System 623
The HSV Color System 624
The HLS Color System 627
The Munsell Color System 630
The Pantone? System 631
Gamma Correction 631
5-20 Color Image Quantization 633
The Bit Cutting Algorithm 634
The Popularity Algorithm 635
The Median Cut Algorithm 637
Octree Quantization 640
Sequential Scalar Quantization 644
Other Quantization Algorithms 647
5-21 Color Reproduction 648
Offset Printing 649
Color Separation 649
Tone Reproduction 649
Quantization Effects 650
Calibration 650
The Black Separation 650
Gray Balance 650
Gamut Mapping 651
5-22 Specialty Rendering Techniques 654
Duotone Printing 654
Rendering Natural Objects 656
Particle Systems 656
Appendix Problems and Projects 657
References 665
Index 695
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