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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:孙晓丹编著
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7307028069
  • 页数:351 页

一 名词和代词 1

1 I beg to offer my congratulation on the New Year 此句错在何处? 1

94 We all opposed to his opinion 该句错在何处? 4

2 哪些名词作为可数名词与不可数名词意义不同? 6

3 常见的有哪些名词只能作不可数名词? 8

4 表示无生命的名词能用 s所有格形式吗? 11

5 That love of a child of White s has an eye for beauty 一句是的主语属于什么结构? 13

6 在 My pen is broken.I d like to have a new one 句子中,one是否可以省略?在什么情况下 one(s)可以省略? 14

7 sty是个不可数名词,为什么有时以复数形式出现? 16

8 凡物质名词,一般用单数形式,three black coffees中的复数形式有什么意义? 17

9 在 The fire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than him 和 Many go out for wool and come home shorn themselves 两个句子中,自反代词的用法有何不同? 18

10 在 As it turns out,it was not snakes that dis-turbed us that evening的句子中,第一个it 指代什么? 18

11 rain,snow,water,wind ,sty等词是不可名词,为什么有a rain,snows ,waters 等伴有不定冠词或复数形式的情况出现? 20

14 This boy of yours seems very intelligent 该句中this 可否用 that代替?this 和that 之间有远近之分吗? 22

13 在 There is on one but you qualified to teach them 和 There is no one but yourself qualified to teach them 之间有什么不同? 22

12 Does anybody of you understand this 该句子是否正确? 22

15 what 与that which 有无区别? 23

16 在提到两条裤子时,如果要表示 一条是黑的,一条是蓝的 时应该用 a(或the)black one and a (或he)blue one ,还是用 black ones and blue ones ? 24

17 the one和that 都可用代替前面提到过的一个名词,它们在何种情况下可能替换,何种情况下有区别? 24

18 为什么不能说 I d like to know where he is going to stay and I ask so 但可以说 I could not see anything to laugh at and I told George so ? 24

19 在 She lost her money.I wasn t surprised that she did 这个句子之后能否加上so 代替前面提到的动词和宾语? 25

20 love是个不可数名词,表示抽象的意义.但为什么在 He has an ardent love for his country 中有不定冠词 a(an)放在前面呢? 27

21 抽象名词带上定语是不是就一定要在前面加用不定冠词? 29

22 act和action 都是名词,它们在意义和用途上有何不同? 31

23 efficiency和effectiveness 的意思相同吗? 33

24 I have Written an essay.My professor call it an apology for an essay 此句中apology 应如何翻译? 33

27 by the day,by day,of the day,on a rainy day,to a /the day,to this day,in the present day 应如何翻译? 34

26 在 He has much brains 的句子中,为什么brains复数,其前面不用 many修饰,而用 much修饰呢? 34

25 在 There is bags of time 和 There are bags of opportunities 两个句子中,为什么一个句子动词用单数,另一句则用复数? 34

28 one day,one of these days,some day和the other day 各有什么不同? 35

29 at the end ,in the end ,at an end ,come to an end ,come to no good end 各有什么区别? 37

30 company和companion 之间有什么不同? 37

31 for oneself和of oneself 之间有什么不同? 39

32 The proof of the pudding is in the eating布丁之美味吃方知 (空谈不如实践)Can you show us any evidence for your statement:你能为你的论述出示论据吗?以上两个句子中的proof 和evidence 可以替换吗? 39

33 Spain is our favourite holiday-This is the _of a newly planned nuclear power station以上两个句子中应填 spot还是 site?为什么? 40

34 He dropped-and took up physics.Opium is a _which acts upon the nerves.以上两个句子填 medicine还是drug? 41

35 proceeding一词通常以复数形式出现还是以单数形式出现? 42

36 proceeds与proceeding 意义相同吗?当proceeds 作主语时,后跟动词的单数形式还是复数形式? 43

37 finding和discovery 都表示 发现 ,二者在用法上有什么不同? 44

38 为什么不能说 I ve got headache 却可以说 I ve got toothache ?能否说 She felt ache in her bosom ? 44

39 admittance和admission 之间有什么不同? 46

40 comparison和contrast 之间有什么区别? 46

41 在 She had to buy a good many clothes(她不得不买很多衣服) 的句子中,既然clothes 前可用 many来修饰,却为什么不能说a clothes? 一件衣服又该怎么说? 47

42 clothing一词与clothes 在用法上有什么不同? 48

43 environment和surroundings 两个词都有 环境 之意,那么何时用 environment,何时用 surroundings? 49

44 surrounding是 surroundings的单数形式吗? 50

45 Green is a mixture of yellow and blue绿色是黄色和蓝色的混合.The combination of yellow and blue forms green黄色和蓝色结合构成绿色.以上两个句子意思相同,但combination 和mixture 的用法一样吗? 50

46 A plant can make-we call proteins.-exists in three states:solid,liquid and gas上面两个句子应填substance 还是填matter 51

47 We must maintain a firm-He has a confident-when speaking in public以上两个句子应填 attitude还是manner? 53

48 His alternative was to stand and fight and run and show his cowardice 这个句子错在何处? 53

49 Can you show me the _of the school on the map?First,we must decide on the _of our swimming pool,以上两个句子中用 location还是用position? 54

50 neighbour和neighbourhood 之间有什么区别? 55

51 equal和equality 作为名词,它们之间有什么不同? 56

52 wire和cable 之间有什么区别? 56

53 在 Between human beings,much-is carried out through language 和 Language is actually the _and reception of words 这两个句子中,用communication 还是用transmission? 57

54 specimen与sample 之间在区别是什么? 57

56 在 Your facial expression is _that you have not understood 这个句子中,应填signal 还是填indication? 59

55 buildings的后面为什么有时要跟动词的单数形式? 59

57 advantage和benefit 都有 利益 , 好处 的意思,它们之间有区别吗? 60

58 为什么 There is no cause for anxiety 的句子中,cause可以由reason 替代,而在另一个句子 What is the cause of his illness 中,cause不能由reason 替代? 61

59 amount 和number 都可以作量词,有的时候后面所接的名词相同,如a large number of experiences,a large amount of experience 它们在用法上有何不同? 62

60 在 The economic situation is basis(经济形势是基础) 和 The base of the mounment measures 400square metres(纪念碑的底座有400平方米) 这两个句子中, basis和base 可以替换吗? 它们是否分别可用 foundation代替? 63

61 Ban on smoking on the train has been in effect for the past two years 这个句子错在何处?前的smoking 前的on能否改为 of 或against? 64

62 at the back of 和 in the back of 有何不同? 65

63 As the days progressed his confidences increased 这个句子错在何处? 65

64 She tool the remark as compliment about her cooking 这个句子错在何处? 66

65 circumstance一词何时用单数,何时用复数?under/in...circumstances与under/in the circumstances 有意思上有什么不同? 67

66 在 We haven t the right to live our own lives 和 We don t live our own life ,这两个句子中,主语同是 we,为什么后面分别用单数life 和复数lives 的形式? 68

67 结尾为-body 和-one 的复合不定代词在意义上有何区别? 69

二 动词 72

68 He robbed my watch该句错在何处? 72

69 The situation permits no delay 和 The problem allows only one solution 分别错在何处? 73

70 would和used to 有什么区别? 75

71 have+宾词(物)+过去分词,have+宾语(人)+原形动词,have+宾语+副词(地点,方向等),have+宾语+现在分词,他们在用法上有什么不同? 76

72 He kissed her forehead 和 He kissed her on the forehead 是否都可译为 他吻了一下她的额头 ? 79

73 在 We took it for granted that you know the whole matter 一句中,it 能否省去?在 She began to take hr husband for granted until he threatened to leave her 一句中 take...for granted 与上句中的意思有什么不同? 80

74 在too ...to do什么情况下没有否定意义? 82

75 在 I will consult this new word inthe dictionary 这个句子中,consult有 查阅 的意思吗?这个句子为什么不对? 83

76 We didn t afford to pay such a price 该句错在何处? 83

77 I want to consult Professor Wang s advice表示 我要征求王教授的意见 对吗? 84

78 The amount I have been given falls short my requirements 这个句子可以接受吗? 84

79 He is having a dark shirt on today 该句错在何处? 85

80 have nothing on 可以表示 什么也没穿 的意思吗?have sth.on可否表示 穿了件什么 的意思吗? 85

81 They threatened the little girl to tell them everything 该句错在何处? 86

82 既然可以说 It s time for doing sth ,为什么 I hope you ll be in time for attending the meeting 却不对? 86

85 We all congratulated him to have passed the examination 该句错在哪里? 87

83 I m going to live at the hotel for a few days 为什么错了? 87

84 人们希望他完全恢复 能译成 He is hoped to make a full recovery 吗? 87

86 Do you know who s going to address at the meeting 该句错在何处? 88

87 These animals inhabit in tropical forest 该句错在何处? 88

88 She is going to marry with Robert 和 She is going marry to Robert 两个句子中,哪个句子对? 89

89 My brother bivorced last year该句正确吗? 90

90 为什么 the canaty has escaped from the cage金丝雀从笼子里逃走了 是正确的,而 Nothing can escape from his eyes 却是错误的? 91

91 Everyone must be patient to wait for his turn wait for用在此正确吗? 为什么? 91

92 join the army,join the ball game ,join in the usual sport 和join us,这四种用法各有什么不同? 92

93 The young woman and her child seated on the grass 该句错在何处? 93

95 They all involved in the trouble为什么不对?invlove in是表示 牵涉进去 吗? 95

96 Does this concern with me 该句错在何处? 96

97 Let s refer the dictionary tofind the meaning of this word 该句错在何处? 96

98 在 He informed me that he was thinking of entering the medical school 和 He informed me his address 两个句子中,为什么第一句中后inform可以接双宾语,而第二句却不能? 97

99 We ll charged him forgery 该句错在何处? 98

100 The police accused him with murder 该句正确吗? 98

101 Would you please add his name in your list? 这个句子为什么错了? 98

102 accustom是个及物动词,但为什么不能在句子 Have you accustomed the life here 中使用? 99

103 在 Will this answer your purpose (这将符合你的目的吗?)和 This does not answer to the description given (这不符合所描述的情况) 两上句子中,同是表达 符合 ,,为什么第一个句子在answer 后直接跟宾语,而第二个句子在answer后却要加上呢to? 100

104 like和would like 的含义有什么区别? 100

105 continue与keep doing 之间有什么区别? 101

106 they thoroughly approved of the plan 和 They thoroughly approved the plan 之间有什么不同? 102

107 to meet misfortune和to meet with misfortune 有什么不同? 103

108 think of 和 think about似乎是两个容易混淆的词组,它们有区别吗? 104

109 make...form,make....of 和make out of 三者之间有什么区别? 105

110 hope for可以用hope 代替吗? 106

112 put across为什么在不同的译文中意义完全相反? 107

111 Those who have not known hunger can never imagine how if feels(没挨过饿的人绝对想象不出那种滋味) 译文中的 挨 这个字从何而来? 107

113 cease与stop 在任何情况下都能互换吗? 108

114 I m telling you You are telling me 在翻译中只需要把主语和宾语对调吗? 108

115 makesb. s blood freeze和make sb. s blood boil 意思是否相反? 109

116 identiry和recognize 的区别是什么? 110

117 inquire about,inquire after,inquire for和inquire into 在用法和意义有什么不同? 110

118 He inquired me what had occurred 该句错在何处? 112

119 An earthquake near killed thousands of people,but the Browns sxisted该句错在哪里? 112

120 affect,influence和effect 在用法和意义上有什么不同? 113

121 agree可以作及物动词,表示 我同意你的意见 ,但能否用于 I agree your opinion 的句子中? 114

122 proceed to 和 proceed with后接名词时,意思有什么不同? 116

123 achieve 和attain 似乎可以相接相同的名词作宾语,它们的意思完全一样吗? 117

124 transport和transform 的区别是什么? 118

125 在 He must came and worry her with questions ,just when she was busy cooking the dinner 一句中,must 表示什么意思? 119

126 在 In another minute I shall tell you the secret 和 In another minute I shall be telling you the secret 两上句子中,用将来进行时和一般将来时有什么不同的意义? 120

127 在什么情况下用 to dress ,wash和shave,什么情况下用dress onself,wash oneself和shave oneself? 120

128 abound一词与in 或with 一起使用,在意义上相同吗? 122

129 在 He advanced to/towards the rostrum then 和 It is said that the enemy is advancing on/upon the city 这两个句子中,介词可以互换吗? 123

130 disappoint的过去分词形式在与不同介词搭配时,意义上有区别吗? 123

131 We had reached to his private flies 该句错在何处? 124

132 exceed一词与by 或in 连词时,其意义有何不同? 124

133 enrage一词后面接at 和with 时,它们有什么区别? 125

134 feed和feed+ 介词意义上有什么不同? 125

135 grieve at 或grieve about/over 都可以指 为(某事)而悲痛,哀蛋 但区别在哪里呢? 126

136 短语 intrfere in 与interfere with 有什么不同? 126

137 blame for和blame on 都表示 把(某事)归咎于(某人) 但在意义和用法上有什么不同? 127

139 balance against和balance with 都表示与 与……相平衡“,它们之间有区别吗? 128

138 assist ....in...和assist...with... 有什么不同? 128

140 同是 改……使适应于”的意思,为什么有时用adapt to ,有时用adapt for? 129

141 “用……着色”是color...by 还是color...with? 130

142 为什么在“Don t bother with/about the letters,they er not urgent ”的句中,with与about 可以互换,而在“I m bothered about Freds,she s out so late again”的句中却只能用bother about? 130

143 be before sb s time与be behind the times 的意思正好相反吗? 130

144 在 “A sudden squall of cold rain beat_the window of the great warm room”的句子中,beat之后用介词on,upon,at还是against? 131

145 at a distance 与in the distance 之间有什么不同? 131

146 “在海滩上”用at the beach 还是on the beach? 132

147 在“I found my mother s photo in between two pages of a book”的句子中,为什么in 和between 两上介词在一起使用? 132

148 在“The hallis lighted by electric light”和“The hall is lighted with electirc lights”两个句子中,by和with 有什么区别? 132

149 在pleased 后面跟介词at 与跟介词with 有什么区别? 133

150 “把甲物归入乙物一类”如翻译为“class one thing in another”正确吗?如果将 in改为 into呢? 134

151 concern about,concern over,concern with和concern in 它们之间的区别是什么? 134

152 begin sth和begin with sth 之间有什么不同? 135

153 believe in 在表示“相信”时,与believe之间有区别吗? 136

154 shoot sth./sb.和shoot at sth./sb 之间有什么不同? 137

155 catch sb./sth和catch at sb./sth 之间有什么不同? 137

156 misused ,disused和unused 之间有什么区别? 138

157 have trouble和take the trouble 能互换吗? 138

158 disorganized和 unorganized的区别是什么? 139

159 “叫某人的名字”一般不能译为call one s name ,那么正确的用法是什么?“点名”在英文中又怎么说? 139

160 把“某一东西正在修理之中”应选用哪一个介词短语,in repair,into repair ,under repair,还是during repair? 140

161 take medicine与tack one s medicine 在意思上是否机上 140

162 在 “The floor requires mopping”这个句子中,mopping可否改为to be mopped? 141

163 “He rffused me to use his computer”这个句子错在何处? 141

164 “I followed him to go up the hill”该句错在哪时? 142

165 “Can you introduce me a good English-Chinese dictiomary”该句错在何处? 142

166 “I assure you to agree to your terms”这个句子为什么错了? 143

168 “我想劝他戒烟,可是没有成功”此句能否译为“I presuaded him to give up smoking ,but failed”? 144

167 “Thank your help(谢谢你的帮助)”这种表达式为方式为什么错了? 144

169 “I forgot my umbrella in the shop”该句错在何处? 145

170 “He assisted to fill the form for me ”这个句子对吗? 145

171 在“the young man would avenge the enemy for his parents ”的句子中,avenge的用法对吗? 146

172 “Three monther was allowed for making the necessary preparations”这个句子的主语用名词复数,谓语用为什么用单数形式的动词? 146

173 either,either of ,neither ,neither of ,none,none of ,one ,one of 等作主语时,谓语言用表示单数形式的动词还是复数形式的动词? 147

174 在“Neither my wife nor myself_able to persuade my son to change his mind ”的句子中,动词应该用is ,am还是are? 148

175 在“Half of the plums_bad”的句子中,谓语动词与half 一致,还是与 plums一致? 149

176 these kind of books中的kind 是否改为kinds? 150

177 “Your brother is the man to ask”或“Your brother is the man to be asked”两者之间有何区别? 151

178 accomplish,complete和finish 都是及物动词,都作“完成”的意思解,但它们的用法有相同的意义? 155

179 如何解释“This book sells very well”中的“sell”和“Your speech reads very well this morning”中的“reads”?他们与相对应的被动结构是否有相同的意义? 155

180 “He graduated from college”和“He was graduated form college”两个句子有何区别? 159

181 动词light 的过去时和过去分词有两种形式,即lighted 或lit,它们在意义和用法上有区别吗? 160

182 “Susan delighted very much”“Although he wounded ,hi went on fighting”和“His ideas confused”这三个句子为什么是错句? 161

183 “玛丽非常高兴”如译成“Mary delighted very much”为什么错了? 162

184 “中学毕业”应译为“graduate form high school”还是译为“leave school”? 164

185 “She ll be on the same train as I am”和“She ll be on the same train as I will”是两句都正确,还是其中的一句正确? 165

186 在“I would rather he went tomorrow”的句子中,从句中的谓语动词went 是否可以改为 would go? 167

187 “If you went tomorrow ,you would see him before he left/leaves”这两种说法哪一种对? 168

188 在“Here is a photo of an American professor delivering a lecture”的句子中,delivering是现在分词作宾语初足语,还是作定语,或者是动名词所有格(American pfofessor s 省略了 s)作 of的宾语? 169

189 “He felt everything pleaant”这个句子是否正确? 170

190 “I ve got a headache ”和“I ve got toothache ”为什么前一句有不定冠词,而后一句没有冠词?如哪一个句子正确? 171

191 appear seem和 look作为连系动词,在用法有上什么不同? 172

192 “I m very afraid he s out,非常抱歉他不在家”,此句错在何处?be afraid (of )能否作“害怕”讲? 173

193 在“Let us go ,will you”和“Let s go ,shall we”两个句子中,为什么第一句的附加疑问用will you,而第二句用shall we ? 174

194 “No one can do it well,can they/he”哪一种正确?或都正确? 175

195 “Ididn t hurt him,did I”和“I didn t hurt him,did you”是否都可以成立?反意疑问句的主语(you)与陈述句的主语(I)可以不一致吗? 176

197 关系代词as 引导限制性定语从句时,前面是否一定要有the same 或such? 178

196 “I know ereryone of them”和“I know every one of them”哪个句子正确? 178

198 怎样判断“shall I...”是表示“请求”还是表示“将来”? 180

199 在“I ll come,if it will help”这个句子中,will help是否应改为helps? 181

200 词组have a distrust 和have trust 后面是否接相同的介词? 182

201 “A thief and murderer has escaped from prison”和“A thief and a murderer have secaped form prison”两个句子为什么一个谓语用单数形式,一个谓语用复数形式? 183

202 “The population of this city was nearly one million ”和“One third of the population here are working”哪个句子正确? 184

203 表示“转过身来”应该用to turn round 还是trun back? 184

204 burn down,burn up 和 burn out之间有什么不同? 185

205 “Nothing more makes a coward of a man than to be in the wrong”是什么意思? 186

206 send to bed 和 send to sleep有什么不同?bed前面能否加“a ”或“the” 188

207 answer和reply 有什么相同之处?有什么不同之处? 188

208 do 和make都表示“做”、“干”,二者在使用时有什么区别? 189

209 “Let me catch you at it again”为什么翻译成“你再做这种事,小心我抓住!”? 190

210 go/come to one s rescue 和 go/come for one s rescue之间有什么区别? 191

211 为什么“Yesterday I called at his office for him ”译为“昨天我到他的办公室找他出去了”而“I called on him at his office”译为“我拜访了他,并在他的办公室里和他谈话” 192

212 “He drives slowly in order that no accicent shall happne(他把车驶得很慢,以免发生意外)”这个句中的“shall”可以用will 代替吗? 193

213 在“My son shall bring the book to you at nine o clock tomorrow”的句子中,shall若换成will ,其意思有什么不同? 194

214 “The scientist often meet with problems to require a new type of instrument for their solution”该句错在何处? 195

215 “We could get the cver over the car before the rain came down”该句错在何处? 197

216 come between在下面两个句子中意思不同吗? The lovers swore to let nothing and nobody com between them He won t anything com between him and his daily walk 199

217 “What has become of you (你近况如何?)”一句中的become of 为什么译为“近况” 199

218 eat one s words相当于汉语“食言”吗? 200

219 “考试不及格”在英语中如何表达?(用ail) 200

221 pay一词表示“付钱”时,如后面接for 与不接for 有什么区别? 201

222 在“I prefer walking to cycling”的句子中,可否将to 改为rather than? 202

223 过去分词作为形容词,可以表示主动意义吗? 202

224 “Do you know anyone having lost an umbrella”此句错在何处? 203

220 baby在下面这个句子中是什么意思?The job started with ofur people sharing it ,but gradually three of them backed out ,and he was ieft to hold thd baby. 210
