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经典原版书库  数据库系统导论  英文版·第7版
经典原版书库  数据库系统导论  英文版·第7版

经典原版书库 数据库系统导论 英文版·第7版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:27 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)戴特(Date,C.J.)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7111091604
  • 页数:1092 页
《经典原版书库 数据库系统导论 英文版·第7版》目录


CHAPTER1 An Overview of Database Management 2

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 What is a database system? 5

1.3 What is a database? 9

1.4 Why database? 15

1.5 Data independence 19

1.6 Relational systems and others 25

1.7 Summary 27

Exercises 28

References and bibliography 30

Answers to selected exercises 30

CHAPTER2 Database System Architecture 33

2.1 Introduction 33

2.2 The three levels of the architectuer 33

2.3 The external level 37

2.4 The conceptual level 39

2.5 The internal level 40

2.6 Mappings 40

2.7 The database administrator 41

2.8 The database management system 43

2.9 The data communications manager 47

2.10 Client/server architecture 48

2.11 Utilities 50

2.12 Distributed processing 50

2.13 Summary 54

Exercises 55

References and bibliography 56

3.2 An informal look at the relational model 58

3.1 Introduction 58

CHAPTER3 An Introduction to Relational Databases 58

3.3 Relations and relvars 63

3.4 What relations mean 65

3.5 Optimization 67

3.6 The Catalog 69

3.7 Base relvars and views 71

3.8 Transactions 75

3.9 The suppliers and parts database 76

3.10 Summary 78

Exercises 80

References and bibliography 81

Answers to selected exercises 82

CHAPTER4 An Introduction to SQL 83

4.1 Introduction 83

4.2 Overview 84

4.3 The catalog 87

4.4 Views 88

4.5 Transactions 89

4.6 Embedded SQL 89

4.8 Summary 98

4.7 SQL is not perfect 98

Exercises 99

References and bibliography 101

Answers to selected exercises 106


CHAPTER5 Domains,Relations,and Base Relvars 111

5.1 Introduction 111

5.2 Domains 112

5.3 Relation values 123

5.4 Relation variables 129

5.5 SQL facilities 134

5.6 Summary 137

Exercises 139

References and bibliography 141

Answers to selectde exercises 144

CHAPTER6 Relational Algebra 150

6.1 Introduction 150

6.2 Closure revisited 152

6.3 Syntax 154

6.4 Semantics 156

6.5 Examples 167

6.6 What is the algebra for? 169

6.7 Additional operators 171

6.8 Grouping and ungrouping 179

6.9 Relational comparisons 182

6.10 Summary 184

Exercises 184

References and bibliography 187

Answers to selected exercises 190

7.1 Introduction 198

CHAPTER7 Relational Calculus 198

7.2 Tuple calculus 200

7.3 Examples 208

7.4 Calculus vs.algebra 210

7.5 Computational capabilities 215

7.6 Domain calculus 216

7.7 SQL facilities 218

7.8 Summary 228

Exercises 229

References and bibliography 231

Answers to selected exercises 233

CHAPTER8 Integrity 249

8.1 Introduction 249

8.2 Type constraints 251

8.3 Attribute constraints 252

8.4 Relvar constraints 253

8.5 Database constraints 254

8.6 The Golden Rule 254

8.7 State vs.transition constraints 256

8.8 Keys 258

8.9 SQL facilities 267

8.10 Summary 271

Exercises 272

References and bibliography 274

Answers to selected exercises 280

CHAPTER9 Views 289

9.1 Introduction 289

9.2 What are views for? 292

9.3 View retrievals 295

9.4 View updates 297

9.5 Snapshots(a digression) 313

9.6 SQL facilities 314

9.7 Summary 316

Exercises 317

References and bibliography 319

Anewers to selected exercises 321


CHAPTER10 Functional Dependencies 330

10.1 Introduction 330

10.2 Basic definitions 331

10.4 Closure of a set of dependencies 334

10.3 Trivial and nontrivial dependencies 334

10.5 Closure of a set of attributes 336

10.6 Irreducible sets of dependencies 337

10.7 Summary 340

Exercises 341

References and bibliography 342

Answers to selected exercises 344

CHAPTER11 Further Normalization Ⅰ:1NF,2NF,3NF,BCNF 348

11.1 Introduction 348

11.2 Nonloss decomposition and functional dependencies 352

11.3 First,second,and third normal forms 356

11.4 Dependency preservation 363

11.5 Boyce/Codd normal form 366

11.6 A note on relation-valued attributes 372

11.7 Summary 374

Exercises 375

References and bibliography 377

Answers to selected exercises 379

12.1 Introduction 389

12.2 Multi-valued dependencies and fourth normal form 389

CHAPTER12 Further Normalization Ⅱ:Higher Normal Forms 389

12.3 Join dependencies and fifth normal form 394

12.4 The normalization procedure summarized 399

12.5 A note on denormalization 401

12.6 Orthogonal design(a digression) 404

12.7 Other normal forms 407

12.8 Summary 408

Exercises 409

References and bibliography 410

Answers to selected exercises 416

CHAPTER13 Semantic Modeling 419

13.1 Introduction 419

13.2 The overall approach 421

13.3 The E/R model 424

13.4 E/R diagrams 427

13.5 Database design with the E/R model 430

13.6 A brief analysis 434

13.7 Summary 437

Exercises 439

References and bibliography 440


CHAPTER14 Recovery 454

14.1 Introduction 454

14.2 Transactions 455

14.3 Transaction recovery 457

14.4 System recovery 460

14.5 Media recovery 462

14.6 Two-phase commit 462

14.7 SQL facilities 464

14.8 Summary 465

Exercises 466

References and bibliography 466

Answers to selected exercises 471

CHAPTER15 Concurrency 473

15.1 Introduction 473

15.2 Three concurrency problems 474

15.3 Locking 477

15.4 The three concurrency problems revisited 478

15.5 Deadlock 481

15.6 Serializability 482

15.7 Isolation levels 484

15.8 Intent locking 486

15.9 SQL facilities 488

15.10 Summary 490

Exercises 491

References and bibliography 493

Answers to selected exercises 499


16.1 Introduction 504

CHAPTER16 Security 504

16.2 Discretionary access control 506

16.3 Mandatory access control 512

16.4 Statistical databases 515

16.5 Data encryption 520

16.6 SQL facilities 525

16.7 Summary 528

Exercises 529

References and bibliography 530

Answers to selected exercises 532

17.1 Introduction 537

CHAPTER17 Optimization 537

17.2 A motivating example 539

17.3 An overview of query processing 540

17.4 Expression transformation 544

17.5 Database statistics 550

17.6 A divide and conquer strategy 551

17.7 Implementing the relational operators 554

17.8 Summary 560

Exercises 561

References and bibliography 564

Answers to selected exercises 582

CHAPIER18 Missing Information 584

18.1 Introduction 584

18.2 An overview of the 3VL approach 585

18.3 Some consequences of the foregoing scheme 591

18.4 Nulls and keys 595

18.5 Outer join(a digression) 597

18.6 Special values 600

18.7 SQL facilities 601

18.8 Summary 604

Exercises 606

References and bibliography 608

Answers to selected exercises 611

CHAPTER19 Type Inheritance 613

19.1 Introduction 613

19.2 Type hierarchies 617

19.3 Polymorphism and substitutability 620

19.4 Variables and assignments 624

19.5 Specialization by constraint 628

19.6 Comparisons 630

19.7 Operators,versions,and signatures 635

19.8 Is a circle an ellipse? 639

19.9 Specialization by constraint revisited 643

19.10 Summary 645

Exercises 646

References and bibliography 648

Answers to selected exercises 649

CHAPTER20 Distributed Databases 651

20.1 Introduction 651

20.2 Some preliminaries 651

20.3 The twelve objectives 656

20.4 Problems of distributed systems 664

20.5 Client/server systems 675

20.6 DBMS independence 678

20.7 SQL facilities 683

20.8 Summary 684

Exercises 685

References and bibliography 686

CHAPTER21 Decision Support 694

21.1 Introduction 694

21.2 Aspects of decision support 695

21.3 Database design for decision support 697

21.4 Data preparation 706

21.5 Data warehouses and data marts 709

21.6 Online analytical processing 715

21.7 Data mining 722

21.8 Summary 724

Exercises 725

References and bibliography 726

Answers to selected exercises 729

22.1 Introduction 730

CHAPTER22 Temporal Databases 730

22.2 Temporal data 731

22.3 What is the problem? 736

22.4 Intervals 742

22.5 Interval types 744

22.6 Scalar operators on intervals 746

22.7 Aggregate operators on intervals 747

22.8 Relational operators involving intervals 748

22.9 Constraints involving intervals 754

22.10 Update operators involving intervals 757

22.11 Database design considerations 759

22.12 Summary 762

Exercises 763

References and bibliography 764

Answers to selected exercises 766

CHAPTER23 Logic-Based Databases 769

23.1 Introduction 769

23.2 Overview 769

23.3 Propositional calculus 772

23.4 Predicate calculus 777

23.5 A proof-theoretic view of databases 784

23.6 Deductive database systems 787

23.7 Recursive query processing 793

23.8 Summary 798

Exercises 801

References and bibliography 802

Answers to selected exercises 808


CHAPTER 24 Object Databases 812

24.1 Introduction 812

24.2 Objects,classes,methods,and messages 816

24.3 A closer look 821

24.4 A cradle-to-grave example 829

24.5 Miscellaneous issues 839

24.6 Summary 847

Exercises 850

References and bibliography 851

Answers to selected exercises 859

CHAPTER25 Object/Relational Databases 862

25.1 Introduction 862

25.2 The First Great Blunder 865

25.3 The Second Great Blunder 872

25.4 Implementation issues 875

25.5 Benefits of true rapprochement 877

25.6 Summary 879

References and bibliography 880


APPENDIX A SQL Expressions 888

A.1 Introduction 888

A.2 Table expressions 888

A.3 Conditional expressions 894

A.4 Scalar expressions 898

APPENDIX B An Overview of SQL3 900

B.1 Introduction 900

B.2 New data types 901

B.3 Type inheritance 906

B.4 Reference types 907

B.5 Subtables and supertables 910

B.6 Other features 912

APPENDIX C Abbreviations,Acronyms,and Symbols 916

Index 923
