- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李宏男著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7030069587
- 页数:182 页
Preface 1
1.1 Outline of Ground Motion 1
Chapter 1 Multi-Dimensional Seismic Ground Motions 1
Introduction 1
前言 1
第一章 多维地震动 1
1.1地震动概说 1
1.2 Characteristics of Ground Motion 5
1.2地震动特性 5
1.2.1地震动幅值特性 6
1.2.1 Amplitude Characteristics of Ground Motion 6
1.2.2 Spectral Characteristics of Ground Motion 8
1.2.2地震动频谱特性 8
1.2.3 Duration Characteristics of Ground Motion 10
1.2.3地震动持时特性 10
1.3.1 Introduction 12
1.3 Research Review on Rotational Component of Ground Motion 12
1.3地震动转动分量的研究现状 12
1.3.1引言 12
1.3.2 Method for Elastic Wave Theory of Rctational Component 13
1.3.2转动分量的弹性波动理论法 13
1.3.3 Deferential Method for Rotational Component 20
1.3.3转动分量的两点差法 20
1.3.4 Strong-Motion Measurement of Rotational Compontent 21
1.3.4转动分量的强震观测 21
1.3.5小结 22
1.4.1 Situation of Body Wave 22
1.4 Time History of Seisimc Rotational Component 22
1.3.5 Concluding Remarks 22
1.4地震动转动分量的时程 22
1.4.1体波情况 22
1.4.2面波情况 30
1.4.2 Situation of Surface Wave 30
1.4.3地震动分量的坐标变换 31
1.4.3 Coordinate Transform of Seismic Component 31
1.5 Stochastic Model for Seismic Rotational Component 32
1.5地震动转动分量的随机模型 32
1.5.1转动功率谱的数学模型 33
1.5.1 Mathematical Model for Rotational Power Spectra 33
1.5.2工程应用的谱参数统计 35
1.5.2 Spectral Parameters for Engineering Application 35
参考文献 37
References 37
第二章 多维地震动作用下偏心结构弹性扭转振动 40
2.1引言 40
Chapter 2 Elastic-Torsional Vibration of Eccentric Structures to Multiple Earthquake Excitations 40
2.1 Introduction 40
2.2 Lateral-Torsioanl Coupled Vibration of Structures with Rigid Floor 41
2.2.1 Single-Story Structure 41
2.2.1单层结构体系 41
2.2具有刚性楼盖结构的平扭耦联振动 41
2.2.2 Multi-Story Structure 49
2.2.2多层结构体系 49
2.2.3 Mode-Shape and Modal Participation Efficient 60
2.2.3振型和振型参与系数 60
2.3弹性楼盖简单体型结构的平扭耦联振动 62
2.3.1结构振动模型 62
2.3 Lateral-Torsional Coupled Virbation of Simple Shape Structures with Elastic Floor 62
2.3.1 Vibration Model for Structure 62
2.3.2 Equation of Motion 63
2.3.2振动方程 63
2.3.3 Mode-Shape and Modal Participation Effcient 65
2.3.3振型和振型参与系数 65
2.4.1 Vibration Model for Strucutre 66
2.4 Lateral-Torsional Coupled Vibration of Complicated Shape Structures with Elastic Floor 66
2.4弹性楼盖复杂体型结构的平扭耦联振动 66
2.4.1结构振动模型 66
2.4.2振动方程 68
2.4.2 Equation of Motion 68
2.4.3振型和振型参与系数 71
2.4.3 Mode-Shape and Modal Participation Efficient 71
2.5.2逐步积分法 72
2.5.1振型分解法 72
2.5地震反应计算 72
2.5 Calculatioin of Sesimic Response 72
2.5.1 Modal Combination Approach 72
2.5.2 Step-by-Step Integration Approach 72
2.6偏心结构的数值计算 78
2.6 Numerical Example 78
References 80
参考文献 80
第三章 结构多维弹塑性地震反应 81
3.1引言 81
3.2.1 Plastic Mechanical Model 81
3.2 Element Analysis of Structural Member 81
3.1 Introduction 81
Chapter 3 Elastic-Plastic Seismic Response of Structures to Multiple Earthquake Excitations 81
3.2构件单元分析 81
3.2.1塑性力学模型 81
3.2.2 Spring Model Proposed at Column End 89
3.2.2柱端假设弹簧模型 89
3.3整体结构的动力分析 91
3.3.1振动方程 91
3.3.1 Equation of Motion 91
3.3 Dynamic Analysis of Structures 91
3.3.2 Process of General Computation 92
3.3.3 Some Problems in Numerical Calculation 92
3.3.2一般计算过程 92
3.3.3数值计算中的若干问题处理 92
3.3.4 Numerical Example 94
3.3.4数值算例 94
References 95
参考文献 95
第四章 结构多维随机地震反应 97
Chapter 4 Random Seismic Response of Structures to Multiple Seismic Inputs 97
4.2 General Knowledge on Random Vibration 97
4.1引言 97
4.2随机振动基础知识 97
4.2.1随机过程 97
4.1 Introduction 97
4.2.1 Stochastic Process 97
4.2.2随机过程的概率结构 98
4.2.2 Probability Structure of Stochastic Process 98
4.2.3随机过程的数字特征 99
4.2.3 Statistical Feature of Stochastic Process 99
4.2.4常用的数字特征运算规则 106
4.2.4 Operation Rules for Common Statistical Feature of Stochastic Process 106
4.2.5 Spectral Parameters and Their Physical Meanings 108
4.2.5谱参数及其物理意义 108
4.2.6几种重要的随机过程 110
4.2.6 Several Important Stochastic Processes 110
4.3地震动的随机模型 115
4.3 Random Model for Seismic Ground Motion 115
4.4.1多维随机振动的振型位移法 121
4.4 Random Response of Structures to Multi-Dimensional Imputs 121
4.4.1 Modal Displacement Method of Multiple Random Vibration 121
4.4多维地震动作用下结构的随机反应 121
4.4.2 Modal Acceleration Method of Multiple Random Vibration 124
4.4.2多维随机振动的振型加速度法 124
4.5 Spectral Matrix of Component Correlation of Ground Motion 127
4.5地震动各分量间的谱矩阵 127
4.6 Dynamic Reliability Analysis of Structures 132
4.6结构动力可靠性分析 132
参考文献 133
References 133
5.2 Continued Tall Buildings and Highrise Structures 135
第五章 高层与高耸结构在水平与摇摆地震动作用下的随机反应 135
5.1引言 135
5.2可连续化的高层建筑与高耸结构 135
5.2.1结构振动方程 135
5.1 Introduction 135
Chapter 5 Random Response of Tall Buildings and Highrise Structures to Horizontal and Rocking Ground Motions 135
5.2.1 Equation of Motion 135
5.2.2 Decomposition for Equation of motion 136
5.2.2振动方程的解耦 136
5.2.3结构均方反应 138
5.2.3 Variance Response of Strucure 138
5.2.4例子 139
5.2.4 Example 139
5.3.1纵向地震动作用情形 140
5.3输电塔高耸结构 140
5.3 Transmission Tower 140
5.3.1 Situation under Action of Longitudinal Ground Motion 140
5.3.2 Situation under Action of Lateral Ground Motion 144
5.3.2侧向地震动作用情形 144
References 146
参考文献 146
6.1问题的提出 148
Chapter 6 Response Spectral Method for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures to Multiple Seismic Ground Motion 148
6.1 Introduction 148
第六章 结构多维抗震设计的反应谱方法 148
6.2 Seismic Response Spectrum and Design Spectrum 149
6.2.1 Seismic Response Spectrum 149
6.2地震反应谐和设计反应谱 149
6.2.1地震反应谱 149
6.2.2设计反应谱 156
6.2.2 Design Spectrum 156
6.3单分量输入下的振型分解反应谱法 161
6.3.1忽略各振型间相关性的方法 161
6.3 Response Spectral Approach for Single Component Input 161
6.3.1 Combination Approach Without Correlation between Modes 161
6.3.2考虑各振型相关性的方法 162
6.3.2 Combination Approach with Correlation between Modes 162
6.4多分量输入下的反应谱法 168
6.4.1一般组合公式 168
6.4 Response Spectral Approach for Multiple Component Inputs 168
6.4.1 General Combination Formula 168
6.4.2 Combination Fromula Considering Duble Horizontal and Torsional Inputs 170
6.4.2仅考虑双向水平与扭转输入的公式 170
6.4.3几种多维组合方法比较 171
6.4.3 Comparison between Several Combinations Approaches for Multiple Inputs 171
参考文献 175
References 175
Appendix 1 178
Appendix 2 178
附录1 178
Appendix 3 179
附录3 179
附录2 179
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