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  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:常骏跃主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:788394665X
  • 页数:133 页

Part Ⅰ第一部分 2

Unit 1 Greetings 问候 2

Unit 2 Introductions 介绍 4

Unit 3 Starting a Conversation 开场 6

Unit 4 Affirmative Responses 肯定性答复 8

Unit 5 Negative Responses 否定性答复 10

Unit 6 Skeptical Responses 怀疑性答复 12

Unit 7 Pointing-Out-Mistake Responses 指出错误性答复 14

Unit 8 Congratulations 祝贺 16

Unit 9 Good Wishes 祝愿 18

Unit 10 Thanks Replies 感谢及回答 20

Unit 11 Apologies and Replies 道歉及回答 22

Unit 12 Departure 分手 24

Part Ⅱ第二部分 28

Unit 13 Belief and Disbelief 相信与怀疑 28

Unit 14 Compliments 恭维与赞美 30

Unit 15 Ease and Difficulty 易与唯 32

Unit 16 Excitement,Anticipation,and Longing 激动、期望与渴望 34

Unit 17 Hopes,Wishes and Desire 希望,愿望与欲望 36

Unit 18 Invitations 邀请 38

Unit 19 Likes and Dislikes 喜欢与厌恶 40

Unit 20 Offers 主动帮忙 42

Unit 21 Opinions 征求与表达意见 44

Unit 22 Preference 偏爱 46

Unit 23 Relief and Delight 宽慰与愉快 48

Unit 24 Request 请求 50

Unit 25 Surprise 惊奇 52

Part Ⅲ 第三部分 56

Unit 26 Advice and Suggestions 意见与建议 56

Unit 27 Agreement and Disagreement 同意与不同意 58

Unit 28 Argument and Discussion 争论与讨论 60

Unit 29 Comparison 比较 62

Unit 30 Compromise 妥协 64

Unit 31 Contradiction 反驳 66

Unit 32 Correction 纠正 68

Unit 33 Courtesy 礼貌 70

Unit 34 Curiosity 好奇 72

Unit 35 Degree 程度 74

Unit 36 Identification 辨认 76

Unit 37 Instructions 指导 78

Unit 38 Intention 意图 80

Unit 39 Optimism 乐观 82

Unit 40 Permission 允许 84

Unit 41 Persuasion 劝说 86

Unit 42 Sympathy and Consolation 同情与安慰 88

Unit 43 Understanding 理解 90

Unit 44 Urgency 催促 92

Unit 45 Willingness 意愿 94

Part Ⅳ 第四部分 98

Unit 46 Boredom 厌倦 98

Unit 47 Confusion and Misfortune 混乱与不幸 100

Unit 48 Disappointment and Dismay 失望与绝望 102

Unit 49 Annoyance and Complaints 恼怒与抱怨 104

Unit 50 Pessimism 悲观 106

Unit 51 Threat 威胁 108

Unit 52 Waming 警告 110

Unit 53 Worry and Fear 担心与恐惧 112

Part Ⅴ第五部分 116

Unit 54 Making Appointments 约会 116

Unit 55 Attending a Birthday Party 参加生日晚会 118

Unit 56 Paying Visits 拜访 120

Unit 57 Giving Gifts 赠送礼物 122

Unit 58 Talking AboutTime and Date 谈论时间和日期 124

Unit 59 Talking About Weather 谈论天气 126

Unit 60 Talking About Clothing 谈论穿着 128

Unit 61 Talking About TV Programs 谈论电视节目 130

Unit 62 Talking About Movies 谈论电影 132
