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  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:中山大学《大学英语语法》编写组编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:中山大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1988
  • ISBN:7306000667
  • 页数:456 页

Part One 第一部分 1

1.Basic Sentence Patterns 基本句型 1

Pattern 1:S V Cs 主语 谓语动词 主语补语Pattern 2:S V 主语 谓语动词Pattern 3:S V O 主语 谓语动词 宾语Pattern 4:S V Oi Od 主语 谓语动词 问接宾语直接宾语Pattern 5:S V Od Co 主语 谓语动词 直接宾语宾语补语Exercise 练习 1

Contents 目录 1

2.Subject 主语表示法 3

2.3 The+adjective/-ed participle The+形容词/-ed分词 3

2.3 The+adjective/-ed participle The+形容词/-ed分词 3

2.3 The+adjective/-ed participle The+形容词/-ed分词 3

2.5 -ing form -ing 形式 4

2.6 Noun clause 名词从句 4

2.1 Noun or pronoun 名词或代词 4

2.4 Infinitive phrase 不定式短语 4

2.2 Numeral 数词 4

Exercise 练习 5

3.Predicate Verb 谓语动词表示法 5

主语补语/表语表示法 6

4.Subject Complement(or Predicative) 6

Exercise 练习 6

3.2 Intransitive verb 不及物动词 6

3.1 Transitive verb 及物动词 6

3.3 Link verb 连系动词 6

4.5 Infinitive phrase 不定式短语 7

4.8 Noun clause 名词从句 7

4.6 -ing form -ing 形式 7

4.7 -ed participle -ed 分词 7

4.4 Prepositional phrase 介词短语 7

4.3 Adverb 副词 7

4.2 Adjective 形容词 7

4.1 Noun or pronoun 名词或代词 7

Exercise 练习 8

5. Object 宾语表示法 8

5.3 The+adjective/-ed participle The+形容词/-ed分词 8

5.3 The+adjective/-ed participle The+形容词/-ed分词 8

5.3 The+adjective/-ed participle The+形容词/-ed分词 8

5.3 The+adjective/-ed participle The+形容词/-ed分词 8

5.7.1 Verbs with indirect object 动词带间接宾语 9

5.7.2 Position of direct and indirect object 9

5.7 Direct and indirect object 直接与间接宾语 9

Pattern: S V Oi Od 主语 动词 间接宾语 直接宾语or: S V Od to(for,of)Oi或:主语 动词直接宾语to(for,of)间接宾语Exercise 练习 9

5.2 Numeral 数词 9

5.6 Noun clause 名词从句 9

5.5 -ing form -ing 形式 9

5.4 Infinitive phrase 不定式短语 9

5.1 Noun or pronoun 名词或代词 9

直接与间接宾语的位置 10

6.Object Complement 宾语补语表示法 10

6.1 Noun 名词 11

6.2 Adjective 形容词 11

6.3 Adverb 副词 11

6.4 Prepositional phrase 介词短语 12

6.5 Infinitive phrase 不定式短语 12

6.6 -ing form -ing 形式 12

6.7 -ed participle -ed 分词 12

1.1 Countable and uncountable 可数与不可数名词 15

1.1 Countable and uncountable 可数与不可数名词 15

1.1 Countable and uncountable 可数与不可数名词 15

1.Noun 名词 15

Part Two 第二部分 15

Exercise 2 练习二 15

Exercise 1 练习一 15

1.1.1 Countable 可数名词 16

1.1.2 Uncountable 不可数名词 16

1.1.3 Conversion of uncountable into couritable不可数变为可数名词 16

Exercise 练习 19

1.1.4 Collective noun 集体名词 19

Exercise 练习 20

1.2 Plural 名词复数 20

1.2.1 Nouns ending in o,y,or f(e) 20

以o,y或f(e)为结尾的名词 20

1.2.2 Words of Greek or Latin origin 21

来源于希腊语或拉丁语的词 21

1.2.3 Compound nouns 复合名词 22

1.3 Unit noun 单位名词 23

Exercise 练习 23

Exercise 练习 24

1.4 Genitive 属格 24

1.4.1 Two forms of genitive 两种属格 25 -s genitive -s 属格 25 of-genitive of- 属格 25

1.4.2 Double genitive 双重属格 25

Exercise 练习 27

2.Pronoun 代词 27

2.1 Personal pronoun 人称代词 28

2.2 Possessive pronoun 物主代词 29

2.3 Reflexive pronoun 反身代词 29

2.4 Interrogative pronoun 疑问代词 30

Exercise 练习 31

2.5 Indefinite pronoun 不定代词 31

Exercise 练习 32

3.Determiner 限定词 32

3.1.1 The indefinite article 不定冠词 35

3.1 Definite,indefinite,zero articles 35

定冠词,不定冠词,零冠词 35

3.1.2 The definite article 定冠词 37

3.1.3 Zero article 零冠词 38

Exercise 练习 40

3.2 Determiners: some,any,no 40

限定词some,any,no 40

Exercise 练习 42

3.3 Determiners: another,other 42

限定词another,other 42

Exercise 练习 43

3.4 Determiners: both,all,each,every,either,neither,etc.限定词:both,all,each,every,either,neither,等 43

Exercise 练习 47

4.Verb 动词 47

4.1 Tense 时态 47

4.1.1 Simple present and present progressive一般现在时和现在进行时 47

4.1.2 SimPle past and past progressive 49

一般过去时和过去进行时 49

Exercise 练习 49

Exercise 练习 51

4.1.3 Simple past and present perfect 51

一般过去时和现在完成时 51

Exercise 练习 53

4.1.4 Present perfect and present perfect progressive现在完成时和现在完成进行时 53

Exercise 练习 54

4.1.5 Simple past and past perfect 54

一般过去时和过去完成时 54 Methods of expressing the future 56

将来时的表达方法 56

Exercise 练习 56

4.1.6 Future 将来时 56

Exercise 练习 59 Future progressive 将来进行时 59 Future perfect 将来完成时 60 Future in the past 过去将来时 61

各种时态的被动语态 63

4.2.1 Passive voice in different tenses 63

4.2 Passive voice 被动语态 63

Exercise 练习 63

Exercise 练习 65

4.2.2 Passive forms of verb phrases 65

短语动词的被动语态 65

Exercise 1 练习一 67

Exercise 2 练习二 67

4.2.3 Get-passive 含Get的被动结构 67

4.2.4 Certain passive verbs followed by theinfinitive cons truction某些动词的被动形式后加不定式结构 69

Exe rcise 练习 69

Exercise 1 练习一 71

Exercise 2 练习二 71

4.2.5 Od and Oi,Oc in passive sentences 71

含有直接宾语、间接宾语或宾语补语的句子 71

变成被动句 71 Conversion of sentences with Od and Oiinto passive 含有直接宾语和间接宾语的句子变成被动句 71 Conversion of sentences with Oc into pas-sive 含有宾语补语的句子变成被动句 72

4.3.1 If only,as if/as though 74

4.3 The subjunctive mood 虚拟语气 74

Exercise 练习 74

4.3.2 Wish 75

Exercise 练习 76

4.3.3 In that-clause 在that从句中 76

a)demand,insist, propose,request,etc.b)It+be+suggested/important…c)My suggestion/demand is…Exercise 1 练习一Exercise 2 练习二 76

4.3.4 In some fixed constructions 78

a)demand,insist, propose,request,etc.b)It+be+suggested/important…c)My suggestion/demand is…Exercise 1 练习一Exercise 2 练习二在某些惯用结构中 78

4.4.1 May,might 81 Might for request Might 表示请求 81 May/might for permission and possibilityMay/might 表示允许、可能性 81

b)would rather/sooner that… 81

4.4 Modal verb 情态动词 81

a)It is(high/about)time that… 81

Exercise 练习 83

4.4.2 Can,could 83 Can/could for permission and possibilityCan/could 表示允许、可能性 83

could/was(were)able 表示能力 85

able.for ability Can/is(am,are)able, 85 Can/is(am,are)able,could/was(were) 85

Exercise 1 练习一 88

Exercise 2 练习二 88 Can t/couldn t for negative deductionCan t/couldn t 在否定句中表示不可能 88

4.4.3 Must,must not 89

4.4.4 Need,need not 91

4.4.5 Ought to 95

Exercise 3 练习三 95

Exercise 2 练习二 95

Exercise 1 练习一 95

4.4.6 Will,would 96

4.4.7 Dare 98

Exercise 1 练习一 102

Exercise 2 练习二 102

Exercise 3 练习三 102

Exercise 4 练习四 102

4.4.8 Modal verbs with progressive,perfect andperfect progressive tenses 情态动词与进行时、完成时和完成进行时的动词连用 102

5.1.1 After how,when,where,etc. 108

5.1 Infinitive 动词不定式…………………………(108 ) 108

5.1 Infinitive 动词不定式…………………………(108 )How,when,where 等之后的不定式 108

Exercise 1 练习一 108

5.Verbal 非谓语动词 108

Exercise 2 练习二 108

Exercise 练习 110

5.1.2 As object or object complement 110

作宾语或宾语补语的不定式 110

Exe rcise 练习 111

5.1.3 Without to 不带 to 的不定式 111

Exercise 练习 113

5.1.4 Other uses of infinitive 113

动词不定式的其他用法 113 After only,too,enough and so…as only,too,enough 和 so…as 之后的不定式 113

Exercise 练习 115 After the first,the last,the only,etc.the first,the last,the only,等之后的不定式 115

Exercise 练习 117 After it is+adjective/noun 117

it is+形容词/名词+不定式 117 After it is+adjective+of you/him,etc.it is+形容词+of you/him+不定式 118

Exercise 练习 119 After adjectives 形容词之后的不定式 119

Exercise 练习 121

5.1.5 Passive infinitive,perfect infinitive andprogressive infinitive动词不定式的被动式、完成式、进行式 121

Exercise 练习 123

5.2 -ing form 动词的-ing 形式 123

5.2.1 -ing form after certain verbs 123

某些动词后的-ing形式 123

Exercise 练习 125

5.2.2 Verbs followed by either-ing form or 125

infinitive 某些动词后面可跟 -ing 形式 125

或不定式 125

Exercise 练习 128

5.2.3 Possessives with -ing form 128

物主代词+-ing形式 128

5.2.4 As pre-/post-modifier 130

作前置或后置修饰语的-ing 形式 130

Exercise 练习 130

Exercise 练习 131

5.2.5 As adverb clause equivalent 131

相当于状语从句的-ing 形式 131

Exercise 练习 133

5.2.6 Dangling-ing form as adverb clause equiva-lent 相当于状语从句的无依着的-ing 形式 133

Exercise 练习 135

5.2.7 When/While+ -ing form as adverb clauseequivalent 相当于状语从句的 When/While+-ing 形式 135

Having+ -ed participle Having+ -ed 分词Having been+-ed participle as adverb ornoun equivalent 相当于副词或名词的Having been+-ed 分词 137

Exercise 练习 137

5.2.8 Being+ -ed participle Being+ -ed 分词 137

Exercise 1 练习一 141

Exercise 2 练习二 141

5.2.9 Noun+ -ing form as adverb clause equiv-alent 相当于状语从句的名词+-ing形式 141

Exercise 练习 143

5.3 -ed participle -ed 分词 143

5.3.1 -ed participle as modifier in noun phrases-ed 分词在名词短语中作修饰语 143

5.3.2 -ed participle as adverb clause equivalent相当于状语从句的-ed 分词 145

Exercise 练习 145

Exercise 练习 147

5.3.3 Noun+ -ed participle as adverb clause equiv-alent 相当于状语从句的名词+ -ed 分词 147

Exercise 练习 149

6.Phrasal Verb 短语动词 149

6.1 Verb+preposition 动词+介词 149

Exercise 2 练习二 157

6.2 Verb+adverb 动词+副词 157

Exercise 1 练习一 157

come across,touch upon,etc. 157

answer back,give in,etc. 163

Exercise 1 练习一 163

Exercise 2 练习二 163

6.3 Verb+noun+adverb 动词+名词+副词 163

bring sb up,put sth on,etc. 169

Exercise 1 练习一 169

Exercise 2 练习二 169

6.4 Verb+adverb+preposition 动词+副词+介词beup to,run out of,etc 169

7.1.1 Intervening phrases 主语带后置修饰语 174

7.1 Subject and verb 主谓一致 174

Exerci se 1 练习一 174

7.Agreement 一致关系 174

Exercise 2 练习二 174

7.1.2 Pronouns as subjects 代词作主语 175

a)each,either,neither,one,no one, 176

everyone,etc. 176

b)several,few,both,many,etc. 176

c)some,none,all,most,etc 176

Subjects joined by and,or,nor,either…or,neither…nor,etc. 由 and,or,either…or,neither…nor 等连接的主语 178

7.1.3 Compound subjects 并列主语 178

Exercise 练习 178

7.1.4 Collective nouns as subjects 集体名词作主语crowd,family,team,orchestra,etc 179

Exercise 练习 181

7.1.5 Expressions stating amount,money,time,measurement,etc,as subjects 表示数量、货币、时间、尺寸等的词作主语 181

7.1.6 Other problems in subject-verb agreement主谓一致的其他问题 182

a)The title of a book or the name of acountry,ctc.b)measles,economics,etc.c)every +n,many a +n,a great many(+n),etc.d)one of those,one out of five,etc.e)the number of +n,a number of +n,etc.f)more than one +n.is/are,there are/ismo 185

Exercise 练习 187

7.2 Pronoun and antecedent 代词与先行词的一致 187

8.1.1 Adjective+preposition 形容词+介词 189

8.1 Adjective 形容词 189

Exercise 练习 189

8.Adjective and Adverb 形容词与副词 189

Exercise 练习 190

8.1.2 Adjective used predicatively only 仅作表语用的形容词alike,alone,asleep,etc 190

Exercise 练习 192

8.1.3 -ing form as adjective 作形容词用的 192

-ing 形式 192

Exercise 练习 193

8.1.4 -ed participle as adjective 作形容词用的-ed 分词 193

Exercise 练习 194

8.1.5 be+adjective+infinitive be+形容词+不定式be+adjective+that clause be+形容词+that从句 194

Exercise 练习 196

8.1.6 Position of adjective 形容词的位置 196

Exercise 练习 198

8.1.7 Adjective modifiers 形容词修饰语 198

8.2.1 Adverbs with or without -ly 带 -ly 或不带-ly 的副词 200

8.2 Adverb 副词 200

Exercise 练习 200

hard,hardly;most,mostly,etc. 202

Exercise 练习 202

8.2.2 Position of adverbs 副词的位置 202

Exercise 练习 204

8.2.3 Meaning and use of certainadverbs 204

某些副词的意义和用法 204

fairly,rather,hardly,barely,scarcely,etc.Exercise 练习 204

8.2.4 Adverb modifiers 副词修饰语 208

Exercise 练习 209

9.Preposition 介词 209

9.1 Meaning of certain prepositions 209

某些介词的意义 209

at,in;in,into;from,since;for,since;during,for;in,after;in,within;except,except for;off,away,etc.Exercise 1 练习一Exercise 2 练习二 209

9.2 Double preposition 双重介词 216

Exercise 练习 217

9.3 Prepositional phrase as adjective,adverb,orthat clause equivalent 相当于形容词、副词或定语从句、状语从句的介词短语 217

9.4 Noun+preposition 名词+介词 219

Exercise 练习 219

Exercise 练习 222

9.5 Verb+noun+preposition 动词+名词+介词 222

comparison with,influence on,etc. 222

lay emphasis on,take advantage of,etc. 223

9.6 Verb+noun+adverb+preposition 223

动词+名词+副词+介词 223

Exercise 练习 225

9.7 With+noun+infinitive With+名词+不定式 225

put the shortage down to,etc. 225

With+noun+-ing form 227

With+名词+-ing 形式 227

With+noun+-ed participle 227

With+名词+-ed分词 227

With+noun+prepositional phrase 227

With+名词+介词短语 227

With+noun+adjective With+名词+形容词With+noun+adverb With+名词+副词Exercise 练习10.Numeral 数词 227

10.1 Fraction 分数 227

10.2 Decimal 小数 229

10.3 Percentage 百分数 230

Exercise 练习 230

10.4 Multiple 倍数 231

a)n times+noun/pronoun n倍+名词/代词b)n times+as+adjective/adverbn倍+as+形容词/副词c)n times+comparative+(than)n倍+比较级+(than)d)Verb+(by)n times 动词+(by)n 倍Exercise 练习 231

11.Noun Clause 名词从句 233

11.1 Noun clause as subject,object and subjectcomplement 名词从句作主语、宾语和主语补语 233

Exercise 2 练习二 236

11.2 Omission of that that 的省略 236

Exercise 1 练习一 236

what,whatever,whoever,etc. 236

Exercise 练习 239

11.3 Noun clause as appositive 239

名词从句作同位语 239

Exercise 练习 240

12.Direct and indirect Speech 240

直接引语和间接引语 240

12.1 Statement in indirect speech 240

陈述句的间接引语 240

疑问句的间接引语 244

Exercise 练习 244

12.2 Question in indirect speech 244

Exercise 练习 245

12.3 Command,request and advice in indirect speech命令、请求、劝告的间接引语 245

Exercise 练习 247

12.4 Exclamation in indirect speech 247

感叹句的间接引语 247

Exercise 练习 249

12.5 Mixed types of sentences in indirect speech各类句子混杂使用时的间接引语 249

13.1 Restrictive and non-restrictive 251

限制性和非限制性的形容词从句 251

Exercise 练习 251

形容词从句/定语从句 251

13.Adjective/Relative/Attributive Clause 251

Exercise 练习 252

13.2 that,which,who,whom,whose;when, 252

where,why,etc 252

that,which 的省略 256

13.3 Omission of that,which 256

Exercise 1 练习一 256

Exercise 2 练习二 256

Exercise 练习 258

13.4 Adjective clause reduced to phrase 258

形容词从句变成短语 258

13.4.1 Infinitive 不定式短语代替形容词从句 258

Exercise 练习 259

13.4.2 -ing form -ing形式短语代替形容词从句 259

13.4.3 -ed participle -ed分词短语代替形容词从句 261

Exercise 练习 261

Exercise 练习 262

13.4.4 Prepositional phrase 介词短语代替形容词从句 262

Exercise 练习 263

13.5 Preposition+which/whom//whose 263

介词+which/whom//whose 263

13.5.1 Noun+preposition+which/whom 名词+ 263

介词+which/whom 等引导的形容词从句 263

13.5.2 Pronoun+preposition+whom/which 代词+介词+whom/whom 等引导形容词从句 264

13.6 With a whole main clause as antecedent以主句作先行词的形容词从句 267

Exercise 1 练习一 267

Exercise 2 练习二 267

Exercise 练习 268

14.Adverb/Adverbial Clause 268

副词从句/状语从句 268

14.1 Clauses of time and place 时间、地点从句 268

time,ever since,no sooner…than,etc.d)where,wherever;whenever,etc.Exercise 1 练习一Exercise 2 练习二 268

a)when,while,as,etc. 272

b)until,not until,etc. 272

c)once,as soon as,the moment,every 272

1 4.2 Clauses of cause,purpose,and result 272

time,ever since,no sooner…than,etc.d)where,wherever;whenever,etc.Exercise 1 练习一Exercise 2 练习二原因、目的、结果从句 272

b)now that,seeing that,considering that,ete.c)so that,in order that,for fear that,etc.d)so/such…thatExercise 练习 272

a)because,as,since,etc. 274

14.3 Clauses of concession 274

b)now that,seeing that,considering that,ete.c)so that,in order that,for fear that,etc.d)so/such…thatExercise 练习让步从句 274

方式、比较从句 276

14.4 Clauses of manner and comparison 276

14.4.1 With as…as 含 as…as 的从句 276

b)no matter how/what/which,etc. 276

c)whereas,while,etc. 276

a)even if,even though,etc. 276

Exercise 练习 276

Exercise 练习 277

14.4.2 With than 含 than 的从句 277

b)no more…than,not more…than,less than,etc.Exercise 练习 277

c)not so/as…as 277

b)almost/just/nearly as…as 277

a)as,as if,as though,etc. 277

15.4 Colon 冒号 278

a)so much/a lot/more than 279

14.4.3 The+comparative…,the+comparative 279

b)no more…than,not more…than,less than,etc.Exercise 练习sentence pattern The+比较级…the+比较级… 句型 279

Exercise 练习 280

14.4.4 Idiomatic constructions 某些惯用结构…much of a,as much of a,less of a,etc 280

15.1.2 Unreal condition 非真实条件句 282

15.1.1 Real condition 真实条件句 282

15.1 Two kinds of conditions 两种条件句 282

15.Conditional Sentence 条件句 282

Exercise 练习 282

Exercise 1 练习一 285

Exercise 2 练习二 285

15.2 Mixed types 多种类型混杂使用的条件句 285

15.3 Of mixed time 多种时态混杂使用的条件句 286

Exercise 1 练习一 289

Exercise 2 练习二 289

15.4 Omissionof if if 的省略 289

Exercise 练习 291

15.5 It replaced by but for,provided that, 291

supposing,without,etc. 291

But for,provided that,supposing,without等代替 if 291

and,both…and,not only…but(also),as wellas,either…or,neither…nor,whether…or,not…but,for.Exercise 练习 293

1.2 Coordinators 并列连接词 293

1.Coo rdination 并列 293

Part Three 第三部分 293

1.1 Linking together single words,phrases,clausesand sentences 连接单词、短语、从句和句子 293

Exercise 练习 293

2.Clau se with Introductory It 294

and,both…and,not only…but(also),as wellas,either…or,neither…nor,whether…or,not…but,for.Exercise 练习带引导词 It 的从句 294

2.1 Anticipatory it as subject or object 引导词it 作主语或宾语 294

Exercise 练习 295

2.2 It in cleft-sentence 在分裂句中的 it 295

Exercise 练习 298

3.There Be There Be 结构 298

3.1 There be 298

Exercise 练习 300

3.2 There be+noun+adjective 300

There be+名词+形容词 300

4.As As 的用法 303

Exercise 2 练习二 303

Exercise 1 练习一 303

4.1 used as conjunction 用作连接词 303

4.1.1 of time 时间连接词 303

4.1.2 of reason 原因连接词 303

There be+名词+不定式 303

There be+名词+形容词从句 303

There be+noun+adjective clause 303

There be+noun+infinitive 303

There be+名词+ -ed 分词 303

There be+noun+ -ed form 303

There be+名词+ -ing形式 303

There be+noun+ -ing form 303

4.1.3 in comparison 比较连接词 304

4.1.4 introducing clause of manner 304

引导方式从句 304

4.1.5 introducing clause of concession 305

引导让步从句 305

Exercise 1 练习一 307

Exercise 2 练习二 307

4.2 used as relative pronoun 用作关系代词 307

4.4 used as adverb 用作副词 308

4.3 used as preposition 用作介词 308

Exercise 练习 308

Exercise 练习 308

Exercise 练习 309

4.5 As-phrase 含 as 的短语 309

Exercise 练习 311

5.Negation 否定 311

5.1 Prefix and suffix 前缀和后缀表示否定 314

Exercise 练习 315

5.2 Adverb 副词表示否定 315

Exercise 练习 318

5.3 Position of not not 的位置 318

Exercise 练习 319

5.4 Preposition 介词表示否定 319

Exercise 练习 320

5.5 Phrase 短语表示否定 320

Exercise 练习 321

5.6 Partial negation 部分否定 321

6.3 -ing form and infinitive 324

6.2 Adjective 形容词作插入语 324

-ing 形式及不定式作插入语 324

5.7 Double negation 双重否定 324

6.1 Adverb 副词作插入语 324

6. Parenthesis 插入语 324

Exercise 练习 324

Exercise 练习 324

6.4 Prepositional phrase 介词短语作插入语 325

6.5 Clause 从句作插入语 325

Exercise 1 练习一 327

Exercise 2 练习二 327

7.Inversion 倒装 327

7.1 Sentences beginning with neither,nor,so,etc.以neither,nor,so等开头的句子 327

7.2 Sentences beginning with negative adverbexpressions 以否定副词短语开头的句子 327

7.3 Sentences beginning with adverbs of positionand direction 以表示位置、方向的副词开头的句子 327

7.4 Sentences beginning with fronted predicative以表语开头的句子 328

7.5 Sentences beginning with“only+adverb”,etc.以only+adverb 等开头的句子 328

用单词或短语表示强调 329

Exercise 练习 329

8.Emphasis 强调 329

8.1 By single words or phrases 329

8.3 By inversion or repetition 330

用倒装或重复表示强调 330

8.2 By reflexive pronouns,auxiliary verb do oremphatic it 用反身代词、助动词do、强调意义的 it 来表示强调 330

Exercise 练习 331

9.Omission 省略 331

9.1 Through coordination 并列句的省略 331

Exercise 练习 332

9.2 In clauses introduced by 由下列(连接语)引导的从句的省略 332

a)when,while,once,where,if,unless, 334

though,as,etc. 334

b)whatever+noun,whether…or not,etc. 334

Exercise 练习 334

10.Separation 分隔 334

10.1 Of adjective clause from its antecedent定语从句与它的先行词分隔 334

10.2 Of-ing form or-ed participle from 335

the noun it modifies -ing 形式或 -ed分词与所修饰的名词分隔 335

10.3 Of appositive(clause)from its antecedent同位语(从句)与它的先行词分隔 336

12.1 Transformation from simple sentences intocompound and compound sentences intosimple 简单句转换为并列句以及并列句转换为简单句 337

10.4 Of prepositional phrase from adjective/noun介词短语与形容词/名词分隔 337

11.Substitution 替代 339

11.1 Nominal substitution 名词性替代 339

one/ones,the same,that(of),those(of),etc.Exercise 练习 339

Exercise 练习 339

11.2 Verbal substitution 动词性替代 342

do,does,etc. 344

Exercise 练习 344

11.3 Clausal substitution 从句的替代 344

hope so,think so,if so,etc. 347

12.Transformation of Sentences 句子转换 347

Exercise 练习 347

Exercise 1 练习一 351

Exercise 2 练习二 351

1 2.2 Transformation from simple sentences intocomplex and from complex sentences intosimple 简单句转换为复合句以及复合句转换为简单句 351

12.3 Transformation from compound sentencesinto complex and from complex sentencesinto compound 并列句转换为复合句以及复合句转换为并列句 355

Exercise 2 练习二 355

Exercise 1 练习一 355

Exercise 1 练习一 360

Exercise 2 练习二 360

13.Word Formation 构词法 360

13.1 Roots 词根 360

Exercise 练习 361

13.2 Affixation;prefixation and suffixation词缀法:前缀与后缀 361

Exercise 练习 364

13.3 Conversion;noun-verb,adjective-verb 364

转化:名词—动词;形容词—动词 364

Exercise 练习 365

13.4 Compounding: noun compounds,adjectivecompounds and verb compounds复合:复合名词、复合形容词、复合动词 365

Exercise 1 练习一 369

Exercise 2 练习二 369

14.Abbreviation 缩略法 369

14.1 Acronym 首字母缩略词 369

14.2 Clipping 缩短词 370

TV,radar,etc. 370

phone,ad,etc. 371

14.3 Blends 缩合词 371

smog,motel,etc. 372

Exercise 练习 372

15.Punctuation 标点符号 372

15.1 Full stop or Period 句号 373

15.2 Comma 逗号 373

15.3 Semicolon 分号 377

15.5 Question mark 问号 379

Exercise 1 练习一 382

Exercise 2 练习二 382

Appendixes 附录 382

I.Key to exercises 练习答案 382

Ⅱ.Bibliography 参考书目 446

Ⅲ.Grammatical terms and new words 447

语法术语和生词表 447
