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哈维的心脏  血液循环的发现
哈维的心脏  血液循环的发现

哈维的心脏 血液循环的发现PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)Andrew Gregory著
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7562427305
  • 页数:183 页
《哈维的心脏 血液循环的发现》目录

Acknowledgements 1

Dedication 1

Introduction 1

1 The Background to Harvey s Discovery 11

Galen 14

Galen on the Heart and Blood 17

Harvey 28

The Renaissance 31

Vesalius 34

Fabricius 39

Renaissance Art 42

Renaissance Art and Anatomy 44

2 Harvey s Discovery of the Circulation 56

De Motu Cordis 64

The Circulation 66

The Venous Valves 70

The Ligature Experiments 72

The Flow-Rate Experiment 79

The Motion of the Heart 84

The Pulse and the Heart Valves 88

3 The Nature of Harvey s Discovery 95

The Scientific Revolution 97

Harvey and Aristotle 105

Harvey and Quantification 107

Harvey and Mechanical Models 111

Harvey and the Natural Magic Tradition 114

Harvey and Witchcraft 127

Harvey and the Scientific Revolution 131

4 The Reception of Harvey s Discovery 135

Opposition to Harvey 140

The Theory of Ebullition 144

What is Actually Seen? 147

Other Objections 150

The Dispute with Descartes 159

Harvey s Later Work 165

Conclusion 170

Further Reading 176

Glossary 179
