大学英语 阅读 第2册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:复旦大学外文系《大学英语》编写组编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7309000579
- 页数:391 页
I. Texts 3
1. Hamlet 3
2. Dr.Samuel Johnson 10
3. The Telephone and its Inventor 17
4.Walking in Space 23
5.A Young Boy Saves the Declaration of Independence 30
6.Toledo:A Problem of Menus 36
7.The Father 45
8.White—collar Girl 53
9.The Language of Advertising 58
10.Politeness in Britain 64
11.Issac Asimov:Science Fiction Writer 72
12.America on Wheels 81
13.What Is a Great Book? 87
14.Planned Cities 95
15.Kino's SPlit Knuckles 100
16.Learning Idioms 107
17.The Piece of String 115
18.The Night Kate Shelley Saved the EXPress 124
19.The Gift of Understanding 131
20.Colour Magazines 139
Ⅱ.Home Reading 147
1.Flying over the North Pole(I) 147
2.Flying overNorth Pole(II) 153
3.Telling the Time 159
4.The Death of a City 164
5.On the Crocodile's Back 170
6.Going Home 175
7.In a Whirlpool 180
8.A Writer Who Understood Boys 185
9.Benjamin Banneker:Surveyor 190
10.John Steinbeck:Wrter 198
11.Martin Luther King,Jr:Civil Rights Leader 205
12.Prescriptions of a Small—Town Druggist 213
13.The Fall of the House of Usher 219
14.Christmas 223
15.Religion and Beliefs 230
16.Character and Manners 240
17.Why an Amy? 247
18.The Renaissance(I) 256
19.The Renaissance(II) 265
20.Noise 278
Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension Exercise 291
1.An Accident 291
2.Mary and the GOat 296
3.Rabies 301
4.Underdeveloped People 306
5.The Control of Population 311
6.A Tall Story 317
7.Movies 322
8.Train Crash 327
9.The Pros of Advertisement 332
10.Flor de Mar 337
11.Man and Insects 342
12.Related Talents 347
13.Quarantine 352
14.Fear for Company 357
15.Father and Son 362
16.About 28g of Common Sense 367
17.Why Don't We Teach European History? 372
18.The Teenagers' Mother 377
19.Two Kinds of Readers 382
20.TO GO or Not to Go 386
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