大学英语 阅读 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:复旦大学外文系《大学英语》编写组编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:1986
- ISBN:9235·014
- 页数:285 页
Ⅰ.Texts 3
1.A lifetime of Happiness 3
2.But He Looked So Young 8
3.Salt 13
4.Paper 18
5.Mind Over Cancer 23
6.Alfred the Great 29
7.Mistaken Identity 35
8.A Life Sentence 40
9.Insects 46
10.Doctor in the House 52
11.A T.V.Newscaster 58
12.The Wizard of Menlo Park 63
13.What is Psychology? 69
14.A Young Sculptor 75
15.Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen 81
16.Chaucer's Canterbury Tales 87
17.Pity for a Stranger 94
18.The Goid Coin 100
19.The Breadwinner 106
20.A Day's Wait 113
Ⅱ.Home Reading 123
1.Hans Christian Andersen's Own Story(Ⅰ) 123
2.Hans Christian Andersen's Own Story(Ⅱ) 128
3.The Treasure of Robert Louis Stevenson(Ⅰ) 133
4.The Treasure of Robert Louis Stevenson(Ⅱ)………5.Gulliver's Travels 145
6.Christmas Day 149
7.How Do the Movies Do It? 153
8.Learning by Doing 156
9.What People Don't Know about Air 159
10.The Moon 162
11.A look at the Future 166
12.The Best Club in the World? 169
13.In Danger 173
14.An Irish Wedding 176
16.The English Language Yesterday and Today 183
15.Schweitzer 185
17.The Voices of Time 186
18.The Painful Truth 191
19.Two Generals 195
20.When Medicine Was Magic 200
Ⅱ.Fast Reading 209
1.Am I a Fool? 209
2 My Hobby 212
3.Wild Pigs 216
4.Guilty or not? 220
5.Who Smokes? 224
6.Sesame Streets 228
7.It's a Small World 232
8.The Champion 236
9.The Graying of America 240
10.Superstitions 244
11.Coming Home 248
12.What is Your Name? 251
13.Gold is the Devil 255
14.Hints for Reading Practice 259
15.At the Film Studio 263
16.Lunic ill 266
17.The Olympic Games 270
18.At the Funfair 274
19.The Archaeologists'Paradise 278
20.On Buying Books 282
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