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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:西安交通大学外语教研室编
  • 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
  • 出版年份:1979
  • ISBN:9017·848
  • 页数:220 页

1. Scope of Mechanics(力学的范围) 1

2. Translation and Rotation(平移和转动) 4

3. The Wheel and Axle(轮和轴) 6

4. The Lever(杠杆) 10

5. The Inclined Plane(斜面) 14

6. The Wedge(楔) 17

7. Screws(螺钉) 20

8. Pulleys(滑轮) 23

9. Velocity(速度) 27

10. Motion(运动) 30

11. Newton s Laws of Motion(牛顿运动定律) 36

12. Force(力) 42

13. Does Air Have Weight?(空气有重量吗?) 47

14. Inertia(惯性) 50

15. Something about Friction(谈谈摩擦) 56

16. Elasticity(弹性) 61

17. Equilibrium(平衡) 65

18. Gravitation(引力) 71

19. Center of Gravity(重心) 76

20. Energy and Its Forms(能量及其形式) 80

21. Conservation and Transformation of Energy(能量守恒和转换) 84

22. Potential and Kinetic Energy(位能和动能) 86

23. Work(功) 90

24. Power(功率) 94

25. Machines(机器) 98

26. Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency(机械利益和机械效率) 104

27. Change of State(物态变化) 108

28. Heat(热) 111

29. Heat and Temperature(热量和温度) 115

30. Conduction of Heat(热传导) 117

31. Convection(对流) 119

32. Radiation(辐射) 122

33. The Reciprocating Steam Engine and the Steam Turbine(往复式蒸汽机和蒸汽透平) 124

34. Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines(往复式内燃机) 128

35. Light and Illumination(光和照明) 132

36. Sound(声音) 136

37. The Atom and Its Nucleus(原子和原子核) 141

38. Nuclear Power Plants(原子能发电站) 146

39. Electrical Energy(电能) 150

40. The Sun(太阳) 154

参考译文 157

词汇、习语总表 190
