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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)巴巴拉·凯因斯(Baibara K. Gaines)著;李韦臻译
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7500108559
  • 页数:223 页

前言 1

1 Having a Ball欢度时光 1

2 Footing the Bill付账 3

3 Making Ends Meet平衡收支 5

4 Raking It In大捞一笔(发横财) 7

5 Caught Short缺钱 9

6 An Arm and a Leg非常昂贵 11

7 A Nest Egg私房钱 13

8 Falling Bhind无法持续 15

9 When the Chips Are Down最糟糕的状况 17

10 Keeping One s Head Above Water平安度过 19

11 One for the Books无法预期 21

12 An Eager Beaver工作狂 23

13 Bringing Home the Bacon养家活口 25

14 On a Shoestring一点点钱 27

15 A Pep Talk激励 29

16 In Seventh Heaven非常快乐 31

17 A Brainstorm奇思妙想 33

18 The Cream of the Crop顶尖 35

19 Pulling Strings背后操作 37

20 In the Swing of Things适应 39

21 A Hustler骗钱高手 41

22 High Off the Hog舒适的生活 43

23 Getting down to Brass Tacks切入问题核心 45

24 Straight from the Horse s Mouth当面得知 47

25 Coming Through with Flying Colors得心应手 49

26 The Black Sheep麻烦分子、害群之马 51

27 In a Jam陷入困境 53

28 On the Go不停奔走 55

29 Raising Cain引起骚动 57

30 Behind the 8-Ball麻烦大了 59

31 Jack-Of-All-Trades多才多艺 61

32 Out on a Limb身陷险境 63

33 Twiddling One s Thumbs无所事事 65

34 Play it by Ear见机行事 67

35 Off the Top of One s Head顺其自然 69

36 The Rat Race无休止的竞争 71

37 Keyed Up紧张的 73

38 Pounding the Pavement找工作 75

39 A Hard Nut to Crack棘手的事 77

40 Back to the Drawing Board重来一次 79

41 Passing the Buck推卸责任 81

42 A Song and Dance借口 83

43 The Apple of One s Eye掌上明珠 85

44 Keeping in Touch保持联络 87

45 Hitting It Off相处融洽 89

46 A Chip off the Old Block有其父必有其子 91

47 Seeing Eye to Eye意见相同 93

48 On the Rocks前行无路 95

49 An Old Flame昔日的恋人 97

50 A Wet Blanket扫兴的人 99

51 A Knockout大美女 101

52 A Sourpuss难缠的人 103

53 A Lemon次品 105

54 High and Low到处 107

55 The Boob Tube电视机 109

56 Sprucing Up打扮整齐 111

57 A Pad房间 113

58 Hitting the Bottle饮酒 115

59 In the Same Boat处境相同 117

60 A Pill讨厌的家伙 119

61 Dishing it Out批评 121

62 Settling the Score报复 123

63 The Last Straw忍耐的极限 125

64 A Kick in the Pants拒绝 127

65 A Bum Ticker虚弱的心脏 129

66 Turning the Tables形势逆转 131

67 Mudslinging中伤 133

68 A Road Hog公路霸王 135

69 A Blabbermouth饶舌 137

70 A Bookworm书虫 139

71 Use Your Noodle动脑筋 141

72 Putting Yourself Out任劳任怨 143

73 The Lowdown真相、真情 145

74 A Heart-to-Heart Talk谈心 147

75 Wishy-Washy摇摆不定 149

76 Going to Pieces失去控制 151

77 Hold Your Horses耐心等候 153

78 Through the Grapevine传闻 155

79 On the Q.T.机密 157

80 A Quack庸医 159

替换练习答案 161

词汇索引 173
