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OCP Building Internet Applications Ⅰ& Ⅱ考试指南 英文版
OCP Building Internet Applications Ⅰ& Ⅱ考试指南 英文版

OCP Building Internet Applications Ⅰ& Ⅱ考试指南 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)Christopher Allen著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7111111176
  • 页数:412 页
《OCP Building Internet Applications Ⅰ& Ⅱ考试指南 英文版》目录

Preparing for OCP Exam 3:Build Internet Applications 1 3

1 Introduction to Oracle Forms 6i 3

Overview of the Oracle Forms 6i Package 4

Features and Benefits of Using Oracle Forms 6i 4

Component Groups in Oracle Forms 6i 6

Introduction to Oracle Forms 6i Builder Tools 7

Builder Tools for Project Management 8

Builder Tools for Front-End Development 8

Builder Tools for Back-End Development 9

Chaptet Summary 13

Two-Minute Drill 15

Chapter Questions 16

Answers to Chapter Questions 21

2 Form Builder 25

Working in the Form Builder Environment 26

Identifying the Main Form Buildre Executables 27

Identifying the Main Components of Form Builder 28

Identifying the Main Objects in a Form Module 29

Creating Basic Form Modules 31

Creating a Form Module 32

Using the Data Block Wizard to Create and Modify Data Blocks 33

Creating and Modifying Layouts Using the Layout Wizard 38

Saving Compiling and Running a Form Module 44

Form Builder File Formats and Their Characteristics 46

Creating Data Blocks with Relationships 48

Running a Master/Detail Form Module 51

Running a Form Builder Application 51

Understanding the Runtime Environment 52

Navigating a Form Builder Application 54

Understanding the Two Modes of Forms Runtime Operation 57

Retrieving Data into a Form Builder Application 58

Inserting Updating and Deleting Records 61

Displaying Database Errors Using the Help Facility 62

Chaptet Summary 64

Two-Minute Drill 65

Chapter Questions 67

Answers to Chapter Questions 72

3 Forms Desing Ⅰ 75

Working with Data Blocks and Frames 76

Property Palette Components 77

Manipulating Properties 80

Controlling the Behavior of Data Blocks 81

Controlling Frame Properties 83

Creating Blocks That Do Not Correspond to a Database Object 84

Deleting Data Blocks and Their Components 85

Working with Text Items 87

Introduction to Text Items 88

Modifing a Text ltem s Appearance 88

Controlling the Data in a Text ltem 89

Modifying the Navigational Behavior of a Text ltem 91

Enhancing the Relationship Between the Text ltem and a Database 92

Modifying the Functionality of a Text ltem 92

Including Help Messages in Your Applications 93

Creating LOVs and Editors 95

Introduction to LOVs and Editors 96

Creating LOVs 100

Creating Editors 104

Chapter Summary 106

Two-Minute Drill 109

Chapter Questions 112

Answers to Chapter Questions 121

4 Forms Design 11 127

Creating Additional Input ltems 128

Introdction to ltem Types that Allow Input 128

Creating a Check Box 130

Creating a List Item 132

Creating a Radio Group 133

Creating Noninput Items 137

Introduction to Item Types that Do Not Allow Input 138

Creating an Image Item 139

Creating a Display Item 139

Creating a Sound Item 144

Creating a Button 147

Creating a Calculated Field 149

Creating Windows and Content Canvases 150

Introduction to Windows and Content Canvases 150

Window and Content Canvases Properties 151

Displaying a Form Module in Multiple Windows 154

Working with Other Canvases 154

Introduction to Canvas Types 155

Creating an Overlay Effect Using Stacked Canvases 156

Creating a Toolbar 158

Creating a Tabbed Interface 159

Chapter Summary 163

Two-Minute Drill 165

Chapter Questions 168

Answers to Chapter Questions 173

5 Working with Triggers 175

Introduction to form Triggers 176

Definition of a Trigger 176

Form Trigger Categories 177

Form Trigger Types and Scope 178

Form Trigger Properties 178

How to Produce Triggers 178

Writing Trigger Code 180

Understanding the Use of Built-In Subprograms 181

Introduction to the When-Window-Closed Trigger 184

Supplementing the Functionality of Input Items 186

Addign Functionality to Form Items 186

Supplementign the Functionality of Noninput Items 187

Using Query Triggers 189

Data Block Query Process and Triggers 189

Writing Triggers That Screen Query Conditions 191

Writing Triggers to Supplement Query Results 194

Debugging Triggers 195

Running a Form Module in Debug Mode 195

Understanding the Components of the Debugger 197

Debugging PL/SQL Code 199

Chapter Summary 201

TWO-Minute Drill 203

Chapter Questions 206

Answers to Chapter Questions 210

6 Forms Processing 213

Forms Runtime Messages and Alerts 214

Introduction to the Default Messaging 215

Handling Errors Using Built-In Subprograms 216

Controlling System Messages 218

Creating and Controlling Alerts 219

Data Validation 222

Effects of Validation Unit on a form 222

Introduction to Form Builder Validation Properties 223

Controlling Validation Using Triggers 223

Navigation 225

Internal versus External Navigation 225

Using Navigation Triggers 226

Transaction Processing 229

Introdction to Built-Ins That Cause Navigation 229

Commit Processing Transaction Processing and Triggers 231

Allocating Automatic Sequence Numbers to Records 237

Implementing Array DML 239

Chapter Summary 240

Two-Minute Drill 242

Chapter Questions 244

Answers to Chapter Questions 247

7 Forms Programming 249

Writing Flexible Code 250

Flesible Code and System Variables 250

Built-In Subprograms that Assist Flexible Coding 254

Writing Code to Reference Objects by Internal ID 257

Writing Code to Reference Objects Indirectly 259

Inheriting Properties from Property Classer 260

Sharing Objects and Code 260

Grouping Related Objects for Reuse 263

Reusing Objects from an Object Library 264

Reusing PL/SQL code 265

Managing Multipe-Form Applications 266

Defining Multiple-Form Functionality 266

Calling One Form from Another 267

Chapter Summary 272

Two-Minute Drill 274

Chapter Questions 276

Answer to Chapter Questions 280

Preparing for OCP Exam 4:Build Internet Applications Ⅱ 285

8 Working with Menu Modules 285

Menu Components 286

Creating Menu Modules 286

Creating Saving and Attaching Menu Modules 288

Setting Menu Properties Using the Property Palette 292

Creating Menu Toolbars 292

Creating Pop-up Menus 295

Managing Menu Modules 296

Controlling the Menu Programmatically 297

Customizing Menu Modules with Substitution Parameters 298

Implementing Menu Security 299

Chapter Summary 300

Two-Minute Drill 303

Chapter Questions 305

Answers to Chapter Questions 309

9 Advanced Forms Programming 1 311

Redefining Function Keys 312

Programming Function Keys 312

Determining When Key Triggers Should Be Used 313

Responding to Mouse Events 315

Introduction to Mouse Events 315

Causing a Form Module to Respond to Mouse Movement 317

Causing a Form Module to Respond to Mouse Button Actions 318

Controlling Windows and Canvases Programmatically 319

Creating Trigger Code to Interact with Windows 319

Controlling Windows Programmatically 319

Controlling Canvases 321

Controlling Data Block Relationships 321

Definition of Block Coordination 322

Creating and Block Coordination 322

Characteristics of Relation-Handling Code 325

Implementing a Coordination-Type Toggle 331

Chapter Summary 332

Two-Minute Drill 334

Chapter Questions 337

Answers to Chapter Questions 341

10 Advanced Forms Programmign 343

Building Multiple-Form Applications 344

Different Ways to Invoke Forms 344

Building Robust Multiple-Form Transactions 346

Passing Data Between Forms Using Parameter Lists 348

Defining Data Sources 350

Introduction to Diverse Data Source Types 351

Selecting Appropriate Data Sources for Data Blocks 352

Working with Record Groups 355

Creating Record Groups at Design Time 356

Creating and Modifying Record Groups Programmatically 357

Building Dynamic List ltems by Using Record Groups 359

Using a Globab Record Group to Communicate Between Forms 360

Chapter Summary 362

Two-Minute Drill 364

Chapter Questions 366

Answers to Chapter Questions 370

11 Advanced Forms ProgrammingⅢ 373

Including Charts in Forms 374

Using the Chart Wizard Embed Charts in a Form 374

Applying Timers to Form Objects 377

Creating a Timer 377

Deleting a Timer 380

Modifying a Timer 381

Utilizing Reusable Components 382

Introduction to the Reusable Components 382

Using the Calendar Class in an Application 384

Using Server Features in Form Builder 384

Introduction to Oracle Server Features in Form Builder 385

Partitioning PL/SQL Program Units 385

Recognizing the PL/SQL8 Features Supported in Forms 6i 386

Handling Errors Raised by the Oracle Server 388

Performing DDL Commands 389

Chapter Summary 390

Two-Minute Drill 392

Chapter Questions 394

Answers to Chapter Questions 399

Indes 403
