- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曹敏杰,马静波编著
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:756112175X
- 页数:198 页
Chapter 1 Invitation 邀请篇 1
Ⅰ Inviting Somebody by Phone Call 电话邀请 2
Ⅱ Inviting Somebody to Have Dinner 赴宴邀请 3
Ⅲ Thanking Someone for an Invitation 谢谢邀请 6
Ⅳ Inviting Somebody to an Engagement Party 婚宴邀请 8
Ⅴ Inviting Somebody for a Fun Day/Night Out 游玩邀请 10
Chapter 2 Gathering 聚会篇 13
Ⅰ Inviting Somebody to a Party 邀请聚会 14
Ⅱ Organizing a Party 组织聚会 15
Ⅲ Birthday Parties 生日聚会 17
Ⅳ Surfing the Net Together 聚会上网 18
Ⅴ The Post-Paty Feeling 聚会感受 20
Chapter 3 Friendship 友情篇 23
Ⅰ The Secret to Making Friends 交友诀窍 24
Ⅱ Bumping into an Old Friend 老友重逢 26
Ⅲ Gossiping 关注朋友 27
Ⅳ Friends’Health 朋友健康 29
Ⅴ Remembering Past Friends 回忆老友 30
Chapter 4 Relatives and Friends 亲情篇 33
Ⅰ Maternal Worries 来自母亲的担忧 34
Ⅱ Children’s Mental Health 孩子的心理健康 36
Ⅲ Brotherly Affection 兄弟之情 38
Ⅳ Sisterly Affection 姊妹之情 39
Ⅴ The Death of Grandmother 祖母的丧事 41
Chapter 5 Festivals 节日篇 43
Ⅰ Celebrating the New Year 庆祝新年 44
Ⅱ Celebrating Thanksgiving 庆祝感恩节 46
Ⅲ Valentine’s Day 情人节 48
Ⅳ Movie Festivals 电影节 49
Ⅴ Presents for Festivals 节日礼物 51
Chapter 6 Problems 问题篇 53
Ⅰ The Generation Gap 代沟 54
Ⅱ Under Terrible Strain 工作压力 55
Ⅲ Problems with Mothers 妈妈的问题 57
Ⅳ Problems with Mothers-in-law 婆婆的问题 58
Ⅴ Minor Problems with Classmates 同学的小毛病 60
Chapter 7 Love 爱情篇 63
Ⅰ Love Advice 恋爱专家 64
Ⅱ Breaking up 分手 66
Ⅲ Beth’s Boyfriend 拜斯的男朋友 68
Ⅳ The relationship between Husband and Wife 夫妻关系 69
Ⅴ Jealousy 嫉妒 71
Chapter 8 Showing Care and Love 关爱篇 73
Ⅰ Neighborly Love 邻里之情 74
Ⅱ Safegurarding Public Facilities 维护公共利益 75
Ⅲ Growing up 成长 77
Ⅳ Friends’Concern 朋友的爱 78
Ⅴ Teachers’Encouragement 来自老师的关怀 80
Chapter 9 Dining 宴会篇 83
Ⅰ Having Dinner with a Professor(Ⅰ) 到教授家作客(1) 84
Ⅱ Having Dinner with a Professor(Ⅱ) 到教授家作客(2) 85
Ⅲ Sampling Japanese Sake 品尝日本酒 87
Ⅳ Sampling Japanese Food 品尝日本菜 89
Ⅴ Having a Celebratory Dinner 庆祝宴会 90
Chapter 10 Help 帮助篇 93
Ⅰ Help for Job Hunting 求职帮助 94
Ⅱ Help for Studies 学习帮助 96
Ⅲ Asking the Doctor for Help 求医帮助 99
Ⅳ Help for Repairing Cars 修车帮助 101
Ⅴ Help for Buying Books 购书帮助 103
Chapter 11 Etiquette 礼仪篇 105
Ⅰ Saying Goodbye 告别礼仪 106
Ⅱ Having Dinner 就餐礼仪 108
Ⅲ Introductions 介绍礼仪 110
Ⅳ Making an Apology 道歉礼仪 112
Ⅴ Making an Appointment 约会礼仪 114
Chapter 12 Weddings 婚礼篇 117
Ⅰ Proposing 求婚 118
Ⅱ Planning for a Wedding 筹备婚礼 120
Ⅲ Wedding Ceremonies 举行婚礼 122
Ⅳ Marriage Congratulations 祝贺婚礼 124
Ⅴ Discussing a Wedding 谈论婚礼 126
Chapter 13 Gifts 赠礼篇 129
Ⅰ Birthday Gifts 生日赠礼 130
Ⅱ About Gifts 谈论赠礼 132
Ⅲ Ordering Gifts 预定赠礼 135
Ⅳ Gifts for the Wife or Husband 夫妻赠礼 137
Ⅴ Shopping for Souvenirs 选购赠礼 139
Chapter 14 Thanks 感谢篇 143
Ⅰ Thanking the Teacher 感谢老师 144
Ⅱ Saying Thanks for Dinner 感谢款待 146
Ⅲ Thanking Someone for Their Help 感谢帮助 148
Ⅳ Thanking Someone for Lending Books 感谢借书 150
Ⅴ Thanking Someone for an Invitation 感谢邀请 152
Chapter 15 Offering Congratulations 祝贺篇 155
Ⅰ Offering Congratulations on Winning a Prize 祝贺获奖 156
Ⅱ Offering Congratulations on a Promotion 祝贺升职 158
Ⅲ Offering Congratulations on Having a Baby 祝贺得子 160
Ⅳ Offering Congratulations on Someone’s Birthday 祝贺生日 161
Ⅴ Offering Congratulations on Someone’s Wedding Anniversary 祝贺纪念日 163
Chapter 16 Chitchat 闲谈篇 165
Ⅰ Talking about Studies 谈学习 166
Ⅱ Computers 谈电脑 168
Ⅲ Hobbies 谈爱好 170
Ⅳ Trips 谈旅行 172
Ⅴ Family Members 谈家人 174
Chapter 17 Complaints 抱怨篇 177
Ⅰ Complaints about Life 抱怨生活 178
Ⅱ Complaints about Work 抱怨工作 180
Ⅲ Complaints about the Weather 抱怨天气 182
Ⅳ Complaints at a Shop 抱怨商品 184
Ⅴ Complaints about Service 抱怨服务 186
Chapter 18 Welcome and Seeing off 迎送篇 189
Ⅰ Meeting a Friend Somewhere 迎接朋友 190
Ⅱ Meeting a Student 迎接学生 192
Ⅲ Meeting a Guest 迎接客人 194
Ⅳ Seeing a Friend off 送朋友 196
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