- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李文娟编
- 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787560941929
- 页数:133 页
1 Basic Concepts of Electric Circuits 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Charge and Current 2
1.3 Voltage 3
1.4 Power and Energy 3
1.5 Summary 5
2 Basic Laws of Electric Circuit 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Ohm's Law 7
2.3 Kirchhoff's Laws 10
2.4 Series Resistors and Voltage Division 10
2.5 Parallel Resistors and Current Division 11
2.6 Summary 12
3 Capacitors and Inductors 15
3.1 Introduction 15
3.2 Capacitors 15
3.3 Inductors 18
3.4 Summary 20
4 Electronic System 23
4.1 Introduction 23
4.2 Electronic System Block Diagrams 23
4.3 Information Processing Versus Power Electronics 24
4.4 Analog Versus Digital Systems 24
4.5 Conversion of Signals from Analog to Digital Form 25
4.6 Relative Advantages of Analog and Digital Systems 26
5 Operational Amplifiers 30
5.1 Introduction 30
5.2 Operational Amplifiers 30
5.3 Ideal op-amp 32
5.4 Inverthng Amplifier 33
5.5 Noninverting Amplifier 34
5.6 Summary 35
6 Digital Logic Circuits 37
6.1 Basic Concepts 37
6.1.1 Logic Variables and Digital Words 37
6.1.2 The AND Gate 37
6.1.3 The Logic Inverter 38
6.1.4 The OR Gate 38
6.1.5 Boolean Algebra 38
6.1.6 NAND,NOR,and XOR Gates 38
6.1.7 Logical Sufficiency of NAND Gates and of NOR Gates 39
6.2 Electrical Specifications for Logic Gates 40
6.2.1 Logic Ranges 40
6.2.2 Positive Versus Negative Logic 40
6.2.3 Input and Output Currents 40
7 Transformer 43
7.1 Introduction 43
7.2 Construction of Transformer 44
7.3 The Ideal Transformer 45
科技英语学习要点(一) 50
8 Electrical Machines 55
8.1 A Brief Overview 55
8.2 Induction Machines 56
8.2.1 Introduction 56
8.2.2 Induced Voltages 58
8.3 Synchronous Machines 58
8.3.1 Introduction 58
8.3.2 Construction of Synchronous Machines 58
8.4 Direct-Current Machines 59
8.4.1 Introduction 59
8.4.2 Armature Voltage 60
9 Automatic Control Systems 64
9.1 Introduction 64
9.2 Block Diagrams and Transfer Functions 64
9.2.1 Block Diagrams 65
9.2.2 Transfer Functions 66
9.3 Open-Loop Control 66
9.4 Closed-Loop Control:Feedback 67
9.5 Objectives of a Control System 68
10 Measurement 72
10.1 Introduction 72
10.2 Statistics 72
10.3 Operating Characteristics 73
10.3.1 Measurement 73
10.3.2 Operation 74
l0.4 Static Characteristics 74
10.5 Velocity Measurement 75
10.5.1 Sensing Methods 75
10.5.2 DC Tachometers 76
10.5.3 AC Tachometers 76
10.5.4 Optical Tachometers 76
11 Switching Components 79
11.1 Introduction 79
11.2 Mechanical Switching Components 79
11.2.1 Mechanical Switches 79
11.2.2 Relays 81
11.2.3 Time-Delay Relays 81
11.2.4 Contactors and Motor Starters 82
11.3 Solid-State Components 83
11.3.1 Diodes 83
11.3.2 Transistors 84
11.3.3 Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers 84
11.3.4 Triacs 84
12 Power Semiconductor Switches 88
12.1 Introduction 88
12.2 Thyristors 88
12.3 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors 90
12.4 Gate Turn-Off Thyristors 91
12.5 Insulated Gate BipolarTransistors 92
12.6 Desired Characteristics in Controllable Switches 93
13 Rectifiers and Inverters 96
13.1 Introduction 96
13.2 Basic Rectifier Concepts 97
13.2.1 Pure Resistive Load 97
13.2.2 Inductance Load 97
13.2.3 Load with an Internal DC Voltage 99
13.3 Practical Thyristor Converters 100
13.4 Inverter Mode of Operation 101
14 Basic Knowledge of Power Systems 105
14.1 Introduction 105
14.2 Electrical Energy 105
14.3 Fossil-Fuel Plant 105
14.4 Nuclear Power Plant 106
14.5 Hydroelectric Power Plant 107
14.6 Other Energy Sources 107
14.7 Transmission and Distribution Systems 107
14.8 Faults 108
14.9 System Protection Components 109
科技英语学习要点(二) 113
练习参考答案 121
参考文献 133
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