- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡鑫镛编著
- 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:7561702779
- 页数:419 页
目录 1
第一部分:英语近义介词语义和用法辨析 1
1.about,around,round 1
2.about,after 6
3.about,near 8
4.about,of 9
5.about,on 12
6.about,over 15
7.about,concerning,regarding,respecting 16
8.about,with,by,on 20
9.about,in 21
10.above,over 22
11.above,beyond 27
12.according to,in 30
13.across,along 30
14.across,over 31
15.across,through 35
16.across,beyond 37
17.after,behind 38
18.after,by 41
19.after,for 41
20.after,past 43
21.after,in 44
22.after,since 46
23.against,from 47
24.against,(up)on,to 49
25.against,versus 50
26.against,with 52
27.along,alongside(of),down,up 53
28.alongside,beside,besides 55
29.amid(st),among(st) 56
30.among,in 58
31.among,between 59
32.as,for 61
33.as for,as to 62
34.at,by,in,during 64
35.at,by,for,with 67
36.at,for 73
37.at,in 75
38.at,on 82
39.at,to 88
40.before,ahead of 89
41.before,in front of 92
42.before,ere,previous to,prior to 93
43.before,by,till/until 95
44.behind,at the back of,in(the)back of 98
45.below,under,beneath,underneath 100
46.beside,by,at/by the side of 107
47.besides.except 109
48.beyond,below 110
49.beyond,except 111
50.beyond.past 112
51.but,except,excepting,bar(ring),save,saying,than 113
52.by,in,on 117
53.by,near,on 121
54.by,through 122
55.by,via,through 125
56.by,with 126
57.by,of 135
58.due to,owing to,because of 137
59.during,for 144
60.during,in 149
61.during,under 152
62.except,except for,but for,save for 153
63.following,after 160
64.for,against 161
65.for,in 163
66.for,over 165
67.for,to 167
68.from,by 180
69.from,for,of with,in,by,through 183
70.from.of 189
71.from,of,out of,in,with 194
72.from.out of, 199
73.in.into 203
74.in.on 208
75.inside(of),in,within,into 219
76.near (to),close to 226
77.next to,after,close to,beside 230
78.notwithstanding,despite,in spite of,for 232
79.of,to 235
80.of,out of 239
81.off from 240
82.on,after 242
83.on,onto 244
84.on,to,in 246
85.on,upon 250
86.opposite(to),against,over against 253
87.out,out of 256
88.out of,of,in 257
89.out of,outside,beyond 258
90.outside,outside of 260
91.through,throughout,over 261
92.till,until 264
93.till/until,to,through 265
95.to,towards 269
94.to,into 269
96.to,with 273
97.under,in 277
98.unto.to 279
99.up,down 279
100.with,in 281
第二部分:英语近义介词的搭配关系辨析 283
A abhorrence—avenge 283
B back—busy 302
C cajole—custody 311
D day—dusk 324
E ease—exult 329
F face—future 335
G gain—guise 341
H haggle—hunt 343
I idea—issue 347
J jealous—judge 354
K keen—know 355
L labour—live 356
M mad—muse 360
N nail—number 364
O object—owe 367
P page—puzzle 371
Q qualify—quick 378
R radio—row 379
S sacrifice—sympathy 386
T talk—turn 397
U uneasy—useful 398
V vexed 399
W weekend—worry 399
索引 401
参考文献 416
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