- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Abdul-Kadum A.Hassan著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7810582755
- 页数:135 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Recent Trends of Microwave Dielectric Measurement Techniques 1
1.2 Overview of Open-Ended Coaxial Probe Theoretical Models Development 7
1.3 Main Contribution of This Thesis 17
1.4 Overview of This Thesis 18
Chapter 2 Finite Difference Time Domain Theory 21
2.1 Introduction 21
2.2 Maxwell s Differential Equations 23
2.3 Media Interface Conditions 29
2.4 Absorbing Boundaries 31
2.5 Applications 37
Chapter 3 FDTD Modeling of Open-Ended Coaxial Probe 38
3.1 Introduction 38
3.2 Formulation of the Problems 39
3.3 Maxwell s Difference Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates 43
3.4 Singularities Handling in Cylindrical Coordinate 48
3.5 2-D Difference Equations for Symmetrical Coaxial probe 52
3.6 Media Interface Conditions and Stability Criteria for 2-D Model 54
3.7 Absorbing Boundaries for Coaxial Models 57
3.8 Reflection Coefficient Extraction in FDTD Method 60
4.1 Introduction 63
Chapter 4 Analysis Of Open-Ended Coaxial Probe With Finite Flange 63
4.2 Validation of FDTD Models 64
4.3 Analysis of the Influence of Finite Dimension of the Flange 67
4.4 Aperture Near Field Distribution 75
4.5 Rules for Design of an Open-Ended Coaxial Probe 81
Chapter5 Analysis of Open-Ended Coaxial Probe for Curved Surfaces Coating Materials Characterization 83
5.1 Introduction 83
5.2 Analysis of the Influence of Convex and Concave Surfaces Materials 84
5.3 The Modified Open-Ended Coaxial Probe 90
5.4 Performance of the Modified Coaxial Probe 99
5.5 Consideration of the Modified Coaxial Probe Design 107
Chapter 6 Experimental Measurements and Results 110
6.1 Introduction 110
6.2 Measurement System 111
6.3 Measurement Techniques 112
6.4 Measurement Results 115
6.5 Main Error Sources in Measurement Using the Modified Coaxial Probe 123
Chapter 7 Conclusions 125
References 129
Acknowledgment 134
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