- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蒋慧主编
- 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7810574469
- 页数:212 页
Unit 1 Basic Knowledge for Shopping 购物常识(1)Asking for Something in a Shop(询问货品) 3
(2)Asking about Prices(问价) 8
(3)Bargaining(杀价) 11
(4)Paying for Goods(付款) 15
Unit 2 At the Foodstuff Department 在食品部(1)Buying Candies and Pastries(买糖果糕点) 21
(2)Buying Fruits(买水果) 25
(3)At the Grocery(买杂货) 30
(4)Buying Cigarettes and Wines(买烟酒) 35
(5)Buying Tea and Beverages(买茶叶饮料) 39
Unit 3 At the Clothing Department 在服装部(1)Buying Shirts and Blouses(买衬衫) 47
(2)Buying Pants(买裤子) 52
(3)Buying a Skirt(买裙子) 56
(4)Buying Sweaters(买毛衣) 61
(5)Buying an Overcoat(买外套) 65
Unit 4 At the Footwear&Hat Department 在鞋袜帽部(1)Buying Shoes(买鞋子) 71
(2)Buying a Hat(买帽子) 76
(3)Buying Scarfs and Gloves(买围巾和手套) 80
(4)Buying Socks and Stockings(买袜子) 84
Unit 5 At the Cloth Department 在布匹部 91
(1)Buying Cotton Clothes(买棉布) 91
(2)Buying Silks and Satins(买丝绸) 95
(3)Buying Wool and Velvet Materials(买呢绒) 99
Unit 6 At the Daily Necessities and Cosmetics Department 在日用化妆品部(1)Buying Daily Necessities(买日用品) 107
(2)Buying Skin-Protection Articles(买护肤产品) 112
(3)Buying Cosmetics(买化妆品) 116
Unit 7 At the Handcrafts and Jewels Department 在工艺首饰品部(1)Buying Handcrafts(买手工艺品) 123
(2)Buying Accessories(买衣着配件) 127
(3)Buying Necklaces and Earrings(买项链、耳环) 131
(4)Buying Bracelets and Rings(买手镯、戒指) 136
Unit 8 At the Household Electric Equipment Department 在家用电器部(1)Buying TV Sets(买电视机) 143
(2)Buying Refrigerators and Washing-Machines(买冰箱、洗衣机) 147
(3)Buying Video and Audio Appliances(买视听器材) 152
(4)Buying Kitchen Electric Devices(买厨房电器) 156
Unit 9 At the Clock,Watch and Glasses Dept.&at the Photographic Articles Dept. 在钟表眼镜和摄影器材部(1)Buying Clocks and Watches(买钟表) 163
(2)Buying Glasses(买眼镜) 167
(3)Buying Photographic Articles(买摄影器材) 171
Unit 10 At the Recreation and Sports Dept. 在休闲用品部(1)Buying Musical Instruments(买乐器) 179
(2)Buying Athletic Articles(买体育用品) 184
(3)Buying Sports Wearings(买体育服饰) 189
Unit 11 At the Office Appliances Department 在办公用品部(1)Buying Stationery(买文具) 197
(2)Buying Copiers(买复印机) 202
(3)Buying Typewriters(买打字机) 205
(4)Buying Computers(买电脑) 209
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